Minnesota FCA Fall 2014 MINISTRY UPDATE    
In This Issue
2014 Summer Camp
A Defining Moment
God at Work in Marshall
FCA Leadership Camp
FCA Leadership Camp
FCA Leadership Camp

Donations to FCA

support our mission of
impacting the world
for Jesus Christ. For 60
years, FCA has ministered
to coaches and athletes
through camps, Bible
studies, FCA groups,
devotionals, conferences
and much more.


To donate to the ministry
of Minnesota FCA, visit
www. MinnesotaFCA.org
and click on the "Donate"
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recurring donation. 


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or a variety of other gift
planning options.

It's More Than Numbers 

As you see in this newsletter, God moved in a powerful way this past summer at the 19 Minnesota FCA Sports Camps and Clinics. Praise The Lord! It is exciting to see the impact of the FCA ministry in the lives of campers, huddle leaders and coaches. Our staff did a terrific job of planning and executing these sports camps and clinics.

While these NUMBERS may be essential, they are not sufficient; they don't tell the whole story. The numbers are a measurable result (outputs) of the work of our staff (inputs). Yet the OUTCOMES of our efforts are quite different. The outcomes may never be seen. They may not be determined yet. The outcomes are what God is doing in the heart of each camper, huddle leader and coach - both now and in the future. We cannot claim credit for the outcomes nor can be worry about them. We simply present the challenge and the adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and
Lord and then we trust Jesus and the Holy Spirit to take it from there.

However, we sometimes hear about the outcomes of our camp, huddle or coaches
ministry. People share their story of how their life or their child's life was changed
because of FCA. These STORIES remind us that what we do - with your support, prayers and encouragement - does make a difference. Just think...God is at work, and we get to be part of it! 

Celebrate the numbers, and enjoy the stories in this newsletter. We have many more
stories to share! Thank you for helping us transform lives through the influence of
coaches and athletes in the ministry of FCA!

Glenn Martin signature
   Minnesota State Director
2014 Summer Camp Stats

Huddle leaders
1st time decisions for Christ
Rededications to Christ

A Defining Moment 

"I came to college with an unused Bible in my backpack and swear words on my lips. Nobody knew me, and I liked that because it meant zero accountability. That's a dangerous place to be as a college student. Luckily, within my first week at Macalester, I was invited to an FCA barbecue. I had never heard of FCA before, and had no idea what to expect.

What I found in that backyard may end up being the defining moment of my college years, and possibly my whole life. I met the men and women of Macalester's FCA, and in them, I saw Jesus here on earth for the first time. Looking around at the godly men and women sitting, talking, eating burgers and playing basketball in that backyard, I knew where Iwanted to be -- running towards God right beside them! It's been two years since that day. FCA has encouraged me to pursue God in a way that I have never been challenged before, both at Macalester and beyond.

This summer, I worked as street canvasser and head field manager - and struggled to understand why God had placed me so far outside my comfort zone. The answer was simple: witnessing. God brought many broken people across my path this summer, and He allowed me to share His love with every single one of them. I discussed Biblical marriage with a coworker over lunch one day. I explained Creation to another coworker while riding on the bus to work. I debated the logical existence of God and love at an all-staff dinner in front of everyone. When I think about this summer, I don't think about fund raising and petition signing. I think about witnessing. I think about all the times that I witnessed God talk to someone through me. I think about all of the times that I got to share stories with coworkers of how I've witnessed God radically move in my own life. I think about coming home every single day, exhausted and empty, and being filled back up by the outpouring of godliness through the men that I met at that barbecue two years ago. I live with them now, in a house that one of my other friends jokingly calls the "FCA House" or the "Bible House." But that's the truth. It is a house built on the Bible, in all its grace, love, rest, accountability, persistence, patience, contentment, and witnessing."

Marshall Jr. Sports Camp
Draws 230 athletes!
An amazing 230 young athletes attended this year's Junior Sports Camp in Marshall where they heard the Good News of Jesus Christ.

The message was based on Ephesians 2:8-9: "There is nothing we can do to earn salvation. It's the best free gift ever...it's ours for the taking...and it will change your life!" 

