Leeds Grenville
Economic Development eNews  |  June 12, 2014
Connecting the Region
The Leeds Grenville Economic Development Office is proud to release its premiere eNews edition. This publication is a regional news-sharing outlet amongst its communities, businesses and those interested in becoming part of Leeds Grenville.
Our goal is to share Counties and municipal economic development news and events. We'll be featuring communities, local businesses, training and funding opportunities, and special announcements.
The edition will appear bi-weekly to monthly. Please feel free to share the Leeds Grenville Economic Development eNews with your friends and colleagues and get the word out on why our region is a place "Where lifestyle grows good business."
Promotional Videos
Video Gallery

Watch our new promotional videos

They're launched and getting new views every day! Over 1,300 people have viewed our Leeds Grenville main promotional video along with the three shorter videos in just a few weeks. They can be viewed on our website under our newly redeveloped video library at www.leedsgrenville.com/videos.
All four videos promote our distinctive region with the main promotional video approximately three minutes in length. Our shorter one-minute videos focus on investment attraction, workforce recruitment, and tourism attraction.  
The scripting is an invitation to take advantage of our region's lower land costs, the transportation and logistics hub with accessibility to Canadian and U.S. markets, along with our lifestyle and proud heritage. 
Follow Leeds Grenville on YouTube
The Counties have established a YouTube channel that features the new promotional videos and provides a central resource for all 13 Leeds Grenville communities, found at www.youtube.com/LeedsGrenville.
Each municipality has a dedicated playlist showing current videos promoting local businesses, attractions, and events.
We encourage you to share your videos with us, and we welcome you to share our videos with others to showcase all Leeds Grenville has to offer; a great region "Where lifestyle grows good business."
Don't forget to 'Like' our videos and subscribe to our YouTube channel to follow what's happening in Leeds Grenville. 
Business Directory
Are you listed?
The Leeds Grenville Business Directory is the central directory that services 10 municipalities in the region.
Check out and update your business listing or register your business at
Economic Development Office
32 Wall Street, Suite 300, Brockville, Ontario  K6V 4R9
TF. 1.800.770.2170  T. 613.342.3840  F. 613.342.3298
Leeds Grenville