Team Haverhill News                             
January 2014
Initial Reports from Possible Dreams
Your Input Needed on Cultural District Ideas
Announcement Expected on Woolworth Site
Initial Reports Posted from Possible Dreams
"Step by Step" Jan 27 
Thanks to hard work by volunteers, several documents related to Possible Dreams 2014 are now available for viewing at our Possible Dreams Web Page. Materials include notes from the whole-group reporting session, impressions from the table-top conversations, and presentation slides from the evening.  These dreams belong to the whole community--so take a look!
Meetings and Survey on "Cultural District"

MCC Logo

Creative Haverhill, in partnership with the City of Haverhill and the Greater Haverhill Chamber of Commerce, would like your input into an application to MCC for an official Cultural District in the city. 

Meetings are Sat., Feb. 8th from 10-1 at 90 Washington Street, and Mon., Feb. 10th from 6-8 p.m. at a location TBD in Haverhill. Kindly contact the Coordinator if you plan to attend. A survey is also being conducted regarding needs and priorities:  Take the Survey!  
Announcement Expected on Woolworth Site

River Bend

On Monday, February 3, an announcement is expected by Merrimack Street Ventures, LLC (a partnership of the Greater Haverhill Foundation and the Planning Office for Urban Affairs). Redevelopment plans for the former Woolworth property will be unveiled.  Our regular February newsletter will include links to information about this announcement.    
About Team Haverhill 
Team Haverhill is an independent, volunteer action group dedicated to making Haverhill a better place to live, learn, work and play. We pursue this purpose by fostering civic dialogue,
organizing hands-on projects, creating a more informed public, and advocating for positive change. Most months of the year, we meet on the second Monday from 7-9 pm. See upper right hand block for next meetng date and location. Anyone is welcome to attend a meeting. For more information about us, visit 
Questions and comments can be emailed to


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Next Regular Meeting

Mon., Feb. 10, 7 pm 


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