SAVE THE DATE - Wednesday, March 20 & April 3
A very special Wisdom Class on The Magic of Chant, led by Rabbi Shefa Gold
 Join Rabbi Marc for a TAO Community Journey to Israel
Start planning now so you can be part of this thrilling trip with your TAO community. Rabbi Marc has put together an awesome itinerary at the extraordinary price of $1250 plus air.
The dates are June 12, 2014 - June 22nd, 2014.* Join us. It won't be the same without YOU.
CLICK HERE for details
* Optional additional 4 days Chesed add-on. Click above for more information
Only 2 Weeks to Go! Reservations close Thurs March 21.
Reserve NOW!
Call 954-888-1408 Tuesday, March 26 - 6:30pm at Artserve
Community Seder
Don't miss out on the richness and depth of Passover - TAO style. It's a wonderful chance to savor the joys of Pesach at the mystic level of understanding.
This will be an experiential evening that will teach and encourage all who attend to share the holiday of Passover with family and community in joy, meaning and spirituality.
Please bring your vegetarian or parve meal for your family. We ask that you try to honor Passover Kashrut by not including any foods or food products which contain ingredients derived from: fermented cereal grains: wheat, barley, oats, spelt or rye OR legumes such as corn and beans, peanuts, as well as rice.
TAO will supply grape juice, ceremonial wine, matzoh, paper goods and tableware.
Rabbi Marc will lead us through the rituals and traditions of making Pesach for your family in our TAO community way. If you want to learn or you're a seasoned Pesach hostess, OR if you want to simply be a part of our TAO Community Seder, join us.
Reservations are open now and limited to the first 100 due to seating limitations.
$5 for members by CHECK mailed to TAO at 10200 W. State Road 84, Suite #218, Davie, FL 33324 $12 for member's guests and all non-members. (The fee covers the cost of the room and all included items listed above.)
Share the joy...bring a friend, your chldren and grandchildren!

Do It Anyway!
Nancy Mendelson has generously offered to chair this event. Thank you Nancy! If you are looking for a way to get more involved with TAO, Nancy will need a team to make this happen easily and beautifully. Call the office (954-888-1408) and
volunteer to help plan, set-up or clean-up.
 Be a Spa Day Committee Volunteer We need you! Please join us. Can't make the meetings and still want to help? Great! Contact Dottie (305-586-1745), Pam (954-258-1640) or Jenae (954-290-9896)
Our Newsletter
We hope you like the new format. We're working to make it easier to find all the great information! Kindly direct ALL INQUIRIES to the office. 954-888-1408

Do a Mitzvah....
..Donate Children's Clothes & School Supplies. Sue Reisman teaches in an extremely impoverished area. The kids (through 8th grade) need everything. It's a great reason to clean your closets and offices. Pens, pencils, paper, glue sticks and on. All sizes of clothing accepted!
Let her know you'll help.
Click here to send Sue an email
TAO's Adopted Family
An important part of living a Jewish life is to offer tzedaka and chesed - charity and loving kindness. With this in mind, TAO has adopted a family through the Touch A Heart Foundation. How can you help? You can make a call and say hello, or maybe stop by for a visit. If possible, you could bring some groceries or cleaning supplies; maybe think of them when you see the 'Buy One Get One' deals at the local market. There is no gesture too small or too large for this needy family.
If you are interested in helping this family in any way, please call Renee at 954-888-1408 or by email at Renee@TAOCenter.net

Give Tzedaka
TAO Gives Back
We are proud to contribute our efforts, time and dollars to help the community.
TAO increased our level of support to Kolot - JFS organization to end Domestic Abuse in the Jewish Community.
TAO supported Touch A Heart Foundation by adopting a family - a grandmother and two grandsons for next year.

