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  Tuesday Connect 

 Presbytery of New Covenant News
October 15, 2013



In Our Prayers


Inquirer Christyn Soland (Memorial Drive Presbyterian, Houston) was married Oct. 13.



This week, please pray for the congregations listed here. 

  • Tiki Island Chapel,
    Tiki Island
  • First Presbyterian, Calvert


Quick Links 
2013-2015 Book of Order

Allow time for download
(3.6 MB)




How Old is the PC(USA)?
A casual check of Wikipedia might lead one to think that
the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
is only thirty years old, but that applies only to the name, which we adopted when the two major Presbyterian denominations in the United States reunited in 1983.

Our historic roots go all the way back to the founding of the first Presbytery in America in 1706 by Francis Makemie. Our spiritual forebears were active in the American Revolution (Rev. John Witherspoon was the only active minister to sign the Declaration of Independence) and our first General Assembly met in Philadelphia in 1789, during the time when our United States Constitution was being ratified.





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Copy deadline for each week's Tuesday Connect:

send announcements to

Helen Wolf by noon Mondays for the following day's

Tuesday Connect.  














 Presbytery Center

1110 Lovett Blvd.

Houston, TX 77006














PC(USA) symbol
Revival starts with the church and then affects the world. Evan Roberts made this same claim in Wales in 1904: "My mission is first to the churches. When the churches are aroused to their duty, men of the world will be swept into the Kingdom. A whole church on its knees is irresistible."
Meeting offering will go to the Pastor Special Needs Fund
The offering received at the November presbytery meeting will go to the Pastor Special Needs Fund. Pastors are subject to the same economic stress as everyone in today's world, but the only pastor to whom they can turn when they are in need is the presbytery. In addition, pastors have a public role which could be compromised if such a request were not kept strictly confidential. The presbytery recognized this vulnerability ten years ago and established the Pastor's Special Needs Fund, under the oversight of our General Presbyter and Director of Finance. These funds are used exclusively to assist pastors with short-term or emergency financial needs. Please consider giving generously to this fund to support our pastors.

Overtures to the 221st General Assembly

An overture is a recommendation from a presbytery or synod for the General Assembly to take a particular action or to approve or endorse a statement or resolution. They typically begin with an individual session of a congregation who then would submit their recommendation to the presbytery for approval. This could be to alter wording in the Book of Order, or the Book of Confessions, or to make a more political statement about an issue in society. 


A change for the 221st General Assembly is that an overture coming from one presbytery now needs concurrence by at least one other presbytery. When our presbytery receives overtures that need concurrence, they will be posted on the presbytery's website. A session can recommend that our presbytery take action to concur.  Check the stated clerk page of the presbytery's website to review proposed overtures to decide if you would like to recommend concurrence by the Presbytery of New Covenant. There are 2 presbytery meetings before the next General Assembly - Nov. 9, 2013, and Mar. 22, 2014. Contact Stated Clerk Lynn Hargrove for more information.

Youth workers to dream and scheme


All paid staff and volunteer youth workers are invited to attend presbytery's first-ever Youth Workers Gathering Sat., Nov. 2, 12:00-2:00 p.m. at the Presbytery Center. Get to know other youth workers in our presbytery, learn about upcoming events and opportunities, break bread together, share resources, and dream and scheme about future possibilities!


Lunch (dessert, too!) will be provided. You may brown bag it if you like or there are fast food restaurants nearby. RSVP by Mon., Oct. 28.


Get your flu shot!

The Presbytery of New Covenant is offering free flu shots at the Center (1110 Lovett Blvd.) Wed., Oct. 23, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Bring your Express Scripts or Prescription Insurance card. Flyer
From Bach to Buster!
Grace Presbyterian's Music Ministry's Artist Series presents Grace's organist Daniel J. Fenn in a free concert this Sun., Oct. 20, at 5:00 p.m. "From Bach to Buster" will feature music of Bach, Ives, Saint-Saens, Sibelius, and organ accompaniment to the silent film One Week starring Buster Keaton.  For more information, call 713-267-5031. Flyer

CanCare's Interfaith Clergy Luncheon

All clergy and pastoral care professionals are invited to the 2013 Interfaith Clergy Luncheon Wed., Nov. 6, 1:00 p.m. at St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Houston. Come learn how your congregation can join over 100 other congregations in providing support to those fighting cancer.  This complimentary lunch will feature Rev. Dr. Gerald DeSobe of Krist Samaritan Counseling Center.  For more information about CanCare, contact Rev. Mark Downs, Director of Congregational and Corporate Relations. RSVP for lunch
Church Educators to gather in San Jose
Registration is now open for the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators' (APCE) annual event, to be held in San Jose, CA, Jan. 29 - Feb. 1. The conference, open to anyone (paid or volunteer) who is interested in Christian education, will feature keynote speaker Brian McLaren. Worship, workshops, field trips, and discussion groups.  Details

You may qualify for a scholarship!

Each region of the APCE has the opportunity to select one person to receive a regional scholarship to this event. This scholarship will pay the early registration fee for a first time attendee. Although the criteria states that preference will be given to representatives of our multi-cultural/ethnic constituencies, any first time attendee may apply as our past scholarship recipients have not always come from a multi-cultural/ethnic group. Complete the regional scholarship application on the APCE website no later than Nov. 1. New Covenant is in the South Central Region. Scholarship application

Presbyterian Service Center needs help

Five fruit trees need planting and tree branches need to be cut. Can you help? Contact Georga Thomas for more information and/or to volunteer. The Presbyterian Service Center is also in need of board members.

If you are interested in serving, contact TE Katrina Pennington at Clear Lake Presbyterian.

Position available: Director for new preschool

The First Presbyterian Church of Lufkin is seeking to hire a director for their brand new preschool scheduled to open in 2014.

Complete job description

Were you there?

If you've attended a past General Assembly as a commissioner or advisory delegate, then the PC(USA) needs you! Record a short video on your cell phone or video camera - telling what you learned from the experience. It will then be shared with commissioners and advisory delegates preparing for the 221st General Assembly in Detroit.
Learn how