Team Haverhill Update
May 1, 2014
"Build" Date Set!
Clean Up Info
Last Call for Fun Night
"Community Build" Set for June 7!
It's better than a barn-raising! A one-day blitz to install the colorful new equipment at Portland Street Playground. No construction experience required.  Click here to sign up or to get more information about the day.  In case of severe weather, the build will be on Sunday, June 8. 
Clean Up This Saturday
This Saturday (5/3), Team Haverhill volunteers will be cleaning up in and around Portland Street Playground starting at 9 am. The location is just below 5th Avenue. To let us know you will join us, please email Penny.  Rakes, shovels, trowels, and sturdy gloves will be helpful as we clean and weed the play area.    
Tomorrow: "Fun Night" at YMCA
Enjoy Haverhill YMCA's playground benefit "Friday Fun Night" on May 2, 6-9 pm, for children in grades K-5--whole family can attend for just $20 if you register today. Here is your registration packet.  Email the Haverhill YMCA to request additional information.  Checks to "Haverhill YMCA."  (Register at the door for just $2 more)  
About Team Haverhill 
Team Haverhill is an independent, volunteer action group dedicated to making Haverhill a better place to live, learn, work and play. We pursue this purpose by fostering civic dialogue, organizing hands-on projects, 
creating a more informed public, and advocating for positive change. Most months of the year, we meet on the second Monday from 7-9 pm. See upper right-hand block for next meeting date and location. Anyone is welcome to attend a meeting. For more information about us, visit  Questions and comments can be emailed


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Next Regular Meeting

Mon., May 12, 7 pm 


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