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Welcome Back!

Dear Gateway Community,


Welcome back to school, and Happy Fall! The year is off to a magnificent start, and the halls are abuzz with creativity and enthusiasm. The start of school is always a special time for us, and the infectious energy of our community is palpable. Students, teachers, parents, faculty, and staff have already set a high bar for the year to come. 


As you may have heard, September brought terrific news concerning our enrollment policies. The SFUSD Board of Education approved our petition to amend our charter and allow an admission preference for Gateway Middle School students who apply to Gateway High School through the Gateway High School lottery. Since we opened the middle school in 2011, we had the goal of working with students through their formative and teen years. This change ensures that we can do that work and support the students and families who need us most. As usual, it was a community effort, and we thank everyone who came out in support of our schools.


Another thing that we're excited about this year is the practice of growth mindset. We introduced the concept in both schools in 2013 and spent substantial time over the summer with our faculty developing curricula to support it. So much of what we do in Learning Seminar centers on growth mindset, the principle that students can achieve at high levels if they believe they can. Research shows that this shift in perspective can dramatically alter the trajectory of learning, for both students and adults. We're excited to see the results in the coming months.


Finally, I'm thrilled to report that 96% of our 2014 graduates went on to college this semester. Many have returned to campus to visit, and we hope that number will only grow. Our students are the legacy of what we do, and we are eternally proud of their accomplishments.


All of us at Gateway Public Schools look forward to a tremendous year ahead. Thank you for being a part of our tremendous community. 



Sharon Signature  

Sharon Olken

Executive Director, Gateway Public Schools

Good news! SFUSD Board of Education approved a change to the Gateway High School charter that includes a preference for Gateway Middle School students in Gateway High School's lottery. READ MORE 

Would it be too much to hope that we don't have another discussion next year? READ MORE 

A Great Fit 



The "good fit" for Ms. Hilarides is a great fit for her students and the Gateway community. She demonstrates the open-minded generosity of spirit that defines the best Gateway has to offer. READ MORE


On August 14th, Gateway High School's incoming 9th Graders took their requisite trip to UC Berkeley. College is the expectation at Gateway High School, and that expectation starts early. READ MORE 

It seems like a world away by now, but early in the year, we put our teachers to the test and asked them, "How did YOU spend your summer vacation?" READ MORE 
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Gateway Public Schools
1430 Scott Street, San Francisco, CA 94115  |  P: (415) 749-3600  |  F: (415) 749-2716
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