UNM College of Pharmacy Masthead
News for Alumni & Friends
March 31, 2015 - In This Issue:

Stay Connected!
Upcoming Events


Domenici Auditorium

6:00 pm



Dean's Council Meeting

UNM Student Union Building

Santa Ana A/B

9:00 am - 12:00 pm


UNM Student Union Building

Santa Ana A/B

6:00 - 8:00 pm

Pinning Ceremony
UNM Student Union Building Ballroom
6:00 pm
In the February issue of the Alumni and Friends newsletter, Dr. Pree Sarangarm was not specifically mentioned as one of the inaugural members of the New Alumni Council. Our sincere apologies for the error.

We Need Your Help!
In celebration of the COP's 70th anniversary in 2015, we will be holding several events throughout the year. Our largest event will be our 70th Anniversary Gala Celebration on November 14, 2015, but we welcome volunteers throughout the year.

If you would like to be a part of this planning process, please contact Irene Gray at igray@salud.unm.edu.

Keenan Ryan ('14) and his wife welcomed a baby girl on March 5, 2015. 

In Memorium
Ray Rodman ('76) passed away on February 2, 2015.

Send Us Your Favorite Memories!

We're collecting your favorite memories from your time here at the College. In our 70 year history, we have had 3,000 graduates, 5 Deans, 2 buildings and immense growth as a whole. What moment during your time here made an impact on you? We want to know!


Please send your stories to us at hsc-cop-alumni@salud.unm.edu so that we can share them with our alumni and friends. Thank you!

Keep in Touch With the UNM Alumni Directory
Stay in touch with your fellow alumni by signing up at the UNM Alumni Directory. Here, you can update your current contact and employment information AND search for your former classmates. 
Send us Your Stories!
Did you just begin a new position? Get married? Become a proud new parent? Know another classmate who has accomplished something incredible and you want to share? Tell us!

Send us an email at hsc-cop-alumni@salud.unm.edu  and we will announce the news in our next alumni e-newsletter.

Our mission is to develop innovative leaders in pharmaceutical care and research who enhance the quality of life for the people of New Mexico.
Gifts to the UNM College of Pharmacy help us ensure that we continue to provide future generations of pharmacists with the best foundation possible.





L.Ray Nunley, RPh ('62) Named 2015 Distinguished Alumnus

We are honored to announce Mr. L. Ray Nunley, RPh ('62), of Ruidoso, NM as the 2015 UNM College of Pharmacy Distinguished Alumnus. The Distinguished Alumni Award is the highest honor the College of Pharmacy bestows.


Mr. Nunley has led a distinguished career as a pharmacist and as a public servant. His professional career in community pharmacy has included operating his own pharmacy in Ruidoso, NM. He operated Nunley Drug from 1966-1982, and the majority of the remainder of Mr. Nunley's career was spent serving Ruidoso as a pharmacist at Walmart. He was named Walmart's Regional Pharmacist of the Year in 1994, 1998, and 2003 respectively. Mr. Nunley retired from Walmart at the end of 2014.


Mr Nunley's professional career was intertwined with his public service. He served as the Lincoln County Commissioner for ten years and the Lincoln County Commission Chairman from 1994-1995. In 1990, New Mexico Governor Bruce King appointed Mr. Nunley to serve as a public member on the Board of Nursing where he eventually became the vice-chairman. He was held in high esteem for his pharmaceutical knowledge. 


Mr. Nunley's next appointment was by Governor Gary Johnson to the New Mexico State Agency on Aging, as he has always been known for his compassion for the elderly. In 1998, he tried to withdraw from the Village Council race to focus on implementing a prescription drug/health program for senior citizens, but was convinced to re-enter the race by senior citizens who were afraid their interests would not be represented as well without him.He was then appointed by Governor Bill Richardson to the NM Aging and Long Term Care Department in 2002 and re-appointed in 2004.


In 2002, Mr. Nunley was elected to the Ruidoso Village Council, and in 2006, he was elected Mayor of Ruidoso Village. In 2010, Governor Susanna Martinez, appointed Mr. Nunley to serve as a professional member of the New Mexico Board of Pharmacy where he served until 2013.  


The College of Pharmacy is deeply honored and proud to welcome L. Ray Nunley to our most prestigious group of honorees, the Distinguished Alumni.  The College will be celebrating Mr. Nunley's award and many accomplishments with a variety of events this Spring, beginning with a reception for Distinguished Alumni on the evening of Friday, April 17, 2015 as well as a number of events during Convocation weekend, May 7-9, 2015.


The College thanks Mr. William Harvey ('82) & 2012 Distinguished Alumnus for his significant contributions to this article.
NMPDIC Receives Stellar Marks in AAPCC Reaccreditation

On February 25th, New Mexico Poison and Drug Information Center (NMPDIC) staff, including Director, Dr. Susan Smolinske; Medical Director, Dr. Steven Seifert; Associate Director, Dr. Stephanie Harvey; and Health Educator, Jacqueline Kakos traveled to Dallas to defend the NMPDIC's accreditation renewal application to the American Association of Poison Control Centers' (AAPCC). Here, NMPDIC staff members were asked questions regarding performance and, according to Dr. Smolinske, the group gave "perfect answers which made it an easy decision for the AAPCC committee."

