Team Haverhill February News
February 1, 2015
Last Day for 10-for-10 Proposals
Great ideas have come in for "10 Mini-Projects" to celebrate our tenth year of service--ways to make a difference in our community with a little bit of time (one day or less) and a little bit of money ($150 or less). Just 12 hours left to submit your proposal by completing our 10-for-10 Application. Additional details  and contact information are found on the application document. We hope to hear from you!
March 2 is the Date for Possible Dreams!
Monday, March 2
We'll skip the latest snow and convene on Monday MARCH 2 for an innovative and energetic edition of Possible Dreams, at NECC Tech Center in Haverhill. Seating and coffee at 6:30; agenda starts promptly at 7 pm. Please keep inviting friends using our Facebook event link. You'll be inspired by the grass-roots community leaders and their 20 proposed topics that link community hopes with concrete actions. Original registrants remain on our list unless they send Regrets. You can still reserve your seat by registering now!
Other Dates for Great Ideas...

February 28: "Art Walk @ Bradford Rail Trail" seeks proposals for works to be installed along Bradford Rail Trail. Full details in the Call to Artists document; deadline is February 28.



Rescheduled Monday, March 9, 7 pm: "Introduction to Team Haverhill." First half hour of the regular Team Haverhill meeting. For anyone seeking more information about Team Haverhill, or exploring opportunities for involvement. Brief presentation, and opportunity to meet Team Haverhill members and leaders. Visitors welcome to stay for the monthly meeting.  Northern Essex CC, Haverhill, Tech Center 103. 


About Team Haverhill

 Team Haverhill is an independent, volunteer action group dedicated to making Haverhill a better place to live, learn, work and play. We pursue this purpose by fostering civic dialogue, organizing hands-on projects, creating a more informed public, and advocating for positive change. Most months of the year, we meet on the second Monday from 7-9 pm. See upper right-hand block for next meeting date and location. Anyone is welcome to attend a meeting. For more information about us, visit  Questions and comments may be emailed to


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"Possible Dreams"

Mon, MARCH 2, 7pm


Next Regular Mtg

Mon, Feb 9, 7 pm


"Introduction to Team Haverhill"

Mon, MARCH 9, 7 pm


All at  

Technology Center 103  

 Northern Essex Community College, Haverhill

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