Leeds Grenville
Economic Development eNews | March 1, 2016
Career Services offers employers
unique staffing options, on-site training
If you are an employer looking to diversify your workforce, or solve some of your employment challenges, the experts at Career Services can help. They have assisted hundreds of employers in finding valuable long-term employees.

A community resource for over 40 years that is partially funded by the Ministry of Community and Social Services, Career Services helps people who have barriers to finding employment. They provide these individuals with career planning and preparation, along with job training.

"Employers see us as a resource to fill their niche employment needs" says Career Services job developer Ryan Gilligan. "We have quality, ready-to-work candidates that we support with onsite job coaching and follow-up support to ensure there is a smooth transition for both the employer and our client."

Career Services staff visit your workplace and identify what your needs are to find a candidate to fit your organizational culture. There are job trials to prove candidate skills and follow ups. Employers can access wage subsidies through the Opportunities Fund for People with Disabilities and through a partnership with the Employment and Education Centre's Employment Ontario programming. These dollars help the employer offset the cost of a new hire.

"We're always there for support," says Ryan. A total of 39 people have been placed in jobs in the past year.

Career Services also runs the largest independent co-packing plant in South Eastern Ontario. This unique not-for-profit business helps industries meet their production needs by offering custom packaging/labeling, including pallets, skids and shipping boxes, shrink wrapping, assembly services and much more. Revenues generated through the industry subsidize the employment services division of Career Services.

Learn more by calling Ryan at 613-342-5775 or email ryangilligan@careerservices.ca Learn about this employment service by visiting their website.

This is the fourth in a series featuring local employment service providers for employers and job seekers in Leeds Grenville. Visit our eNewsletter Archive to read previous articles.

Top feature photo: Ryan Gilligan is shown in the woodworking area at the 89 Hubbell Street Facility in Brockville.
Photos above: Chris at Eastern Independent Telecom Ltd. and Stan at Staples.
The photo at left is taken in the production area. 
Community Events

Some examples of how small communities can reinvent themselves: Train station in Erinsville and an outdoor classroom in Batawa.
Teeny Tiny Summit coming to Seeley's Bay
Economic Development that works in Ontario's smallest places! The Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands, in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), is hosting a Teeny Tiny Summit on Wednesday March 30, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Where: Seeley's Bay Community Hall, 151 Main Street.
Cost: $32.40
Sessions will include:
  • Keynote address by Doug Griffiths, author of "13 Ways to Kill Your Community;"
  • Case studies of real success in teeny, tiny places
  • Community Economic Development (CED) 101, scaled for teeny tiny places
  • Strategies for success and lasting impact.

It is designed to be a day of learning and inspiration.

See OMAFRA's Regional Economic Development Branch's blog "Four Reasons Why You Should Attend the Teeny Tiny Places Summit." 

To register, visit our Workshops and Seminars page and/or the Township website.
Workshops and Seminars
Pricing Strategies - FREE
Improve your cash flow

March 23, 6-8:30 p.m.
Grenville Mutual 
380 Colonnade Drive, Kemptville

Part of the BR+E Alliance,
All About Marketing 2016 Seminar Series.

Visit our Workshops and Seminars webpage for more information.

Promote your business online 

March 8, 15, 22, 29
9-11 a.m.
Gananoque Public Library
Cost: $15/workshop

Contact Gananoque Visitor Centre, 10 King Street East Gananoque at 613-382-8044

Learn more on our Workshops and Seminars webpage.
8th Annual South Grenville
Business Showcase & Expo

June 10-11, 2016
Ingredion Centre, Cardinal
Cost: $80 for 8x8 area with a table and chair. This event is presented by Augusta and Edwardsburgh Cardinal Townships and the Town of Prescott.