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The Gainesville Sun Does It Again!
Edition: Oct 17th, 2013
In This Issue
Gainesville Sun
Alachua County Tea Party
Black Tie and Blue Jeans
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Next Republican  Meeting
The next Alachua County Republican Executive Committee meeting will be on Thursday, October 24th at the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge at 3301 North Main Terrace for our regular meeting.
The meeting will start at 7:00 P.M.
We are not have a business meeting in September so that we can participate in the Truth Transcends Color special event listed at the right.
ACREC Contact and Location Info 

Party Headquarters:
1722 NW 80th Blvd
Suite 90
Gainesville, Fl  32606

Mailing Address:
PO Box 358536
Gainesville, Fl  32635




Paid for by the Alachua County Republican Executive Committee, PO Box 358536, Gainesville, Fl  32635, independently of any candidate.

The Gainesville Sun Just Misrepresented Their Own Coverage of Congressman Yoho
First we claimed that they had run five editorials against Ted Yoho.  They claim to have run one.  Their definition of "editorial" appeasr to be an article on the editorial page that list no author.  By their definition, in the time frame that we specified, they ran two editorials, not one.  One was on October 4th, with a title referring to the Congressman as "Downright Dangerous" and the other was on October 7th titled, "Dear Re. Yoho."
The others were articles by Nathan Crabbe and Ron Cunningham, on the Editorial Page, so we presumed to refer to them as editorials.  Shame on us.  Actually, we still think they count.
Next, by selectively editing a quote from their own paper, Doug Ray would have you believe that they did NOT put Ted Yoho in the same category as Terry Jones and single Tim Tebow out of that group.  Doug quotes the Cunningham editorial as thus:
We are arguably the intellectual epicenter of the great state of Florida. We have world-class scientists pushing back the boundaries of human knowledge. Gainesville styles itself "Innovation City," because so many creative people are doing so much cutting-edge work.
And yet, I suspect that if you ask the world at large what they've heard about Gainesville, three names would surface right off the bat.
Terry Jones. Tim Tebow. And now Ted Yoho.
Doug then goes on to state:
So while it puts Yoho in the same league as Jones, it also puts him in the same grouping with Tebow.  And none of that has to do with the debate in Washington.
That was a clever trick, but Doug Ray dropped a very important sentence from the original Cunningham opinion piece.  It goes like this:
If you are known by the company you keep, that's got to be embarrassing for Timmy.
In that one sentence, a Gainesville Sun article set Tim Tebow apart and left Congressman Yoho in the same category as a man that spews the kind of nonsensical hate that comes from Terry Jones.  Whether the Gainesville Sun agrees with the Congressman's position, or not, we think what they did was journalistic malpractice.
In the very next paragraph, Doug Ray, claims that he answered the letters that were civil, as if the Sun grouping Ted Yoho with Terry Jones and referring to him as "Downright Dangerous" was civil.
Doug's email address is below.  I encourage you to tell him what you think about his selective use of his own paper to justify their bad behavior.  But, be civil.  Let's not stoop to their level.
Our advice to the Gainesville Sun is that they examine how they handled themselves in that 10 day period of time.  They didn't just express an opinion.  They sought to do damage.
Alachua County Tea Party Meeting on Saturday, October 26th with Sheriff Darnell, Chief Tony Jones and State Senator Rob Bradley!
Please join the Alachua County Tea Party for their next meeting on Saturday October 26 from 10am - 12 noon at the Tower Rd Public Library. We will have several guest speakers including Alachua County Sheriff Sadie Darnell, and GPD Chief Tony Jones.  Their topic will be constitutional Officers and what they are doing to protect citizens from an overreaching federal government.
  Alachua Tea Party Logo
State Senator Rob Bradley will also be a guest speaker, talking about State government and the successes and challenges that we face.

Please plan on attending, and bring a guest.
What:     Alachua County Tea Party Meeting
When:    Saturday, Oct 26th at 10 A.M.
Where:   Tower Road Branch of the Alachua County Public Library
              3020 SW 75th Street in Gainesville
2013 Ronald Reagan Black Tie and Blue Jeans BBQ with Michelle Malkin and Gov Rick Scott
Black Tie and Blue Jeans is fast approaching, and tickets tables are selling fast!
We are proud to announce that the 2013 edition of the Ronald Reagan Black Tie and Blue Jeans BBQ is on Thursday, November 21st!
Black Tie and Blue Jeans has been one of the most highly anticipated and cutting edge events in the state.  We have had the pleasure of bringing in cutting edge speakers like Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Oliver North, Laura Ingraham, Iraqi General Georges Sada, Neal Boortz, Governor Rick Scott and others.
This year, we are proud to announce that our keynote speaker will be Michelle Malkin, and that we will have an encore appearance by Governor Rick Scott!
Michelle Malkin is a nationally syndicated columnist for Creators Syndicate. Her wide-ranging and news-breaking - commentary has been honored by several national organizations.

Her twice-weekly column is published by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Miami Herald, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Detroit News, Washington Times, Rocky Mountain News, Philadelphia Daily News, Houston Chronicle, Chicago Sun-Times, and New York Post, among a rapidly growing number of newspapers across the country. She also appears weekly in Jewish World Review.

Michelle also makes regular appearances as a guest and commentator on Fox News.
We also welcome back Governor Rick Scott for an encore appearance at this year's Ronald Reagan Black Tie and Blue Jeans BBQ.
Under Governor Scott's leadership, the State's debt has been paid down, its credit rating has been upgraded, and job creation has outpaced that of the nation.
What:     2013 Ronald Reagan Black Tie and Blue Jeans BBQ
When:    Thursday, November 21st
Where:   Canterbury Equestrian Showplace
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