NunJustice Project     

Support the Sisters!  

Watch live-stream Vatican report on visitation of U.S. sisters 


 Dear Friend of U.S. Women Relgious 


On Tuesday, December 16, we invite you to join members of the Nun Justice Project in watching a live-stream press conference from the Vatican about the outcomes of the Congregation for Religious' Apostolic Visitation of U.S. sisters conducted from 2009 to 2012.


The press conference is being held in Rome at 11:30 am Rome time, (5:30 am Eastern time in the U.S.).  Here is the link: 


While early reports indicate the report will be positive, it is important to remember that the mandate against the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) still stands


It is encouraging that the president of LCWR, Sr. Sharon Holland, will participate in the press conference.  However, until the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) rescinds the mandate and apologizes to LCWR, the sisters remain under a Vatican cloud.


The NunJustice Project thinks it is important to understand what sisters themselves have to say about their experience of the Visitation.  Power of Sisterhood: Women Religious Tell the Story of the Apostolic Visitation is an inspiring narrative told from their perspectiveSr Addie Lorraine Walker reflects "... it was in the midst of this sense of marginality or within a context of subjugation that women religious found a unique sense of liberating power along with the meaning and purpose of their prophetic voice."  (Full review can be found here)


Your passionate advocacy for the sisters through hundreds of prayer services, public demonstrations and media events was instrumental in advancing due process, raising up women's leadership voice and promoting justice in the church. 


You helped the Vatican understand how deeply U.S. Catholics value the prophetic witness of women religious and appreciate their commitment to social justice and care for the marginalized.  Your witness is an important milestone in the ongoing struggle for human rights in the Church.


The Nun Justice Project will be issuing a statement and media response after the press conference, so watch your inboxes on Tuesday afternoon!


For extensive background on the Nun Justice Project's work addressing the LCWR mandate visit


For background on the Apostolic Visitation click here and here



The Nun Justice Project is a grassroots movement supported by the following organizations: American Catholic Council, Association for the Rights of Catholics in the Church, Call To Action, Catholics for Choice, CORPUS, DignityUSA, FutureChurch, New Ways Ministry, Quixote Center, RAPPORT (Renewing a Priestly People, Ordination Reconsidered Today), Voice of the Faithful, WATER: Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual, Women's Ordination Conference 

Kate McElwee, representative of the NunJustice Project, delivers over 17,000 signatures supporting LCWR and U.S. Nuns to Pope Francis.