Bryan Lanich being received into Anglican Communion
Check out our Confirmation Photos 
St. James Episcopal Church's Weekly Epistle
Approaching the Sixth Sunday of Easter 
Saint James Values
Alleluia - Christ is Risen 

San Carlos arrives in San Francisco by Guillermo Granizo
San Carlos arrives in San Francisco by Guillermo Granizo
You heard me say to you, 'I am going away, and I am coming to you.' If you loved me, you would rejoice that I am going to the Father, because the Father is greater than I. And now I have told you this before it occurs, so that when it does occur, you may believe. (John 14: 28-29)


Read Sunday's Lessons here.

We had a fruitful and profound Adult Education class with Bishop Breidenthal last Sunday morning. I really like "the mutual invitation" model that we are using. Everyone, if they desire, gets to reflect upon the Gospel reading. There's shared space to identify Jesus' presence in The Bible.  It's very cool! I invite everyone to come and contribute on any or all of the upcoming Sundays. It's one of a few opportunities during the week when someone else truly asks how you feel. It may be the only time that we closely examine how our faith unfolds in the midst of day-to-day experiences. 
One of the points that a few of us raised last week was how deeply sorrowful Jesus' proclamation of his imminent departure from his disciples left us feeling. He's going somewhere and they can't travel with him. One way of observing this scene is that Jesus is leaving them in the midst of chaos. Why? Another way of perceiving his actions is to assume that there's something that they need to accomplish that can't happen unless he isn't there with him. Does John keep raising the point because the relationship between Jesus, The Father, his followers and all of their relationships with one another are essentially central to John's telling of Jesus' Gospel.
There are lots of possibilities. What do you think?

Now a week and about thirty verses later into John's Gospel; we're back to this theme of Jesus' departure from his followers. Why is John's Jesus so insistent about telling Peter and the others that he is not going to abide with them much longer. Why is it so important for Jesus to constantly talk about his relationship with The Father in contrast to his relationship with his followers? I hope that this Sunday's Adult Education conversation will offer some responses along with further inquiries about this scriptural passage.

Deborah Rich Being Received by Bishop Breidenthal
One of the most enlightening and enriching aspects of preparing for Bishop Breidenthal's episcopal visitation last week was the amount of time that I spent with the younger and more mature adults who Bishop Breidenthal received and confirmed when he was here. I more fully understand and respect how and why each of these Christians loves Jesus and St. James Church. I more closely empathize with their personal and familial stories than I did when we first began "Episcopal-ese" and Confirmation classes in 2012. They have invited me and one another into closer relationships. They and the bishop have invited us into renewing our own baptismal covenants. 

This Christian faith of ours is truly relational. The hellos, goodbyes, and deeper understandings of our day to day lives is core to our faith. Our belief in Jesus the Christ thickens when we pay attention to all God is doing in, around, and through us. Inviting one another into these sorts of relationships indeed brings Jesus' resurrected presence closer to us, especially when we feel that he has left us. Here's my hopeful prayer that you will believe that Jesus the Christ's love is true and that your desire to trust in him continues to grow here and the shared world in which we live.

Blessings Along The Way, Jim+ 


This Week at St. James
Come as You are & Worship
Check out our calendar for everything happening at St. James

Saturday - May 4th @ 5:30 PM 


Come as You Are and Worship

Inspiring, Contemporary, and Casual worship -- and it's all outside in the courtyard - bring a lawn chair!

Here are links to the music we'll be singing:

Better is One Day Video
Better is One Day Video

Sing, Sing


Sunday - April 28th @ 8:45 AM

Choir Practice

@ 9:00 AM
Adult Christian Education

@ 10:00 AM
Rite II Eucharist (Communion)

Children's Sunday School


More exciting events coming this month.

Tara Morrow
Tara Morrow

Saturday - May 11th @ 2:00 PM
Springtime Music Series - An afternoon concert with Tara Morrow.

Pentecost Dove Sunday May 19th @ 10:00 AM - Pentecost Sunday (with baptisms) - Wear

and later this summer

Church Yard Sale Clip Art Church Picnic

Saturday and Sunday June 1st and 2nd -
check with Walt Dewar III or Garyne Evans on more details and how you will participate/volunteer.

Music Camp Logo
St. James' Summer Music Camp
From July 22-26, St. James Episcopal Church is hosting a new week long summer music camp devoted to private musical study and fellowship.  This camp is offered to students ages 9-14, and there are only 24 spots available; 8 for each discipline of voice, piano and guitar

 Go to our Podbean Page if you missed a sermon.   

Acknowledging our Saints

Julie Murray
Read Julie's Interchange Article
Every now and then, it's important to publicly affirm someone for their talents and the
extra efforts they are taking to proclaim Jesus' Gospel despite the business of their everyday lives. Our own Julie Murray is the diocese's communication specialist. She's been doing the work of at least two people in her office for the past few months. Despite all of those overtime labors; she volunteers her time to provide childcare to our NA families, serves, on the altar guild, helps out with the community supper, runs the communion bread scheduling process, and who knows what all else.

I mention all of that first to say "Thanks Julie!!!" Second to say we're really, really lucky and grace-filled to have people who sojourn extra miles to make this an "alive" church.  Julie knows a thing or two about how important it is for our church to acknowledge and foster healthy relationships. She's skillfully discussed this topic in our first two "Open-Space" conversations. She's most recently written a heart-felt and knowledgeable article in this month's Interchange. Take time to read Julie's reporting here and definitely make sure to say thank you next time you see her.

Look for more saintly acknowledgments throughout the summer!

From Where You Are
From Where You Are by Lighthouse
I feel the beating of your heart
I see the shadows of your face
Just know that wherever you are
Yeah, I miss you
And I wish you were here

Perhaps this is how you feel about someone.

Chances might be that this is how someone may feel about you.

What if this might be a way of understanding your relationship with God as well as with other people? What if these lyrics somehow capture how God feels about you as well as humanity?

So far away from where you are
These miles have torn us world's apart
And I miss you
Yeah, I miss you
And I wish you were here

Enjoy Lighthouse's "From Where You Are"

 Jim- Easter Sunday 2013
 St. James Episcopal Church
Jim Strader - Rector - email  Jim

St. James Episcopal Church is called to be a center of worship and common life where Christ's love is visible and experienced in order to seek and serve Jesus in others.