The following people may need help remembering they are whole and healthy. Please, when you are with them and when you think about them... see them as whole and perfect.
Evan Jacob Demarb (son of Haddassah Nafdallah - friend of Anne Goldberg), Jared Gordon (Jenae Rubin's cousin), Royce Sagenkahn (Jenae Rubin's friend), Dennis Barry, Leslie Brinkman, Gertrude Birchwood (Myrna Wolf's mother-in-law), Chava Lila bat Masha Aviva, Yehudah Cantor, Brianna Dalnas, Robbin Garrison DiCiacco, Ralph Dozer, Rick English (Carole McConnell's son-in-law), Murray Evans, Rita Feuerman (Rhonda Hey's mother), Brian Fusco, Kate GeMeiner, Gila bat Sora, Eliezer Ben Chava Glaser, Grace Gleissner, Barbara Gotsopoulos, George & Sylvia Greene (Renee Greene's parents), Jerry Grove, Myrna Greissman, Leon Heller, Esther Jungreis, Paul Kay, Phyllis King, Pamela Klein, Ava Kugelman, Andy Leeds, Judy Levy & Louis Levy (Sue Reisman's parents), Jacob Marvin, Billy Mauer (Velvul ben Leah), Meira bas Shandel Chana (Shana Heppner's daughter), Audrey Nevins (Ann Kurtzman's sister), Susan Quasha (sister-in-law of Phyllis Tess), Rachel bat Nechama (Rick Vogel's sister), Saul Reiter, Wayne Rogers, Sara Rosenbaum, Joy Rosenbloom, Joan Rosenwasser, Jean Sokol Rosner, Jake Rutsky, Jackie Sabatucci, Lynn Schlitt, Rebecca Schwartz (Rivka Maiden's cousin), Shauel Randell,Marvin Sheplow, Simcha ben Sarah-Iris, Frayda Sinnreich, Debi Sweeney (Alan Kurtzman's daughter), Toba Basha bas Chana, Shirley Ullman, Caren Vivado, Shaul ben Ida & Chana Rifka bat Hinda (Hindy Stegman's parents)
Please contact the office with requests for additions to this list. We respect your desire for privacy and only list with permission. Also, please notify the office to remove names from this list.

TAO Classifieds
Past Life Recall Workshop
Facilitated by: Dottie Zveibil
Sunday, March 17
Are you attracted to a certain era, décor, dress? Have you ever experienced déjà vu? Much of what happens to us and around us is unknown. In this experiential workshop, Dottie will guide you in a Past Life Recall to uncover your natural abilities and unlock the secrets of a past life that impact and affect this life.
Looking for Work
Experienced office assistant seeking immediate part-time work. Great with filing, telephones and general office responsibilities. Trustworthy and reliable. Contact Angela at 954-534-6740.
Place Your Ad Here
TAO members looking for employers and employees are welcome to place an announcement in this newsletter at no charge.
Email your announcement to
Job Opportunities
Members post job opportunities for FREE!
Call the office 954-888-1408
Members, add your listing by clicking "Join Network" in top right corner. Your listing will appear the day your membership status is verified. If you wish to offer a discount to TAO members, indicate such.. and welcome to the Network!
Member Benefits
There are many great
FREE & Member Only (MO)
events when you're a member of TAO:
Sukkot Havdallah (MO)
Shabbat Retreats (MO)
Wisdom Classes (Free)
Women's Spirituality Group (MO)
Men's Spirituality Group (MO)
Sunday Salon (MO)
New Year's Day Shabbos (MO)

