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 November at Jill's House 

backtotopIn This Newsletter

1. "Army Strong" Family Triumphs Over Tragedy

2. Amy Grant Coming May 4, 2013!

3. Jill's House Pilot in Colorado Springs Is a Big Hit with Families

4. Visit to Jill's House Prompts Couple to Discuss Jesus

5. Hard-Working Davis Center Students Make Jill's House Shine

6. A Reminder to Accept Everyone for Who They Are --Special Needs or Not

7. Photo of the Month: Brigid Learns She Fits Right In

armystrong"Army Strong" Family Triumphs Over Tragedy

Michael Johnson shares how your gifts transform his family's lives


Your generosity towards Jill's House brings joy to my son with disabilities, healing to my wife, and renewed strength for all of us to carry on. Grateful for the precious gift we have received, we would like to tell our story of how Jill's House helped to transform our family.


Young, newly married, and completely overconfident, my wife Brigid and I thought we had a plan for our future. But when a doctor says a word of power like "autism" or "brain tumor," your course changes, unexpectedly and irrevocably. You realize you are not in control, but still have no idea what is to come. 

Johnson Family
Your gifts bring joy, healing and renewal to the Johnson family.

As an American soldier, I thought I was Army strong. Yet I had no idea just how much my faith, courage and endurance would be tested by autism. With God's help, I have survived Beast Barracks at West Point, Airborne School, jungle warfare in Panama, a desert of fire in the Middle East and the war in Afghanistan. But the hardest thing I have ever done in my life is to care for our severely autistic son, all day, every day, with no end in sight. Read more.



As the year draws to a close, we humbly ask for your increased support to help hundreds of families like the Johnson's who carry a heavy burden and are waiting for just one night of rest.


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InnovationAmy Grant Coming May 4, 2013!
Join Us for a Celebration of Special Children at The Ritz-Carlton, Tysons
Mark your calendar for a Celebration of Special Children, an inaugural event to benefit Jill's House, on Saturday, May 4, 2013 from 6 pm to 10 pm at The Ritz-Carlton, Tysons.
Amy Grant for GalaGraciously hosted by Wayne and Catherine Reynolds, the black-tie event will feature Amy Grant and guest emcees Leon Harris and Alison Starling of WJLA-TV.
Reserve your sponsorship and table or download your pledge form today! For more information, please contact Kat Vinson at 703.639.5670 or kat.vinson@jillshouse.org.
We look forward to sharing this special celebration with you.
MatchingGiftJill's House Pilot in Colorado Springs Is a Big Hit with Families
Taking a major first step toward our goal to serve children in 20 U.S. cities by the year 2020

In our mission to serve more families around the country, our pilot program with Woodmen Valley Chapel (WVC) in Colorado Springs, Colorado was a tremendous success. Our team equipped leaders and volunteers at WVC to provide a weekend of respite to 13 children. The response from parents was overwhelmingly positive, as demonstrated in the following email received from Amy, the mother of two young children, Quinn and Chloe, who experienced the Jill's House program:


I was out of town while my children were at camp, and when I returned, my kids were totally and completely excited to tell me about their weekend. Neither of them could stop talking, and it was a battle to see who could tell me the next fun thing that happened. We heard about Sugar and Gunnison, the horses. We heard about the pool and games and songs and cabins and buddies and the tooth fairy and so much more! When I asked them their favorite part, Quinn could not tell me because he loved EVERYTHING. Read more


tissuesVisit to Jill's House Prompts Couple to Discuss Jesus

Open house guest shares how Jill's House demonstrates love for all of God's children


Dear Jill's House:


My wife and I were invited to visit your open house by friends of ours who are members of McLean Bible Church. During my wife's career she was involved with agencies that supported children with intellectual disabilities, so she saw firsthand the heavy emotional and life-long stress that couples face in caring for children with special needs.


When we returned to our car after our visit to Jill's House, my wife asked for the box of tissues we keep in our car's trunk. Both of us spent a few quiet minutes together shedding and sharing tears of joy and thanks for your unselfish efforts in helping all of God's children, no matter the race or religion.


I am a Christian and my wife is Jewish.


Our visit may be the beginning of a long-overdue talk with her about my belief in Christianity--specifically that it is never separate from the love for all of God's children.


We can't always start these conversations on our own, as we're only the messenger who waits for the right time to spread the true meaning of our love for Christ.


You may have made this possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


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daviscenterHard-Working Davis Center Students Make Jill's House Shine 
Students with special needs learn career and living skills through real-world work experiences

Jill's House is so fortunate and honored to have students from the Davis Center, a Fairfax County school focused on vocational and independent living skills for students with disabilities, provide us with their excellent services to clean and maintain our facility.
davis center
Davis Center students like Jacques take cleaning Jill's House very seriously!
The Davis Center believes that students will become productive and contributing members of society when provided with direct instruction focused on career and living skills. Students learn best when empowered, involved, encouraged, respected and challenged in a safe environment. These experiences prepare the students for life by providing self-advocacy, problem solving and productive communication skills.

