Team Haverhill News                           
January 15, 2015
Bring Your Dream Jan 26--Register Now!
Sparks will fly on Monday, Jan 26, as residents share visions and discover neighbors who might help those dreams come true! Seating and coffee at 6:30 pm, meeting starts at 7 pm, at NECC Tech Center. Register now, and invite your friends--using new Invitation Flyer and our Facebook event link.  And--starting tonight--learn more on Haverhill Journal (Channel 22 @
                                         5:45 pm and 9:45 pm)...thanks HC Media! 
Apply Now for Your Mini-Project!
Great ideas are already flowing in for "10 Mini-Projects" to celebrate our tenth year of service: ways to make a difference in our community with a little bit of time (one day or less) and a little bit of money ($150 or less). Community members are invited to submit a proposal by completing our 10-for-10 Project Application. Additional details  and contact information are found on the application document. We hope to hear from you! And please share with friends and neighbors!
Call to Artists for Rail Trail "Art Walk"
"Art Walk @ Bradford Rail Trail" is seeking proposals from artists for works to be installed by 2016 along the built-out Bradford Rail Trail. Full details in the Call to Artists document. Submissions are due by February 28, 2015.   
Team Haverhill is an independent, volunteer action group dedicated to making Haverhill a better place to live, learn, work and play. We pursue this purpose by fostering civic dialogue, organizing hands-on projects, 
creating a more informed public, and advocating for positive change. Most months of the year, we meet on the second Monday from 7-9 pm. See upper right-hand block for next meeting date and location. Anyone is welcome to attend a meeting. For more information about us, visit  Questions and comments can be emailed


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"Possible Dreams"

Mon, Jan 26, 7pm


Next Regular Mtg with "Introduction to Team Haverhill"

Mon, Feb 9, 7 pm



Both at  

Technology Center 103  

 Northern Essex Community College

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