Leeds Grenville
Economic Development eNews | September 9, 2015
Business Profile

Top feature photo: General Manager Andreas Sturb shown outside the James Ross plant.

Above photo: Operator Matt Brennan, above, is shown at the controls of the Correa Axia 115 milling machine. Below photos: Production Manager Jim Bergwerff and Operator Ken Watson with the TrueLaser 3040. GM Andreas Sturb examines a product in shipping. James Ross is owned by Austria-based IBS Holding.
Steel manufacturer James Ross invests millions in equipment to serve both local and global clients
Local steel manufacturer James Ross Limited has recently added more than $3-million in new, specialized equipment to better serve its global clients and new business right here in Leeds Grenville.
"We've improved our capabilities tremendously in the last few years so we are now able to increase the contract work for other local businesses," says James Ross General Manager Andreas Sturb. 

The company designs and produces stainless steel machinery, mainly for the pulp and paper industry, and holds many design patents. Its 3D design capabilities mean James Ross can provide custom solutions for everything from large steel structures to small machined parts.
"One of our goals now is to increase our local business," says Andreas. Located in the Elizabethtown-Kitley Business Park north of Tincap, the company's most recent investment is a TruLaser 3040, a laser unit with a two-metre by four-metre bed able to cut sheet thickness of up to one inch. Another recent addition was the Axia 115 milling machine that stands six metres high and 13 metres long. 

James Ross uses the latest CNC, CAM and CAD technology at its 28,000-square-foot production facility. The company offers custom fabrication and claims "one of the best stainless steel welds in the sector." James Ross has a sandblast room, a 400-ton press brake and significant lifting equipment as well as turning and milling centres.
The company employs approximately 50 people and is located at 4503 Rowsome Road East. Learn more about James Ross by visiting their website or call 613-342-7734.
Celebrating Business

Award for new business growth 
or expansion being launched
Business owners within United Counties of Leeds and Grenville are eligible for a new award named after the late Ben TeKamp, who helped many area people transform themselves into successful entrepreneurs.

Organizers say the award is for "successful local entrepreneurs to be recognized for their contributions." Nominated businesses should be ones that are new, or have reinvented themselves, to meet the changing needs of Leeds Grenville. 

The deadline is Thursday, October 1, at 4 p.m.

Visit the Employment and Education Centre website to learn more about the award, the criteria and nomination process.
Food Conference Registration now open
Registration is open for the Eastern Ontario Local Food 2015 Conference.

The event is being hosted by the Cities of Belleville and Quinte West, in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Rural Affairs.

Producers and others that support local food can register for the November 4th Local Food Tour and Reception, followed by the full conference agenda on November 5th. 

Online registration is open by visiting their website. A Local Food trade show will be featured at the conference. Exhibitor information can be found on the website link listed above.

Christalla Buttle at the Tincap Berry Farm last month in the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley.
Funding Opportunities
Deadline for Festivals and Events 
marketing funding
The Tourism Event Marketing Program is merging with the Celebrate Ontario Program to streamline the application process for festivals and events. New and existing festivals and events organizers may now apply for marketing funding through the combined Celebrate Ontario 2016 program.

The deadline for applications is Wednesday, November 4, 5 p.m.

The first step is to register with the Government of Ontario's encrypted ONe-key-log-in system as a user in order to apply online. Refer to the Grants Ontario System Application Registration Guide. Learn more on the Grants Ontario website. Contact Blair Harris, your Regional Tourism Advisor for Leeds Grenville. 


Festival and event organizers interested in applying must use the Grants Ontario web-based application system. 
Workshops and Seminars
Understanding your cash flow forecast

Thursday, September 17, 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon, Small Business Advisory Centre in Smiths Falls. 

The seminar walks participants through a variety of interactive examples, including cash flow forecasts, income statements and balance sheets. 
The cost is $10 per person. 
To register contact Shannon or Cindy at the Small Business Advisory Centre at 613-283-7002, ext. 109 or 108, or email smallbusiness@smallbizcentre.ca
Service Canada webinars 

Online November 3 to December 17

The Service Canada webinars are designed to provide basic program, eligibility and referral information for major federal support programs. Each webinar is approximately one hour. 

The webinars for employers are being held on Tuesday, December 15 and Thursday, December 17. Learn more by calling 
1-343-362-2003 or by visiting our Workshops and Seminars page.