Leeds Grenville
Economic Development eNews  |  December 23, 2014
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Season's Greetings
Wishing you and yours a very safe and happy holiday
from all of us at Leeds Grenville Economic Development.
Ann Weir, Deanna Clark, Joanne Poll & Tess Good
In the feature photo at top: Christmas lights and decorations attract visitors at the Lower Beverley Lake Park in Delta. The holiday display has attracted thousands to the village over the past month leading up to Christmas. It is an economic development initiative to bring visitors to the village and region.
Report says campus has options;
Provincial response coming in January
Ontario Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) Jeff Leal is expected to respond to the new report on the Future of the Kemptville College Campus by the end of January 2015.
The report by the Hon. Lyle Vanclief, a former federal minister of agriculture, is recommending the transfer of the ongoing management and operation of the eastern Ontario campus in Kemptville to the Municipality of North Grenville. 

He further recommends the campus become an educational and multi-purpose hub that meets the needs of eastern Ontario. The report was well received by the municipality and the Kemptville College Renewal Task Force.
To read the full report visit the OMAFRA website.  

North Grenville Mayor Dave Gordon welcomed the provincial facilitator's report. Mr. Gordon was elected Warden of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville on December 10, 2014.
Funding Opportunities
Deadline for Local Food Fund is January 16
Funding applications for the sixth intake for the Local Food Fund Program are now being accepted by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. To date, 112 projects have been approved totaling $16.1-million. To learn more see the Food Bulletin and see the program application and guidebook on the Ministry's website. The next Growing Forward 2 application deadline will be announced in the New Year. 
Economic Development Office
32 Wall Street, Suite 300, Brockville, ON Canada, K6V 4R9
TF. 1.800.770.2170  T. 613.342.3840  F. 613.342.3298
Leeds Grenville