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Tuesday Connect 

 Presbytery of New Covenant News

January 13, 2015

In Our Prayers


Family and friends of RE Red Olander - Red died Jan. 13. He was chair of Committee on Ministry in New Covenant and a former member of Pines Presbyterian, Houston.  He served as the moderator of Synod of the Sun. A memorial service will be held today, Jan. 20, 3:00 p.m. at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Austin.


Family and friends of RE Mary Jane Goff, St. Andrew's Presbyterian, Houston - Mary Jane died Jan. 14. A memorial service will be held today, Tues., Jan. 20, 1:00 p.m. at St. Andrew's.


RE Russell Holder and family, First Presbyterian, Houston - Russ' wife Dorothy died Jan. 15. A memorial service will be held Sat., Jan. 24, 2:00 p.m. at the church. Russ and Dorothy enjoyed 71 years of marriage. Both have been very active in the church's minidtry.


TE Mark Downs, Member-at-Large - Mark is scheduled for major surgery Wed., Feb. 4.

TE Charlie Hornes and the congregation of Woodlands Community Presbyterian - Charlie was installed Sun., Jan. 11, as Associate Pastor.


RE Edith Stinner, Pines Presbyterian, Houston - Edith fell recently and broke her arm. She is a former member of the presbytery staff.


Family and friends of RE Eleanor Stevens Vaughan, First Presbyterian, Angleton - Eleanor died peacefully in her sleep at age 98. Eleanor actively served the church as elder, deacon, and president of Women of the Church (now Presbyterian Women).


This week, please pray for the congregations listed here:


Quick Links


Serving Snacks

 Homeless Street Ministry


Service of Prayer
for Christian Unity

Jan 23 7:30 p.m. 

Lakewood Church




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 Copy deadline for each week's Tuesday Connect:

 Noon Monday

Send announcements to

Helen Wolf




Presbytery Center

1110 Lovett Blvd.

Houston, TX 77006



Looking for Lenten resources?

Lent is a time for reflecting on our spiritual lives, listening to God's word, and engaging in practices that can deepen our Christian experiences. Here's a link to available resources from the PC(USA) Bookstore. Marking the beginning of Lent, Ash Wednesday is Feb. 18.

Do you live stream your worship services?

What sort of technology are you using? Please email Lynn Hargrove to share information.

Young Adult Mission Day 

On Sat., Jan. 31, 12:00-2:30 p.m., young adults of our presbytery (ages 18 graduated high school to 30ish) are invited to a day of mission and fellowship at Books Between Kids. They will box children's books to be given to at-risk children in Houston ISD so that the children can build their home libraries. To volunteer, email, text, or call, Caressa Murray, Coordinator for Youth Ministry (713-526-2585).    Details

Last call for registrants for Church Officer Enrichment

It's not too late to register for Saturday's events (Jan. 31) at this year's Church Officer Enrichment, although the deadline for signing up for Friday night's dinner has passed. Events will be held at ChristChurch Presbyterian in Bellaire.


Check your options and register today!

20 Reason Why You Should attend!    Conference Details    Registration

Mark these date on your calendars!

2015 copy deadlines for Connections are:

Wed., Feb. 11

Wed., Apr. 8

Wed., June 10

Wed., Aug. 12

Wed., Oct. 14

Wed., Dec. 2

Send reports, articles, and photos about the work and ministry of your church to Helen Wolf.


A link to each issue of Connections is posted in Tuesday Connect as soon as it is available. If you wish to receive a printed copy or if you wish no longer to receive a printed copy of the 12-page Connections, please contact Helen Wolf.

Celebrating the ministry of Victoria Jones
After 36 years of ministry, Rev. Vicky Jones, Memorial Drive Presbyterian, Houston, is retiring from full-time service. On Sun., Jan. 25, at 12:15 p.m. you are invited to a reception and lunch in Fellowship Hall honoring Vicky and her years of ministry. Lunch will be available for purchase ($10 adult entr�e). All are welcome! Please RSVP to 
Gena Kooken.

Music You Love

MDPC's Concert Series celebrates its tenth anniversary with a program showcasing the new nine-foot Concert Grand Piano on Sun., Feb. 8, 3:00 p.m. at Memorial Drive Presbyterian, Houston. Pianist Rob Landes will demonstrate the sounds of the Sanctuary's new Petrof piano with a program of music from the Big Band era, the movies, Broadway, and pop tunes. No charge. Open Seating.

PC(USA) mourns death of Syngman Rhee

Syngman died Jan. 14 in Atlanta. He served as Moderator of the PC(USA) General Assembly in 2000 (the first and only Korean moderator), president of the National Council of Churches, and Associate Director of the PC(USA) Worldwide Ministries Division. "Syngman was a tireless disciple of Jesus Christ," said TE Gradye Parsons, Stated Clerk of the PC(USA) General Assembly. "He traveled from the hopeless landscape of the Korean War to become a global leader in missions. He was a giant of faith with a humble spirit."

Announcements and Condolences    Read more from PC(USA) website

DBSA meetings at St. Luke's

St. Luke's Presbyterian, Houston, is now host to DBSA Greater Houston meetings on Mondays and Saturdays. The mission of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance of Greater Houston is to provide
free and confidential support groups for individuals living with, or family and friends affected by, depression and bipolar disorders.


Attend the meeting or let someone know about these free weekly meetings at St. Luke's on Saturdays from 10-11:30 a.m. and Mondays 7-8:30 p.m. The next meeting is Sat., Jan. 24. 

Information (713-600-1131).

Weekday Ministries Conference 2015

Mark your calendars now for the Weekday Ministries Conference for teachers and directors in church-related weekday early childhood program. Topics range from content areas to guidance issues to growth and development. CEUs are available The conference will be held Mon., Tues., and Wed., Aug. 3, 4, and 5, 2015, at the Houston Marriott Westchase. Registration booklets will be mailed in May. Keynote speakers will be Aug. 3: Dr. Jean Feldman, Aug. 4: Ellen Booth Church, and Wed., Aug. 5: Gigi Schweikert.

Come for dinner!
Learn how you can apply for a grant (around $15,000) from Self-Development of People at a complimentary dinner Thurs., Jan. 22, 6:00 p.m. at Spring Branch Presbyterian. This will be an opportunity to hear about the grant program that can help people improve their lives.  Please RSVP.