Do you love the sweet Shabbos reminder calls from
Rabbi Marc?
Will you sponsor the calls for the next 12 months? What a mitzvah it will be to support this lovely practice.
Please call the office with yourdonation, or click here to donate online
Please indicate "Reminder Calls" in the message box if donating online. Thanks... LOTS! Your sponsorship will bring much joy to our community.
Rabbi Marc Labowitz
Transportation As One
People from Miami to Aventura to Boca to Palm Beach want to attend TAO Services and Wisdom Class and are unable or uncomfortable driving. If you will take someone with you, please email us, and we'll update the list to help make it easy for everyone to attend and participate in our events.
Plus, it's the green thing to do! Carpooling conserves gas and offers the opportunity to enjoy your TAO friends at the same time. Click here for list of people offering rides.
Join a Committee
Do It Anyway!
Participating on a committee enriches your life, builds meaningful relationships and strengthens our community. Call a Committee Chairperson or the office 954-888-1408
Board of Directors
Rabbis Rabbi Phil Labowitz Rabbi Marc Labowitz Founder Rabbi Shoni Labowitz Honorary President Dr. Florence Ross* President Sandy King Membership Bob Heaton Board Members Anne Goldberg Pam Kelner Robert Zveibil Immediate Past President Anne Goldberg
Committee Chairs Chessed/Social Action Janice Weintraub High Holy Days Dee Sacks Membership Shirley Shelpman Spirituality Groups Men - Lowell Gannon
Women - Myrna Wolf Nichum (Bereavement) Kate GeMeiner Friday Oneg Angela Gershenwald
Eileen Grove Richard Grove Fleur Heaton Nancy Mendelson
Saturday Oneg Trudi DeGrazia Angela Gershenwald Eileen Grove
Nancy Mendelson
Marcia Peschitz
Zionism: Our Voice
Rick Vogel Security
Ron Gotlin
Choir & Musicians Maria Daszkal Bob Heaton Rebbetzin Paulina Michelle Alva Laura Launer
Esther Levy
Rick Wolfe
Staff Administrative Director Renee J. Greene Office Manager Dee Sacks
* of Blessed Memory
Shabbat Services  Friday, March 15
with special guest
7:20pm - Cantorial Chants 7:30pm - Service begins Followed by Oneg Shabbat
Please join us for a very special Shabbat featuring The Magic of Hebrew Chant, with Rabbi Shefa Gold. Chant is a meditation practice that fully engages body, heart and mind and facilitates healing and the expansion of consciousness. Rabbi Shefa combines her grounding in Judaism with a background in Buddhist, Christian, Islamic and Native American spiritual traditions. If you love this service, mark your calendar for Wisdom Class on both March 20th and April 3rd as Rabbi Shefa will be leading a 2-part workshop in theory and foundations of Chant.
Following the service please join us for our Oneg Shabbat
Join us in joyous, meaningful, spiritual prayer at Artserve.
This is Jewish Renewal.
This is TAO.
Welcome home.
Members and non-members are always welcome to our services. Share the joy and connection of our holy, sweet community. Members, please help us welcome guests (wearing red name badges) by offering them a warm greeting and a TAO hug. And please... remember to bring non-perishables for those less fortunate.
1350 E. Sunrise Blvd (in the public library) (enter on 14th Avenue)
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
Learn the Friday night prayers and come sing with us
Today's Parsha March 14, 2013 3 Nissan 5773 Vayikra: Leviticus 1:1-5:26 All the variations of experiences are here for you to become more intimate with yourself, your God and life on earth. Weekly Inspiration  One is never more graceful than when walking slowly and deliberately. ~ Rabbi Marc
Follow Rabbi Marc on Twitter
 Mazel Tov
To Pearl and Adam Atkin on the birth of twin great-grandsons, Nathaniel & Zachary, born to their granddaughter Lisa and husband Michael Lenz in Pennsylvania.
Welcome New Member
Karen Gerasimchik
Please warmly welcome Karen at services and events.
Coming Up at TAO
Mar 13 Wisdom Class led by Rabbi Marc Mar 15
Shabbat Services at Artserve - Mark your calendar for a very special Meditation Service with special guest, Rabbi Shefa Gold
Mar 18
Women's Spirituality SOUTH, Members Only! Nancy Mendelson, Facilitating
Mar 19
Men's Spirituality
Mar 20 & Apr 3
SAVE THE DATE - A very special Wisdom Class on
The Magic of Chant, led by Rabbi Shefa Gold Note: There will be no Wisdom Class March 27th
Mar 26 TAO Community Seder - Reserve Now
April 19
A very special Shabbat Service with Zeva Soroker and her Womens Drum and Dance Ensemble. Mark your calender. Details to follow.

