Leeds Grenville
Economic Development eNews | August 16, 2016
Business Profile
"Great Fishing!  Great Lake!  Great People!"
is Lakeline Lodge's wellknown motto
CHARLESTON - Lakeline Lodge & Marina Ltd. on Charleston Lake is a "one-stop dock shop" and cottage rental destination. It has been offering clients unique experiences and great memories since Glenn Ireland first opened the doors in 1962. 

Generations of families have been coming back every summer, says Lakeline owner Irene Ireland. They have clients who have been renting cottages for more than 40 consecutive years.  

"There is something about Charleston Lake that is so relaxing and peaceful," says Irene. "People have told me they're creating family memories to last generations." 

Lakeline is a third-generation family business. The Irelands strive to keep the old fashioned charm while adding new services and attractions. "We're constantly evolving to keep things interesting. People are always looking for something nice and fresh to add to their lake experience," she says. 

Most recently, their waterfront convenience store has been renovated. They've added submarine sandwich weekends, baked goods and fresh pastry days. The shop offers everything from hand-dipped ice cream, 5-cent candy, giftware and lightweight clothing to fishing licenses, live bait, tackle and propane. Growing in popularity is the Ontario-made C.R. Plastic Products recycled cottage and deck furniture. Lakeline is also a gas station and full-service marina for all makes and models and is a certified Yamaha Outboard dealership.

"People joke with me and say 'just build it, Irene,and we will come'," she says of their diversity of services.

Lakeline started out as an outboard mechanic shop with boat docking and two cottages. It now has 13 cottages, 3 on islands and 10 on the mainland. 

Boat rentals, including fishing and pontoon boats, canoes, kayaks, paddle boats and boards, are a large part of their business. They also sell paddle boards and motor boats.Their marina can dock up to 60 boats comfortably and there is a fish cleaning station by the docks for your catch of the day. 

Learn more about this Leeds Grenville business on their website. You can also visit their Facebook page, send them an email or call 613-924-9114. 
Top feature photo: Kristin Ireland, right, and visitor Dallas Seltzer, enjoy the view of the lake in front of the rental cottages in Charleston.

Irene Ireland, left, and daughter Kristin work together in the business. Below a stunning view from one of Lakeline's island cottages.

Business Innovation

"Live Radio Chatter" and "Push to talk" are available with the app, shown above.
Fluent IMS improves on popular app
for municipal fire and rescue departments
LYN - Fluent Information Management Systems (IMS) owner Jamie St. Pierre and his team have made significant improvements to their already popular Who's Responding phone app. It's now hands free with text reading abilities, it's faster and has built-in features to capture both Google street and satellite maps so responders clearly see what they're heading into. Onboard apparatus tablets linked to the app provide more site data and note-taking abilities.

"We built in a lot of hands-free features and included push to talk functionality. It essentially turns a smart phone into a walkie talkie," says Jamie, himself a volunteer firefighter in Elizabethtown-Kitley.

Already being used by more than 500 firefighting, search and rescue, emergency medical, police and SWAT teams across Canada and the U.S., Who's Responding is even more user friendly with many more features. The app allows officers to make educated decisions based on responding personnel. Responders are kept in the loop with their response to the station versus playing catch-up on critical details coming across the emergency radio frequency.

Fluent IMS has also developed an online burn permit management system being tested right now by North Grenville and Augusta Fire Departments. North Grenville Fire Chief Paul Hutt said the system improves communications and efficiencies. "It offers online services for convenience and most importantly offers immediate outbound notifications to the public. This tool will aid in notifying all permit holders of current fire hazard conditions as well as offer notification of when a Fire Ban has been activated," he says. 

Learn more by visiting Fluent IMS on their website.
Federal Government wants your input for Canada's New Tourism Vision
The Honourable Bardish Chagger, Minister for Small Business and Tourism, is seeking input for growing Canada's tourism sector.

A set of policies and initiatives for Canada's New Tourism Vision will be guided by bold policy ideas in specific areas. The main targets being considered are:
  • growing international visitation
  • growing tourism revenue, improving the sector's competitiveness
  • increasing market share of international tourists, and
  • improving Canada's international ranking as an international destination.

Please share your tourism business' priorities, barriers and targets by mid-August, by responding to a quick survey.


Take the Survey 

Tourism Industry Association of Canada
Workshops and Seminars
Starter Company Information Session

Are you 18-29 years old and want support in building a new business? This session is there to help and is presented by the Leeds Grenville Small Business Enterprise Centre (LGSBEC).

When: August 31
9 to 11 a.m. 
Where: LGSBEC office
3 Market Street West, 
Suite 3A, Brockville
Cost: Free
Service Excellence Certification

Developed by the Ontario Tourism Education Council, certified training covers industry best practices. It is an interactive, one-day workshop.

When: September 16, October 21 or November 18
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: KEYS Job Centre, 182 Sydenham Street, Kingston
Cost: $55
Communications Skills, Confidence and Leadership

Christopher Leadership Courses (CLC) in public speaking to build confidence. Presented by CLC Ottawa and the Leeds Grenville Small Business Enterprise Centre.

When: Monday evenings, September 19 to November 21, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. 
Where: Brockville Museum
5 Henry Street, Brockville
Cost: $300
Learn more about these workshops on our Workshops and Seminars webpage.