Leeds Grenville
Economic Development eNews | September 27, 2016
Business Profile
Sidecar Caf� and Ice Cream Parlour has fun with colourful throw-back 50s d�cor, Elvis
MERRICKVILLE - The village's newest eatery is capturing attention with their ice cream and floats, Elvis music, trendy d�cor and now their home-style lunches.

Sidecar Caf� and Ice Cream Parlour, located at 206 Main Street West, opened in May. Owners Joan Spencer and Paul Tonon have been busy ever since making shakes, banana splits and cones stuffed with all kinds of ice cream flavours.

"We opened and ice cream flew out the door," says Joan of the great customer turnout by both locals and tourists over the long, hot summer. "Young people like the root beer floats and the favourites for the older crowd are banana splits and sundaes," says Joan. 

"People enjoy how you can come in and sit and enjoy sundaes and shakes in antique glassware. We're bringing back the soda fountain look of the 50s," she says. The porch is a meeting place with 1950's style seating or you can enjoy the patio under the trees. Inside you'll find a cozy seating area and the Elvis statue. "People are always taking selfies with Elvis," she says. 

A retired teacher and former village councillor, Joan has wanted to start a business since she was a teenager. "I love to cook and bake for people." She introduced the lunch menu in July with sandwiches served on croissants. 

"I want people to feel at home when they come in here. Everything is homemade and we have an open-style kitchen," Joan says. Breakfast is now being served each Saturday and Sunday with various favourites, including the egg and back bacon Sidecar Slider sandwich.

Starting in October, Sidecar will be open Tuesday to Friday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for both breakfast and lunch. Hours on Saturday and Sunday are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Baked goods like lemon pound cake, pie and brownies are sold in the shop. Another favourite is Coutts Coffee from the Perth-based Fair Trade coffee maker and retailer of the same name.

Sidecar is participating in "Christmas in Merrickville" this December and will be hosting an Elvis impersonator. There will be 3 afternoon shows and if you attend, you will receive a sampler bag with cookies, tarts and peppermint bark.

Learn more about this new business by visiting their Facebook page or call them at 613-299-2618.
Top feature photo: Joan Spencer at the ice cream counter with the giant sidecar logo on the wall. The business name stems from Joan driving a motorcycle with, you guessed it, a sidecar.

Above: Classic 1950s porch stools with a view. Below: Paul Tonon, founder of the Merrickville Motorcycle Show, poses with the Elvis statue, an attraction in itself. Bottom photo: replicas of some of the ice cream favourites.

Upcoming Events

Pitch your business at the Otters' Den 
The Brockville Young Professionals Network (YPN) is kicking off Small Business Week with an inaugural gala featuring the new Otters' Den Event.

The YPN is accepting applications to pitch your business to their panel of investors - Otters' Den. You could walk away with a mentorship, a guaranteed commitment to talk further or more. A 2% portion of the amount given by the investors to the applicant will be donated to a charity of the applicant's choice or selected by YPN. 

The Young Professional of the Year Award will be announced at the gala. The evening starts with a networking hour and there will be live music and access to some Aquatarium exhibits

WHEN: Friday, October 14th, 6 p.m.
WHERE: Aquatarium, Brockville
COST: $90.40 (HST included)

Learn more about this event and how to register on our Workshops and Seminars page.

Augusta Business of the Year launches 
Trailblazer Award for young entrepreneurs
MAITLAND - The Augusta Township Council and the Economic Development and Tourism Committee are seeking nominees for the Business of the Year Award and the new Trail Blazer Award for business owners under the age of 35 and in operation 1-5 years. Nomination forms and details are posted on the Augusta website. Deadline for submission is October 21st.

Nominees and winners will be recognized at the Annual Business Luncheon that celebrates business innovation, community involvement and their accomplishments. 

Tom Graham, of TD Graham & Associates, will be the guest speaker discussing "What's Your Brand?"  and Rynestone Magic will provide entertainment.

WHEN: November 4, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
WHERE: MERC Hall, Maitland
COST: $15 at the door

Event registration via email by Monday, October 31st. For more information contact Jeanette at 613-342-8772, ext. 4471.
Workshops and Seminars
Service Excellence Certification

Developed by the Ontario Tourism Education Council (OTEC), this certified training covers industry best practices. The interactive, one-day workshop provides individuals with the skills and tools to create memorable service experiences resulting in increased customer loyalty.

WHEN: October 21 or November 18, 
9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
WHERE: 182 Sydenham Street, 
COST: $55
Bridges to Better Business Conference

Leeds Grenville Small Business Enterprise Centre celebrates its 20th anniversary of service in the community at their conference "Show me the Exit! How to build your business to sell." Awards presented include Entrepreneur of the Year and Immigrant Entrepreneur of the Year.

WHEN: Thursday, October 27, 
8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
WHERE: Brockville Country Club, 1548 King Street West, Brockville
COST: $50
Learn more about these events on our Workshops and Seminars page.