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April 9, 2014- Vol 6, Issue 15
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In This Issue
Spotlight on Senior Center
Out to the Ballgame
Beyond the Borders
Public Notices

 It did sort of rain on our parade, but it didn't dampen any enthusiasm.  Thank you to everyone who helped make the Daffodil Festival 5K Challenge and Grand Floral Parade a great success.  See pictures online

Mayor's Update: Remembering All Citizens
Mayor Enslow and Councilmembers Hayden and Hochstatter helped the Puyallup/Sumner Chamber of Commerce welcome Memory Haven to Sumner.

 Last Thursday, I visited the ribbon cutting for Memory Haven, a new facility on Parker Road for patients with dementia.  It's a beautiful facility that's well planned with lots of attention to detail to really provide the unique care that patients with dementia need.


The very next day, I was off to Grandparents Day at Maple Lawn for my grandson.  These two consecutive visits got me to thinking about the blending of ages and needs that happens in a city.  We have people who are on different stages of life's journey.  Everyone has their own needs.  How does a city make sure it's serving this blend of various needs and stages?


I think the answer is in a good comprehensive plan.  Sumner as a community must stay true to its vision to be a progressive small city.  We know we'll never be Seattle.  Heck, we know we'll never be Puyallup.  But within that overarching vision, there are things we can do to make the city meet a variety of needs--good roads, sidewalks, ADA features like the chirping crosswalks and ramps.  Even using zoning to accommodate  a variety of housing options helps you serve everyone from those who are needing more space to those who are downsizing. 


We're in the middle of rewriting the Comprehensive Plan and setting our vision for the next 10 years.  I'm sure we'll still stay a small town, but within that, what are our next set of needs?  Mark down April 24 and May 29, both 5-8 pm.  Those are our two public workshops around the Comprehensive Plan. We'd love to see you there to help us determine the future and how we serve a variety of needs.


Mayor Dave Enslow  


Spotlight on Senior Center


Melissa (right) enjoys her work at the Sumner Senior Center.

 The Washington State Association of Senior Centers recently highlighted Sumner's Senior Center and coordinator Melissa Holt.  The Senior Center is owned by the City of Sumner and operated by Stafford Suites, a partnership that is now in its second year.  Melissa and a large crew of volunteers are keeping things lively.  Check here for the latest events, which include a trip to the Botanical Conservatory, an Easter Party, and this summer, a BBQ Cruise.  Here's more from the Association's feature:


With Melissa Holt


How long have you worked with the senior population?
2 years


What is your favorite senior event?
My favorite events are the parties. One of my favorite experiences was our costume party on Halloween. A senior came dressed up as Beauty Queen. She wore a bikini t-shirt, high heels and a long blonde wig. It was a hoot! I love seeing everyone come together for special events and have a good time. They truly appreciate all we do for them, and thank us for giving them an amazing time. That makes all the hard work worth it. As long as I'm surrounded by happy people who are enjoying themselves, I'm happy!!


See full interview

 Out to the Ballgame


Despite the song, most fans do care if they get back, preferably without the hassles of driving and parking in Seattle.  Starting April 13, Sound Transit offers special trains to Sunday Mariners games at Safeco Field throughout the season.  Trains leave Sumner at 11:16 am, offering plenty of time to get a great breakfast in Sumner first.  The secret is to get your tickets before game day at any Sound Transit kiosk to avoid the line. 


Going to a game on a different day?  The Sound Transit 578 bus leaves Sumner for Downtown Seattle every half hour, seven days a week, when the the trains aren't running.  (You're on your own for buying the peanuts and crackerjacks.) 

 Beyond the Borders


 As the weather gets lighter and nicer, everyone ventures out more.  Remember that Sumner has the Beyond the Borders shuttle program to serve seniors, disabled citizens, low-income and students.  (Most people forget that last one.) 


Check out the circulator route that runs through town and plan your next adventure beyond the borders. 


If you

Public Notices
Do you want to receive by email all land-use public notices that the City of Sumner sends out?  If yes, send your email to to add your name to the list!

In addition, the City will make every effort to also post notices online.  Browse notices online                               