Economic Development eNews | November 25, 2014 |
Bill Thake Memorial Award for Economic Development |
Maitland preservationist receives
Bill Thake leadership award |
Richard Dumbrille is this year's recipient of the Bill Thake Memorial Award for Economic Development Leadership. Nominated by the Township of Augusta, Mr. Dumbrille received the award for his lifelong work in restoring historic buildings in the village of Maitland. The award was presented at the annual Leeds Grenville Economic Development Summit on November 21. Mr. Dumbrille was away at a family wedding so the award was accepted on his behalf by Augusta Township's Reeve Mel Campbell and Reeve-elect Doug Malanka.
Also honoured were nominees John Barclay, Municipality of North Grenville, Rod Fournier, Village of Merrickville-Wolford, and Pierre Mercier, Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands. Read more on the Summit webpage
Top feature photo: Left to right, nominees John Barclay and Rod Fournier, Warden Ron Holman, Reeve-elect Doug Malanka, Reeve Mel Cambpell, and nominee Pierre Mercier. |
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Richard Dumbrille was recognized for his heritage preservation work in the village of Maitland. |
Economic Development Summit |
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Scott Runte and Stephen Beamish from Launch Lab talked about the Regional Innovation Centres.
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Leeds-Grenville MP Gord Brown with business developer Joe Pal, of Pal Insurance, The Ivy Club and Riva Restaurant. |  |
Ewelina Sobala, of 1000 Islands Helicopter Tours, and Kathrine Christensen, of the 1000 Islands Accommodation Partners. |
Business leaders share knowledge at successful event
The 6th annual Leeds Grenville Economic Development Summit on Friday, November 21, attracted a strong line-up of business leaders from across the region. With the theme "Making the Right Moves," speakers included Scott Runte and Stephen Beamish from Launch Lab, Joe Pal of the Ivy Club and Riva Restaurant, Bruce Linton from Tweed Marijuana Inc., Francois Bruneau of Best Adirondack Chairs/DFC Woodworks Inc., Dave Kouri of 1000 Islands Helicopter Tours, Francois Guay, Prysmian Power Cables and Systems, and Ann Weir, economic development manager with the United Counties. Learn more on the Summit webpage. Summit presentations will continue to be available, please check for updates. |
Snowmobiling on 1000 Islands Parkway permitted this season
The St. Lawrence Parks Commission (SLPC) announced Monday it will again permit snowmobile access on the 1000 Islands Parkway north lane for the 2014-15 season. Access was allowed last year on a trial basis and no incidents were reported. Learn more about the new policy. |
Launch Lab dates set at Grenville CFDC
Entrepreneurs looking for support? Mentorship and advisory services are free. The Grenville Community Futures Development Corporation is hosting its next Launch Lab on Monday, December 15. To make an appointment call EODP Administrator Justin St. Pierre at 613-925-4275, ext. 27, or visit our GCFDC webpage. For more information on Launch Labs hosted by Valley Heartland Community Futures Development Corporation and 1000 Islands Community Development Corporation visit our CDC webpage. |
Economic Development Office
32 Wall Street, Suite 300, Brockville, ON Canada, K6V 4R9
TF. 1.800.770.2170 T. 613.342.3840 F. 613.342.3298