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Another amazing year

Dear Gateway Community,


Three years ago we launched Gateway Middle School in order to reach students at younger ages and give them the tools they need to succeed in high school, college, and beyond. Tonight, Gateway Middle School promotes the pioneering class of 2014. Our students make us proud every day, but this ceremony will rank as one of our most special occasions. So many in our community - teachers, parents/guardians, staff, and volunteers - gave countless hours of their time so that we could ensure the brightest future possible for our students. It is a great moment for all of us.


Saturday we will honor the 13th graduating class from Gateway High School. Nearly 100% of graduating students are going on to college and most of them to four-year schools. This, too, is cause for enormous celebration and a chance for me to thank all who contributed to this moment for these students. Every student who walks the stage will do so with a village of support behind him/her, as well as our expectations of a bright future and plenty of visits back to campus.


This year we also saw the Gateway High School charter renewed. Another demonstration of our rich community efforts, the charter renewal proved that Gateway Public Schools has made a lasting impact on public education in San Francisco. Further, our involvement in the continued evolution of public education is now cemented into the fabric of our great city. We take our position seriously and look forward to sharing our next steps with you as we innovate and scale our impact in the future.


Finally, to our students, we say thank you. Every educator, caring adult, parent or guardian, staff member, and volunteer does what he or she does because they believe in you. Even when education becomes politicized or overburdened with agenda, we can always come back to the core: you inspire us to keep going.


Best of luck to all of our graduates. We wish you lifetimes of happiness and prosperity.



Sharon Signature  

Sharon Olken

Executive Director, Gateway Public Schools

Over Spring Break, Gateway High School's Garden Club broke ground on the new urban garden/outdoor classroom designated to fill the southeast corner of GHS' parking lot. READ MORE 

By looking at student work together, teachers build common standards for assessment and a common language for describing concepts and ideas. READ MORE 

Gateway Public Schools: a visual retrospective... 

We followed up with 8th grade students who were interviewed when they were in 6th grade and asked them to watch their original videos with us. Their reactions were priceless. READ MORE 


If you haven't heard, Gateway High School's Charter was renewed for another five years, and it was a real team effort. #ItTakesAVillage 




"You don't know how much strength you have. I wasn't going to let six years of Nazis destroy my future." READ MORE

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Gateway Public Schools
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