Plus Walk a Mile video, Don't Drip & Drive & Awesome Destinations
May 18, 2016 - Volume 8, Issue 20  
Mayor's Update: A Zip Line at Loyalty

Last week, I enjoyed what I think was the best evening ever in Sumner.  Earlier in the day, the Parks Department had finished installing the new play equipment in Loyalty Park, including the new zip line.  It was warm, sunny, and all sorts of families came out to give it a try. 

People were filled with anticipation
; kids started waiting patiently in line for their turn.  Some dads gave kids a friendly push to get them going while other parents and family sat by and enjoyed all the activity.  It was truly a community coming together in the most natural way. 

We are known for our parades and large events, but sometimes, I think it's these quieter moments between a few neighbors on a spring evening that really define living in Sumner.  I want to thank our Parks Department and really all the City staff for creating and maintaining the beautiful space to make that happen. Loyalty is now over 100 years old, and it's still serving the public with as much excitement and enjoyment as when it was brand new, I imagine. 

And thank you to all of you too, for helping out neighbors and gathering for pleasant evenings, even if it just means giving a push on a zip line. 

Mayor Dave Enslow   

P.S. We held a bit of a celebration for opening the zip line, and I really should have confiscated all cell phones before agreeing to get the zip line started.  Oh well, at least it was fun!

Commercial Filmed in Loyalty Park
Did you ever spot this commercial with a familiar backdrop?  Two years ago, Premera filmed this commercial in Sumner's Loyalty Park.  Although the "work party" was all staged, the filming company gave a donation to the City for use of the park, funding that helped pay for the new equipment that's just being used for the first time now.  Thanks, Premera! 
Utility Drop Box Removal 

Despite our recent investment in a new, more secure after-hours drop box, we are sorry to report that thefts recently occurred from the box outside City Hall.  We are removing the box.  While we want to offer a variety of payment options, keeping you secure from fraud is our highest priority.

Payment options instead:
  • Pay online at, available anytime. There is no additional fee to pay online.
  • Drop off at the Utilities counter, upstairs at City Hall, M-F 8 am - 5 pm
  • Mail through the U.S. Post Office, any hours
  • Drop off at Nicholson's Pharmacy, open M-F 9 am - 7 pm, Sat 9 am - 6 pm, Sun 10 am - 2 pm-be sure to include your pay stub

Nothing Says Americana Like...  

They say nothing runs like a Deere, and it's great to see the long-established Washington Tractor (previously Sumner Tractor) move into its brand new home on 24th Street.  Located right next to the Holiday Inn Express & Suites, the new site offers lots of room, visibility and access from Highway 167, and a great introductory sight to Sumner on our northern border.  They're hosting special Opening events this Saturday. 

How Far Have We Come?  

It's easy to track your progress walking or biking along the Sumner Link Trail.  These new mile marker signs use the trail's distinctive graphics in a creative way to help you see just how far you've come. 

Speaking of trails, the Adventure Guys featured the Sumner Link Trail as Trail of the Week in The News Tribune, Seattle Times and The Olympian.  Have you tried it lately?  They offer a video of the 5.5 mile trail.  Click here to watch and connect to maps and information to start your own adventure.    

Upcoming Meetings & Calendar

Community Calendar:
  • Fashion Week, Downtown Sumner, May 19-20
  • Manestage Theatre's Bye, Bye Birdie at the Performing Arts Center, May 20-22
  • Ryan House open for tours, May 21-22, 1-4 pm
  • Washington Tractor Grand Opening on Saturday, May 21
  • Train to Sounders Game from Sumner Station on Saturday, May 21
  • Trunk Show & Retail Therapy Night, Downtown Sumner, Saturday, May 21
  • Sounders U-23 game, Sunset Stadium, Sunday, May 22
  • Tea Party at Sumner Senior Center, Monday, May 23

City Meeting Calendar:  

  • City Council Budget Retreat, Saturday, May 21, at 9:30 am at Branks BBQ
  • City Council Study Session, Monday, May 23, at 6 pm
  • Finance Committee, Tuesday, May 24, at 5:30 pm
  • Arts Commission Meeting, Thursday, May 26 at 6 pm


Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are held at City Hall.  For a full calendar including links to agendas, click here.   


Council Action

The Sumner City Council took the following action at their May 16, 2016, meeting.
  • Authorized the Mayor to accept the Cherry Avenue/410 Outfall location and a section of District 11 stormwater pipeline between Elm Street and Salmon Creek
  • Authorized the Mayor to execute an on-call task order with BHC Consultants for the Infiltration & Inflow Phase II
  • Authorized the Mayor to execute Supplement #2 with BergerABAM Engineering, Inc. to develop documentation to obligate right-of-way funding on the Stewart Road Replacement Project
  • Adopted Resolution 1452, a public right-of-way grievance procedure under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990
  • Authorized the Mayor to execute a contract with FCS Group for a rate study
  • Authorized the Mayor to execute Supplement #2 with Gray & Osborne, Inc. to provide construction management support services for the Puyallup Street Resurfacing Project
  • Authorized the Mayor to execute an amended Cost Reimbursement Agreement with the Washington State Dept of Ecology to prepare a Report of Examination for Sumner's Water Rights Change Application
  • Authorized the Mayor to execute a contract with Miles Resources LLC to construct the Puyallup Street Resurfacing Project
  • Authorized the Mayor to accept cemetery improvements/paving project
Full minutes, agendas and streaming video of meetings are available online.  Click here to begin