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March  2013- Vol 5, Issue 4
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In This Issue
Training Burn Coming Up
Beyond the Borders in Sumner
Tour the Senior Center
Public Notices
Mayor's Update: Living United
I just gave the State of the Cities update at the Chamber last week, and it occurs to me that there's too much going on in this city to put into one report.  I'm going to try to get you an update about what I'm doing each week so that you get more ongoing information throughout the year. 
This week, we're doing our annual United Way campaign, reminding the staff that they can give directly through their paychecks.  I lent my name and face to the Live United campaign because United Way supports a lot of our non-profits here in Sumner and throughout Pierce County.  Plus, they also have their own programming, such as the 211 information line that is on the back of every one of our officer's police cards to help victims.  It's also the number that we're hoping will help people find the new pilot transit program (see below).  This is a great campaign and a great way for us to partner within the city and across borders to Live United and get things done.
Mayor Dave Enslow  
Training Burn Scheduled in Sumner

East Pierce Fire & Rescue has scheduled a training burn of a Sumner house for Saturday, March 23.  The house is located next to the Wastewater Treatment Facility. 


Please use caution when approaching this area as it will be very congested.  You may want to drop off your recycling on an alternate day. 


This house is also very visible from SR 410 as you approach Traffic Avenue from the west.  Please do not pull over on Highway 410 to watch the burn, and be very cautious when driving this route as other drivers may be startled by the house.   

Is La Conner Really Better than Sumner?

KING 5's Evening Magazine loves telling people the best Northwest Escapes. For three out of the past four years, Sumner keeps placing third. Last year (and most years), La Connor placed first and Chelan second. Is this the year when Sumner makes it to the top spot? You can vote online now! Other than bragging rights (which are fun), these placements help encourage people to visit, shop and stay in Sumner, which helps out all our favorite businesses.

Beyond the Borders in Sumner

Pierce County's Community Connections is expanding special needs transportation in rural Pierce County. The "Beyond the Borders Connector," a four-month pilot project, provides eligible riders with a link to services in rural communities. The transportation program is administered by Pierce County and serves seniors, individuals with disabilities, and people with low incomes. One of their five routes is in Sumner and runs seven days a week. 


The Beyond the Borders (BTB) Connector offers eligible riders transportation to work, medical or social services appointments, the grocery store, and other destinations at no cost to the rider. In the past, BTB took riders from home to the nearest bus stop. The pilot project expands BTB to include five routes served by wheelchair lift-equipped 13-passenger buses. The buses have timed stops along the routes, but can also deviate from the routes to pick up individuals who need a lift-equipped trip, if they live within a half mile of the route. 


More details about routes, stops and schedules are posted online at All riders must complete an eligibility screening to take advantage of the service. There is no restriction to the number of times a rider can use the Connector. For more information and to register, call 2-1-1 or 1-800-572-4357.

Take a new look at the Senior Center
Sumner Senior Center
Sumner Senior Center
Public Notices update
Do you want to receive by email all land-use public notices that the City of Sumner sends out?  If yes, contact Sally at and send her your email address.  She'll add you to the list!

In addition, the City will make every effort to also post notices online.  Browse notices online                               