Not only do the students from the Davis Center do an amazing job keeping Jill's House well maintained for our young guests, they also bring such joy to us every time they are here. 
volunteerA Reminder to Accept Everyone for Who They Are -- Special Needs or Not  
Volunteer Spotlight: Georgianne Rasmussen 

JH: What brought you to volunteer at Jill's House?

God's timing is always perfect. I had taken some time off of volunteer work to care for my ailing father and was ready to get involved again. I'd been praying for the Lord to direct me where He wanted me, and the very next Sunday I saw a flyer at McLean Bible Church recruiting volunteers for Jill's House. It was exactly what I was looking for--an opportunity to work with children in a Christian environment.


"Every time I volunteer at Jill's House I see the heart
of the Lord." - Georgianne

JH: Are there any special volunteer experiences at Jill's House that you would like to share? 

The experience that really sticks in my mind happened last spring during a week of day camp. I arrived as the parents were dropping off their children and watched the whole process. Because it was early morning, many dads were dropping off their children. What amazed me was how patient, tender and loving they each were--making sure specifics about their children were communicated. Then, once the child was safely transferred, out came the cell phones and they each transformed into their work personae.Read more


To learn more about volunteer opportunities at Jill's House visit jillshouse.org/volunteer or contact Jan Pascoe at jan.pascoe@jillshouse.org or 703.639.5665.



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photoofmonthPhoto of the Month: Brigid Learns She Fits Right In

Making friends on her first visit to Jill's House

Brigid finds acceptance and friends at Jill's House.


Perhaps the most transformational thing that happens here at Jill's House is when children realize they are in a safe place with other children just like them. A place where, for once, they are not defined by their disability.


We were reminded of this recently when sweet little Brigid, 6, a new Jill's House guest, was here for her intake session. During the visit she caught a glimpse of another little girl, Hope, who was busy in the art room and has Down syndrome, just like Brigid. When Brigid made this connection, she walked up to Hope and said "like me!" as in "you are like me!"


"It was a remarkable moment that we won't soon forget," said Brigid's mom, Carmela. "Brigid's insightfulness is just one of the ways she reveals God's gifts. We are so lucky to be part of her life!"


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 November 29, 2012


Since opening in October, 2010, Jill's House has provided 154,335 hours of respite care.

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Save the Date!


December 6, 2012: All are welcome to register for the Presidential Update via live webinar, presented by Cameron Doolittle, Jill's House President and CEO


April 6, 2013: The Big Band Dance to Benefit Jill's House


May 4, 2013: A Celebration of Special Children, an inaugural benefit for Jill's House, at The Ritz-Carlton, Tysons featuring Amy Grant


June 15, 2013: The Ride for Jill's House, a 100-mile motorcycle ride


October 14, 2013: The Links for Little Ones Golf Tournament, 1757 Golf Club

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twentybytwentyHelp Us Serve Children in 20 U.S. Locations by 2020

A gracious donor has challenged all of us, together, to match a $1,000,000 gift by March 31, 2013!
We need your help to match this generous gift and serve even more children and their families in Virginia, Maryland, Washington D.C. and beyond.

Will you help us get there?  
Donate now and indicate "20 by 2020 matching challenge" in the comment field. Together, we can help meet the need for respite. Thank you!

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Give to Jill's House at Work!


united way and cfc


Make a lasting difference in the lives of families of children with special needs when you participate in your employer's Combined Federal Campaign, United Way, or employee giving program.

Your gift gives hundreds of families desperately needed rest and renewal through Jill's House.

There are four easy ways to give to Jill's House from your workplace:

- Combined Federal Campaign #22742;

- United Way #8244;

- Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign #8142; or

- Your own company's employee giving campaign.


For more information, contact your employer or Althea Katona at 703.639.5699 or althea.katona@jillshouse.org

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What Our Families Are Saying


"It's not easy to express the many ways my son's visits to Jill's House have made a difference in his life. But he said it best when he recently announced 'Jill's House just gets me!' "


"My son is 16, non-verbal, and a sweet, big, super-active handful. He has recently learned to climb over our six foot fence at home! Jill's House is such a blessing, and an outlet for him to have physical fun. When we turn into your driveway, I can tell by the tone of his sounds that he's super excited. He runs through the doors and straight to the pool, trying to get in. The accessible activities are just so great for him, and he's much calmer when he returns home. Thank you!"

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Be a Part of Our Team

As Jill's House serves more and more children, we continue to need great people.


We are currently hiring for the following positions:


-PT Custodian

-PT Contract CDL Bus Driver

-PT Child Care Specialists

-PT Water Safety Instructors

-PT & FT Registered Nurses (RNs)

-PT & FT Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs)


View complete listing and job descriptions here.


Jill's House | P.O. Box 9104 | McLean, VA 22102 | 703.639.5660

CFC #22742 | UW #8244