Closing early by 4pm on 1/23
We are heading over to Idaho for the weekend to check on the cabin with all the snow and will need to get over the pass before it gets too late...

Donna's Valentine Class
January 27 9:30 - 12:00 - few spots left

Valentine's Day is not too far off and these cards are designed for family, friends and that special someone in your life. You will be working with the new line of Authentique papers and the new release of IO stamps and dies. Learn how to do the pamphlet stitch when constructing a pop up card, try your hand at watercolors, make something from a basic kitchen item and watch these cards come alive! This is a fast paced class so be sure to have your supplies ready for a fun 2 1/2 hour class.
Please Bring: Basic tool kit, Ranger heat tool (it's quiet!) , brushes for watercolor (small round and flat brush 1" or 1 1/2"

Graphic 45 Monthly Class Featuring Mon Amour
SUNDAY February 7th 11:00 - 2:00

Join us monthly for a wonderful Graphic 45 project featuring a different line each month.  January's class will feature the beautiful Mon Amour line.  We will be creating a stunning mini book in a box.  We'll be working with one of Graphic's staple boxes and creating the mini book from SCRATCH.  Students will get the box, a full 8x8 pad, chipboard and tags in class.  You'll have enough left-overs to make 3 bonus cards at home and you'll get instructions for everything!

Class is intermediate level and good measuring skills are necessary.

Please bring: Basic tool kit, scoring board with bone folder, Distress Ink: Fired Brick, Peeled Paint, Antique Linen & Blender tool, Multi-Medium Matte

Bonus Cards to be completed at home:

Carpe Diem Planner Club
Have you heard the news?! There's a new club in town. At CHA, Urban Scrapbooker teamed up with a couple of our favorite stores in the industry and one of our favorite vendors, Simple Stories, to offer the "Carpe Diem Planner Club." Decorated planners are so popular and fun and we are making it easy for you! This "club" will meet once a month to re-decorate your planners for the next month. We'll be making fun paper clips, tabbed dividers and decorating our monthly calendar and more!

If you would like to see a sample of what we'll be doing in person, I've got the January and February finished in my Carpe Diem Planner at the store. Come take a look!

So how do you join in the fun? We will offer a "planner starter kit" that will include our favorite planner on the market, a Carpe Diem planner (in your choice of color!), and some of the essential accessories you need to get started. You'll get all this for only $55!

Each month we will put together a kit that includes all the supplies you need to complete your monthly project and have open studio time so you can come in and get your planner all ready for next month. You can use our planner for inspiration, if desired. Planner kits will be available "to go" also. For ordering and planning (LOL!) purposes, we ask that you try it for at least 3 months. You can also skip the monthly kits and just get the starter kit, if you want, or just the planner.  The choice is yours! 

The monthly club kit is only $15, but if you purchase the "planner starter kit", you'll save $5 every month!

Planner color choices: 
(sign up early to ensure your favorite color is available!)
Stay organized with this fun and unique planner! This package contains one 9-1/2x8-1/4x2 inch six ring split leather planner, one metal camera charm, twelve monthly calendar pages, twelve monthly tabbed dividers, seventy-two weekly inserts, one acetate dashboard with silver foil paint and seven assorted decorative inserts.
Robin's Egg

Creative Scrapbooker Magazine is coming to Urban Scrapbooker!  
Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine is changing it's name to Creative Scrapbooker Magazine and it's next issue will finally be available in the United States!  This beautiful magazine features so much more than scrapbooking!  Previously, if you wanted to get this magazine in the US you had to pay $5 per issue for shipping, but we will be bringing them in for you starting with the Spring issue!  We have the last issue here at the store if you would like to take a look at the quality.  We are taking sign-ups for those that are interested in getting the magazine (you can cancel anytime) to ensure we get enough for everyone.  The magazines are $11.99 and published 4 times per year (unfortunatly, we are not able to offer discounts on the magazine at this time).

Cool Notes:
  • The magazine feels like a book and is cherished by readers for years as a technique rich resource.
  • They have been publishing in Canada for 10 years, and are now coming into the US - Barnes and Noble and to independent paper crafting stores
  • It weighs a pound and is NOT full of ads!  (144 page of delicious, technique rich content) But those that do advertise are all your favorites!
  • The cover stock is gorgeous and you will just want to TOUCH it!

The next issue shipping to us in LATE FEBRUARY: 

New Products

New Products are starting to arrive at the store...  Come check out the new MEMORY BOX and the Newest Lines from Authentique

2016 Coupon Books Available!
This is our third year doing the Coupon Books and they are so fun and such a great VALUE each month!  We recommend putting your book in your glove box so you have it with you when you come in... We only produce a limited number so be sure to pick yours up for next year.  ONLY $8

Club Urbie Membership Price Change
Club Urbie is a program we started a couple years ago to offer our customers a great way to save all the time.  If you are a frequent visitor here at Urban Scrapbooker, it might be a good idea for you.  Club Urbie Members save 15% on all their regular priced purchases, as well as often enjoy bigger discounts on pre-order specials too!  And, a couple times a year we even have FREE Urbie ONLY parties with food, projects and fun!  All this for only $70 for the year!

As of January 15th, 2016 the price will be increasing to $85.  HOWEVER: For EVERYONE enrolled before that date, you will still have the option to renew at $70 as long as your membership stays current.  And to make it easier during the holidays, we have a special option to pay half now and half the following month...

**We are extending the price increase date through the end of the month because I just got back.  Please be sure to sign up before February 1st to lock in your price...


  Urban Scrapbooker| 425-771-2400 | 

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