Sunday May 5, 2013
Reserve Now. Don't miss out!
Once again, Chair Jenae Rubin, along with Co-Chairs Dottie Zveibil and Pam Kelner and their amazing Spa Day committee, will deliver another day of bliss, relaxation, spiritual upliftment and just plain pampering.
Click here to register NOW!
Prices range from just $36 to $236.
Be a Spa Day Committee Volunteer
We need you! Please join us.
Can't make the meetings and still want to help? Great!
Contact Dottie (305-586-1745), Pam (954-258-1640) or Jenae (954-290-9896)
 Welcome to TAO
We are a warm expression of joyful Judaism, with meaningful ritual and universal Truths rooted in Torah, Kabbalah and other traditional & mystic Jewish sources. We draw deeply from communal wisdom and spiritual traditions in accordance with the ongoing process of the living Torah.
TAO stands for Temple Adath Or. Our founding rabbi, Rabbi Shoni Labowitz, used great intention in choosing this name, as in Hebrew it means People (or community) of Light. And whether the members were drawn to the name, or simply just lived up to it, TAO is, indeed, a community of light.
Embark on a journey to your Jewish soul through music, dance, chanting and meditation. This is not your parents' schul! Come and experience the warmth of Jewish Renewal - and community - TAO style.
TAO Videos
Meditation Retreat: Impact of Stillness > Watch
Shema & Self Image > Watch
Friday Night Service > Watch
Meditation Retreat > Watch
Drumming Services > Watch
Click here to learn more about TAO
 Where to See Rabbi Marc & the TAO Orchestra
March 23 - Duncan Center in Delray Beach for an evening of Kirtan, Drumming, Dancing & Reiki
Partner Happenings
Please check back for events sponsored by TAO's partner organizations
 Wisdom Class - Wednesday, March 13 with Rabbi Marc
Wednesdays 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Parsha Study - Facilitated by Meyer Weiss, prior to Wisdom Class from 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
TAO's Kabbalah Wisdom Class is an entry point to a soulful, mystical, and purposeful life. In learning to live a life seen through the lens of Kabbalah, we become attuned to looking deeper and finding meaning.
At TAO, we see the hidden wisdom of Kabbalah as one of the keys that unlock an empowered, conscious existence. Each class is a combination of music, discussion and lecture designed to unravel these veiled depths of liturgy and prayer so that they become accessible, meaningful and useful in daily life. There is no need to bring anything special, only a thirst for insight, friendship and levity. This is a stimulating, spiritual circle of like-minded seekers of truth led by Rabbi Marc Labowitz.
Join us Wednesday nights 7pm at Posnack JCC and taste the sweetness of this millennial-old knowledge brought to life by Rabbi Marc and observe how the world becomes a 'sweeter place'.
Non-Members: $10 donation at the door
Members: $10 donation appreciated
David Posnack JCC - Pine Island & Stirling Roads in Davie - Main Building,
Room #146

Women's Spirituality Group
Monday, March 18 7:00pm Sharp (so come early) Nancy Mendelson, Facilitating
Always the 3rd Monday of the month in Plantation
Monday, April 1 7:00pm Sharp (so come early)
Always the 1st Monday of the month in Delray
Women's Spirituality Group is a sacred circle of spiritual women who want to grow and share their souls. Participation requires no prior experience, just an open heart and willingness to be in the company of loving, accepting friends. We neither solve problems nor give advice; we listen and learn, love and accept. It is a beautiful way to make friends and deepen relationships, both with other women and with yourself. Join us North or South or both and feel the love.
WSG is a Member Privilege. Non-members may attend twice before joining TAO. Click Here for Location & Directions WSG SOUTH
Myrna Wolf's home
RSVP and/or questions about this group, please contact
2013 Dates WSG NORTH
Mar 4, Apr 1, May 6, June 3
RSVP and/or questions about this group, please contact MSweedle@gmail.com 561-894-8791
To be included in the email list for Women's Spirituality Group NORTH , email MSweedle@gmail.com

