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Tuesday Connect 

 Presbytery of New Covenant News

June 16, 2015
In Our Prayers

RE Kendall Boyd, St, Paul Presbyterian, Houston - Kendall will have cancer surgery Fri., June 19. Kendall is the brother of TE Kevin Boyd, St. Paul Presbyterian, Houston.


Family and friends of RE Diane Parker, First Presbyterian, Conroe - Diane died June 12.


Posy Moore, mother of TE Helen Rose Moore (Member-at-Large) is back in the hospital.


TE Sharon Darden, Pinecrest Presbyterian, Houston - Sharon's niece died June 14.



This week, please pray for the congregations listed here.
  • Shiro Presbyterian, Shiro

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Copy deadline for each week's Tuesday Connect:

 Noon Monday

Send announcements to

Helen Wolf






Presbytery Center

1110 Lovett Blvd.

Houston, TX 77006





Message from Mike Cole

We want you to know that you and your congregations are in our prayers as we prepare for the tropical storm headed our way. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance has already been in touch with us and is prepared to offer assistance if needed. In the Houston area, HIDRA (Houston Interfaith Disaster Response Alliance) is also prepared to offer help. Our presbytery Outreach Committee has established a fund of $5,000 to help congregations also. After the storms of two weeks ago, many of our communities and members are still recovering, so the impact of this storm may be much more than physical damage.  Rest assured that the presbytery staff is ready to help in any way we can.


The Presbytery office will be closed on Tuesday so that all of our employees can remain safely at home. I am available by cell phone any time, 713-906-6464. Please be in touch if you or your members encounter any difficulties in the coming days.

Connections Name Plate 

Newsletter now available!

July/August issue of Connections


Resources available at your fingertips

Do you have a general CE question? Are you looking for a name for a midweek group, wondering about kick-off celebrations, want an honest evaluation, looking for a resource you are considering using? These are the types of questions that pop up every day on the Church Educators page on Facebook.


You will be asked to join the group. Then you simply post your question into the cloud of digital witnesses that are a part of the group. In minutes the answers start coming in. If you are just looking for the growing list of updates but have nothing to personally contribute, comment just that and you should get new notifications when others post. This is crowdsourcing at its best. This is not a denomination specific page. 

Available: Decorations for G-Force

Faith Presbyterian, Baytown, has fabulous decorations for G-Force VBS and would like to share with a church that might need them. The church will be finished with VBS after June 28 and would be glad for someone else to use the decorations. If interested, contact Diana Corder (281-424-7732).

Available: Books!

Earl Shelp, who is moving to Louisville, KY, this month is giving away his library, about 1000 volumes. Four lists summarize books that are available. The books are free, but must be picked up today or tomorrow, June 16 or 17.  If interested, contact Earl at 832-444-1688.

List 1, List 2, List 3, List 4

Survey on Certification of Christian Educators

The Task Group to Study and Report on the Future of the Certification of Christian Educators is seeking responses to a short survey. The task group will be evaluating the certification program and wants to make sure that a number of voices and perspectives are shared and heard.


The task group is now seeking responses from several groups of people involved in or concerned about the certification process or Christian education, including:

- Mid-council leaders (staff and volunteers)

- Congregations (perhaps pastors or clerks of session)

- Christian educators serving congregations (employed and volunteer)

Short Survey 


The deadline for receipt of responses is July 12, 2015.  Questions? Contact Kerry Rice. 

A.R.T. @ Mo

A conference for all ages, A.R.T. @ Mo, will take place July 12-17, at Mo-Ranch (near Hunt TX). Jewelry making, painting, sculpting, worship, the great outdoors, new friends and more! This conference is a spirit-filled week featuring classes and outdoor activities led by professional artists and teachers. Experience art, recreation and theology in the beautiful Texas Hill Country at Mo-Ranch. Register now!


Questions? Contact 800-460-4401, ext. 246.