FutureChurch carries the "Voices of the People" to the Synod

Executive Director, Deborah Rose-Milavec goes to Rome for the opening of the Synod to advocate for the "Voices of the People."

FutureChurch Executive Director Deborah Rose-Milavec will be in Rome for the opening of the Synod of Bishops on the family from October 2 - October 7, 2014.  

"I plan to carry with me and share with as many officials as possible the 'Voices of the People' report," said Rose-Milavec. "It contains the experiences, faith, sufferings and hope of 16,582 Catholics who responded to a survey sent out by fifteen U.S. Catholic reform organizations, including FutureChurch, in November and December 2013."

Dr. Peter J. Fagan from the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine analyzed the survey responses and produced the final report.  
He noted

 that although the survey was long and tedious to complete, the extraordinary response by the 16,582 faithful was a "testimony to the depth of care and concern they had for the future of the church and the transmission of the Gospel.  Their voices deserve to be heard."    


"That is the reason FutureChurch and Catholic organizations initiated the survey," said Rose-Milavec, "Catholics deserve to be heard, not out of charity, but because they are baptized. Vatican II and Canon Law attest to their duty 'to manifest their views on matters which concern the good of the Church (C 212.3).'"

The current configuration of the working groups does not create room for the voices of many Catholics who feel excluded from the life of the Church," said Rose-Milavec. "The most significant part of our work is pressing for greater inclusion at the Synod.  Catholics have a particular wisdom that will help shaper the future of our Church.  If those in leadership do not recognize the need to seriously engage those voices, the success of the synod for opening up new pastoral avenues for all Catholic families will be at risk."

FutureChurch will be reporting on the daily work of the synod.  Follow us on on our Blog,  Facebook and Twitter.  

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