The camp closed with Coach Stig sharing a message with 500 family members based on Romans 12:2. He challenged parents and children, "Do not be confirmed to this world...do what the Lord says is right...and not what the world says is right."  We say AMEN!

FCA Leadership Camp:
Investing in Tomorrow's Leaders

 More than 130 student-leaders from Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Dakotas came together for FCA Leadership Camp at the University of Northwestern in St. Paul. The purpose of this three-day camp was to help students grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus, develop the skills to become effective leaders in the FCA Campus Ministry, and to have the opportunity to observe - and practice - radical servant leadership. They also managed  to fit in some summer fun!  

God worked in ways we didn't expect to impact the lives of these students. Fifteen amazing college huddle leaders, along with evangelist Matt Brown and 
 singer Angi Putney, were used by God to radically change lives. There were 11 first time commitments to Christ, more than 75 recommitments to serve Him, and many others who committed to being bolder in their faith, finding accountability partners, and becoming more others-focused rather than self-focused. 

Praise God for a powerful weekend!

Encouraging Words from parent of Rochester FCA Camper

As they were walking into the Rochester Athletic Club, FCA staff members JD Bickle and James Bolin were approached by the mother of a 2nd grader who attended this summer's Rochester Youth Sports Camp.

"My son really enjoyed Sports Camp. And thank you for the follow-up email you sent to me -- it was so gratifying to hear that he marked his response card with the decision to ask Jesus to forgive him and be his friend and Lord. We had talked to him before about a relationship with Jesus, but he was not interested. Since receiving your email, we've talked to our son again and confirmed his decision to follow Jesus. Thank you for the influence you've had on my son!"

Rochester Youth Sports Camp was a tremendous success, providing 248 kids the opportunity to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. There were 7 first time decisions for Christ and 41 recommitments. Thanks to the help of 46 huddle leaders and 15 coaches, it was a great week for the campers. 

Your generous support helped to make this possible!
Almost 400 Coaches Attend
InsideOut seminar hosted
by FCA and former NFL
defensive end, Joe Ehrmann 

In April, the Minnesota Fellowship of Christian Athletes hosted author Joe Ehrmann and his InsideOut Coaching seminar at TCF Bank Stadium on the University of Minnesota campus. Joe Ehrmann has been called "The Most Important Coach in America" by PARADE Magazine. He is a former defensive end and captain of the NFL Baltimore Colts, a current high school football coach, nationally renowned speaker, and author of the book, InSide Out Coaching - How Sports Can Transform Lives.

Almost 400 coaches from youth to college level attended the seminar. More than 50 coaches expressed interest in learning more about FCA and how to become Transformational Coaches.

It is because of supporters like YOU, that we are  able to equip coaches with the tools to transform the lives of those they influence. We praise God for the fruit that we see from your generosity!

How To Reach Us
Minnesota FCA Staff
Glenn Martin, State Director   gmartin@fca.org
Ron Backes, North Metro   rbackes@fca.org
Cal Barr, Northeast MN    cbarr@fca.org
J.D. Bickle, Southeast MN   jbickle@fca.org
James Bolin, Southeast MN   jbolin@fca.org
Dean Bowyer, MN Valley   dbowyer@fca.org
John Conway, South Central MN   jconway@fca.org
Zach Filzen, UofM / Metro Colleges  zfilzen@fca.org
Joy Gardner, State Office/College Ministry   jgardner@fca.org
Stephanie Goetz, Owatonna Area   sgoetz@fca.org
Randy Jensen, South Metro   rjensen@fca.org
Robin Knudson, Marshall Area   rknudson@fca.org
Jennie Krech, Budget Manager & Technology Trainer jkrech@fca.org
Jim Kunz, MN Valley   jkunz@fca.org
Erik Lofald Northeast MN  elofald@fca.org
David Melms, Metro Colleges/Mens Ministry dmelms@fca.org  
Tom Ness, Central Lakes Area/NW Area  tness@fca.org
Wes Sanda, North Metro  wsanda@fca.org
Bob Spiegler, Southwest MN  bspiegler@fca.org
Christy Vanada, West Metro Operations Manager   cvanada@fca.org
Jake Vanada, West Metro   jvanada@fca.org