Playground Update                             
June 5, 2014
Community Build Saturday
Last 3 Days for Shoe
Please Vote on June 10
Portland St. "Community Build"--Saturday
The equipment is here and the big build day is Saturday June 7 (with Sunday afternoon to finish if needed). Teen volunteers from YouthBuild "tested" the rock wall feature for us--and they loved it! They unloaded lots more great stuff, which is waiting to be installed this Saturday. It's not too late to volunteer--click HERE for Volunteer Information, then come sign up at the welcome tent when you arrive on Saturday.
Down to the Wire--Sponsor a Shoe Bench!
Last minute sponsorships are coming in--have you been waiting too? Deadline extended to Monday. We'll unveil the shoes in late September, during "Trails and Sails" weekends.  Sponsorships start at $3000, for a shoe and plaque that will advertise your business or organization for years to come. For information, please contact Soles.
Please Vote on June 10
Don't forget to go to the polls on June 10, to participate in an important community decision--funding replacement of the deteriorated Hunking School. As previous school construction debt is retired, voters will decide whether to continue the debt payments (already part of property tax bills) in order to support a next round of construction. 
About Team Haverhill 
Team Haverhill is an independent, volunteer action group dedicated to making Haverhill a better place to live, learn, work and play. We pursue this purpose by fostering civic dialogue, organizing hands-on projects, 
creating a more informed public, and advocating for positive change. Most months of the year, we meet on the second Monday from 7-9 pm. See upper right-hand block for next meeting date and location. Anyone is welcome to attend a meeting. For more information about us, visit  Questions and comments can be emailed


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Next Regular Meeting

Mon., Jun 9, 7 pm  


Spurk Bldg 110 

 Northern Essex Community College

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