Team Haverhill Update
February 12, 2015
"Dreams" Topic Previews on Facebook 2/20

Monday, March 2 Click for New Flyer

Starting February 20, you can take a peek at inspiring topics residents have proposed for Possible Dreams. Two topics featured daily until event day at Team Haverhill on Facebook. Possible Dreams takes place on March 2 at NECC Tech Center. Seating and coffee at 6:30; agenda starts at 7. Reserve your seat and invite friends with Facebook Event Link. Previous reservations are retained unless you send Regrets
Updated Call to Artists

"Art Walk @ Bradford Rail Trail" seeks proposals for works to be installed along Bradford Rail Trail. Full details in the Updated Call to Artists document; deadline is February 28. Please note that the correct contact address is
 Mini-Project Selection in Process


Many thanks to the twenty-one individuals and groups who submitted proposals for our tenth-anniversary initiative called "10-for-10." Applicants will receive a response in the second half of February, and the winning projects will be announced to the community at Possible Dreams on March 2.  Haverhill will be a better place when these ten projects are complete!     
Let's Get Acquainted!

New to Haverhill? Curious about Team Haverhill people and projects? Join us for an informal reception and information session at 7 pm on Monday, March 9. The regular Team Haverhill meeting will begin at 7:45, and visitors are most welcome to stay for the business session to learn even more about how we work as an organization. At Northern Essex Community College, Haverhill--Tech Center 103. 


Volunteers Needed for Ruckus Team           
The River Ruckus organizing team is gearing up for the 2015 event, to take place on Saturday, September 26. A wide array of talents are needed to plan and host this exciting event.  Learn more about River Ruckus here.  To explore volunteer opportunities and find out about meeting dates for the organizing team, please send your contact information and a few words about your volunteer interests to Tim Jordan.
About Team Haverhill


Team Haverhill is an independent, volunteer action group dedicated to making Haverhill a better place to live, learn, work and play. We pursue this purpose by fostering civic dialogue, organizing hands-on projects, creating a more informed public, and advocating for positive change. Most months of the year, we meet on the second Monday from 7-9 pm. See upper right-hand block for next meeting date and location. Anyone is welcome to attend a meeting. For more information about us, visit www.teamhaverhill.orgQuestions and comments may be emailed to


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"Possible Dreams"

Mon, March 2, 7pm


Next Regular Mtg

with "Introduction to Team Haverhill"

Mon, March 9, 7 pm


Both at  

Technology Center 103  

 Northern Essex Community College, Haverhill

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