 Men's Spirituality Group Tuesday, March 19
Come home to the brotherhood of men. All TAO men are invited to this unique, strictly-male opportunity. Each session is for eight weeks and discussions cover topics such as: procrastination, the power of money, creating happiness, and past lives. This is a safe and sacred space where you can be yourself.
Please note that once a new eight-week session has begun, the group is closed to new members until the next session begins.
Facilitator: Lowell Gannon You can reach Lowell by phone or email if you have any questions 954-240-1944 or Headhunt31@aol.com
Location Second Floor Conference Room at Office - 10200 West SR 84, Davie 33324.
From Nob Hill Road, just south of SR 84, turn as if you are going into Burger King and follow the road as it curves to the right. We are just west of Imperial Lighting. There is ample parking. Please arrive a few minutes early as the front door to the building locks at 7pm.
RSVP 954-888-1408 or TAOadmin@TAOcenter.net

Men's Spirituality is a Member Privilege
Non-members may attend once.

 Saturday Morning Meditation Retreats Saturday, April 12
Retreat into a sanctuary of silent inner reflection and sacred presence. Allow the hour to sooth and relax you through quiet prayer, euphoric chanting, gentle (Renewal-style) yoga and holy meditation - all in the tranquil, loving environment of the rabbi's own home and in the company of your TAO community. You know the benefits of meditation for your physical and mental health. Come and join us for this glorious hour, led by Rabbi Marc.
Meditation retreats - usually the 2nd Saturday most months.
2013 Dates - April 12, May 11, June 15
Location - At the home of Rabbi Marc and Paulina
The Meditation Retreat is a Member Only Privilege
Non-Members by Invitation only
 Yahrzeit Plaque
In the Jewish tradition, we externalize our beloved departed by honoring their blessed memory. Our Yarhzeit Plaque is a permanent memorial of family members and loved ones who passed on (parents, siblings, aunts/uncles, children, friends.)
Add your loved one to the Yahrtzeit Plaque.
Call the office for details. 954-888-1408
Photo thanks to the talent of Elyn Zerfas
Tree of Life
Express the unique spiritual grace and energy that reflects the loving Oneness that is our Tree of Life. The gift that honors your loved one(s) is a perfect way to celebrate the simchas you want to commemorate. From weddings to bar mitzvahs, births, graduations or anniversaries, a leaf on TAO's Tree of Life is a beautiful way to say "I love you."
Call the office for details. 954-888-1408
Photo thanks to the talent of Elyn Zerfas
 Sponsor An Oneg Shabbat 
Let's face it. We love our oneg. We love it not only because we're Jews and we love to eat, we love it because it brings us together and creates a space for us to catch up with, and hug, one another.
When you celebrate your birthday, anniversary, promotion; or say thank you to, or honor someone special by sponsoring a Friday night or Saturday Service Oneg Shabbat, your message of love is heard by all who are there and we all share in your joy. (And the food is so much better!) So celebrate your simchas with your community!
(By the way, sponsoring an oneg is a great way to promote your business. Rabbi Marc will personally acknowledge and thank you for your contribution at services and, it's advertised in this newsletter.)
Full and partial sponsorships are possible.
To sponsor an upcoming Oneg,
call the office: 954-888-1408
 Tikkun Olam  (Heal the World)
TAO cares about your health and that of the earth. Check here weekly for useful tips that save money, conserve resources and protect both you and our precious planet.
Earth & Human-friendly Pest Control Ants: Wipe cabinets with a damp sponge and 6 to 8 drops of peppermint or citronella essential oil Then place 3 to 5 drops of the same oil on windowsills, doorway cracks and in the corners of cabinets and under the sink.
Galia, Ocean and Kole Funds
In the spirit of Tzedakah, Paulina and Rabbi Marc set up three funds at TAO - a Galia fund, an Ocean fund and Kole Fund. When you share your sweetness to celebrate Galia's birthday (December 6), Ocean's birthday (June 28) or Kole's birthday (June 24) and other occasions, please donate to one of these funds rather than buying gifts for the children. These funds are used to send toys and other needed items to Jewish and non-Jewish organizations that serve children, including Jafco.
Paulina and Rabbi Marc will be informed that you gifted their children and performed an act of Tzedakah in their honor.
 TAO wants to celebrate  YOU!
Let us know the day and date (we don't need the year) of your birthday and allow us celebrate you. After all, YOU are what makes US special.