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 Presbytery of New Covenant News

February 25, 2014

In Our Prayers 


RE Sandi Bean, First Presbyterian, Huntsville - recovering from double knee surgery and staph infection. Sandi is the sister of Rev. David Fletcher (HR). David and his wife Judy are former co-pastors at Westminster Presbyterian, Houston.


RE Mary Marcotte and family - Mary's father, Charles H. Kilgore, died Feb. 23 at age 90. Memorial services will be held Tues., Mar. 4, in San Antonio. Mary is the Associate General Presbyter of New Covenant Presbytery.


Prayers of reconciliation for the congregation of First Presbyterian, Houston.


Candidate Josh Silva Noah and family - Josh's wife Kelley has begun a 10-day isolation radiation treatment after having surgery for thyroid cancer.



This week, please pray for the congregations listed here:

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Discipleship Thoughts

Fruit is always the miraculous, the created; it is never the result of willing, but always a growth. The fruit of the Spirit is a gift of God, and only He can produce it. They who bear it know as little about it as the tree knows of its fruit. They know only the power of Him on whom their life depends.


Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 

The Cost of Discipleship 

Two representatives from the Hand in Hand School in Jerusalem will visit New Covenant Presbytery this weekend. While here they will meet with rabbis and ministers, make a presentation to the youth at Conclaves this weekend, and attend worship on Sun., Mar. 2, at St. Andrew's Presbyterian, Houston, both the 9:00 and 11:10 services. That afternoon, everyone is invited for dessert and extended conversation at St. Thomas PC, Houston, 14100 Memorial Dr., TX 77079.
Retirement savings seminars
On Thurs., Mar. 6, the Presbytery of New Covenant and the Board of Pensions will host 2 Fidelity Investment seminars to support plan members in their saving for retirement through the Retirement Savings Plan. These workshops, which will be held at the Presbytery Center  are offered at no cost to plan members or churches.

      Preparing Your Savings for Retirement      1:00 - 2:00 p.m.

      Confident Investing in Any Market             2:30 - 3:30 p.m.


All who participate in the benefits plan of the Board of Pensions, treasurers and all those who manage church benefits are encouraged to participate in one or both workshops.


RSVP to Carrie Walker by this Friday, Feb. 28 so that printed materials will be available for all who attend. (713-526-2585, ext. 205)

Season of Lent begins next week

The first day in the 40-day season of Lent, Ash Wednesday, falls this year on Wed, Mar. 5. As the journey to the cross unfolds, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of a season of penitence and confession. Many of our churches will continue the tradition of marking the worshiper with ashes that has long been a part of many denominations' observance of Ash Wednesday.    Resources

Interfaith Ministries Dinner Dialogues hosted by Muslim families
Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston is excited to announce that this year our friends from the Islamic community will partner with us to share their own faith practices for a unique Dinner Dialogue experience, Thurs., March 13. The annual Dinner Dialogue Dinners 

create both educational experiences and safe spaces for Houstonians to develop new friendships. Join together in a small group of diverse individuals in a private home to break bread and discuss faith, beliefs and religious practices. Our uplifting dinners are guided by a facilitator and provide a unique opportunity for participants to learn and make new friends!


Due to the remarkable success of last year, we expect to sell out for the series and we encourage you to register early.  Register now!