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Team Haverhill Update
May 20,  2013
Ruckus Benefit Tomorrow at UNO
Website Live, with Audio Tour
Olasky and Barker Honored
Ruckus Benefit at UNO Tomorrow


UNO Logo UNO restaurant near the Plaistow line has reserved a "Dough Rai$er" day on Wednesday May 22 for River Ruckus (coming on September 7). If you dine in or take out any time that day--and present a Ticket--UNO will donate up to 20% of your purchase to our event. The link actually gives you 4 tickets--so you can hand them out to family, friends, and colleagues. From the hours of 6-9 pm during the Dough Rai$er, you're invited to join the tables of Team Haverhill members and friends who are celebrating two milestones--IRS recogniton, and the rollout of our new website!

Website Live, with Mural Audio Tour!!!
Louis B. Mayer Visit the all new TeamHaverhill.org, the "front door" to Team Haverhill and all its projects. One example of the site's new capabilities is the Essex Gateway Mural Audio Tour (in Spanish or English), located on the top line of our home page for easy access from a smart-phone. Many thanks to Rob Gough of Sproutreach for his professional assistance to the awesome volunteers who worked to build this new site.
Olasky and Barker to be Honored June 20
GH Chamber LogoTwo of Team Haverhill's longtime friends and colleagues will be honored at the Annual Dinner of the Greater Haverhill Chamber of Commerce on June 20. 

Awards will be presented to Elaine Barker of Brightside and Larry Olasky of the Friends of the Bradford Rail Trail. These two leaders have been tireless promoters of beautiful and functional open spaces--including "adopt-a-park," community gardening, well-mapped and maintained recreational trails througout the city, and the emerging Bradford Rail Trail and Art Walk. Team Haverhill--now a full member of the Greater Haverhill Chamber--salutes these two outstanding volunteers. If you would like to join a Team Haverhill table at this event, please contact Tim Jordan.   

About Team Haverhill 

Team Haverhill is an independent, volunteer action group dedicated to making Haverhill a better place to live, learn, work and play. We pursue this purpose by fostering civic dialogue, organizing hands-on projects, creating a more informed public, and advocating for positive change. Most months of the year, we meet on the second Monday from 7-9 pm. See upper right hand block for next meetng date and location. Anyone is welcome to attend a meeting. For more information about us, visit www.teamhaverhill.org.  Questions and comments can be emailed to [email protected]

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Next Regular
 Team Haverhill

June 10, 7 pm



Good Shepherd United Methodist Church, 471 Main Street 

Attend a meeting to find out more about Team Haverhill projects, meet great people, and find a role that fits your gifts and interests!


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