On March 3, 2015 the NMPDIC received the good news that they had been accredited without any conditions for the next seven years. Not all poison centers are accredited, making this a truly notable accomplishment. Congratulations to all of the staff at the NMPDIC for their efforts in what the AAPCC committee called, "the most well written application" they had seen. 


Dr. Renee Mercier and Dr. Pam Hall Honored With Regents' Designations 
Two of the COP's professors were recently honored with the university's highest faculty distinctions in recognition of their service. Dr. Renee-Claude Mercier was named as a Regents Professor, a special title bestowed upon senior faculty members, and Dr. Pamela Hall was named as a Regents Lecturer, a title that is given to selected tenured junior faculty. Both of these promotions will follow them throughout their careers here at the university.

Dr. Renee-Claude Mercier joined the COP in 1997, and is currently an Associate Professor in Pharmacy Practice and Administrative Sciences, teaching infectious diseases in the professional program here at the College and in the School of Medicine. She is widely considered to be an expert in her field across the country, and has used her knowledge to mentor numerous pharmacy residents and fellows. Dr. Mercier also developed the first specialty residency in the state, and has trained 16 PGY2 infectious diseases pharmacy residents. She recently launched a new residency/fellowship in clinical translational pharmacy, and also serves as an infectious diseases pharmacotherapy specialist on the infectious disease consult service. In recognition of her accomplishments and her dedication to the profession, Dr. Mercier was also recently recognized as a fellow of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. 

Dr. Pamela Hall, Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, joined the College of Pharmacy in 2011. Dr. Hall has been highly successful in developing an independent, extramurally-funded research program in the field of infectious disease. In recognition of her outstanding contributions in basic science research and promise for an outstanding academic career, Dr. Hall received the prestigious Junior Faculty Excellence in Research Award from the UNM Health Sciences Center in 2013. She serves as a member of the Curriculum and Learning Assessment Committee, the Governance Task Force, and the UNM Faculty Senate Graduate and Professional Education Committee. She is also the Faculty Advisor to the Class of 2018. At the professional level, Dr. Hall has served as a peer reviewer for both manuscripts and grant proposals, including as ad hoc reviewer on several NIH Special Emphasis Panels and Study Sections. Dr. Hall is a member of the 2016 International Conference on Gram Positive Pathogens Programming Committee. 

NMPDIC Director, Dr. Susan Smolinske, Receives John Webster Award

Congratulations are due to Dr. Susan Smolinske, who was awarded the 2015 Wayne County Pharmacist Association's John Webster award on January 9, 2015. This award recognizes individuals for their exemplary contributions to the profession of pharmacy. The Wayne County Pharmacists Association is the local affiliation of the Michigan Pharmacists Association, representing pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, pharmaceutical industry and students.  

Mr. Ruric Mason, BSPh ('50) Comes Home
Mr. Ruric Mason ('50) is standing 2nd from the left in the 2nd row
On March 12, the COP was deeply honored to welcome back Mr. Ruric Mason ('50), his wife Leslie and daughter Robin, to the College. As a member of the COP's 2nd graduating class and first Regent of Kappa Psi (then called Psi Kappa), Mr. Mason had never seen the College of Nursing/Pharmacy building nor the HSC's simulation labs. We were delighted to re-introduce him and his family to the College.

Mr. Mason had just left the army at the beginning of 1945, and came to visit his sister in Albuquerque. It was then that he saw an advertisement in the paper about the new College of Pharmacy that was set to open at UNM in November. His sister encouraged him to apply, and as Mr. Mason recalls, "I think I was the first one to ask about the school". He signed up at Arts and Sciences to begin his prerequisites and the rest, as they say, is history.

Mr. Mason and Sam Simon, P4 and Kappa Psi Regent
He worked his first 9 years out of school at Hunton's Pharmacy in Santa Fe, then opened his own store which he ran for the next 15 years. From then on, he enjoyed working as a relief substitute because it allowed him to travel throughout the north and west areas of New Mexico. As Mr. Mason said, "I am so glad that I had this experience - the people and the places!" On July 6, 2010, he retired from Express Scripts - the day before his 91st birthday!

As a special surprise during his tour of the simulation labs, Mr. Mason was introduced to the current Regent of Kappa Psi, Sam Simon. Mr. Mason had nothing but fond memories to share from his time at the COP, saying, "I enjoyed every day in school...I, also, enjoyed every day as a practicing pharmacist." We enjoyed getting to share in the experience with you, Mr. Mason!
CPFI Participates in Operation Christmas Child

Each year, the Christian Pharmacist Fellowship International (CPFI) student group participates in Operation Christmas Child.  This wonderful program sends a box of toys and small items (such as socks, toothbrushes, etc.) to less fortunate children in under-developed countries.  


This year, 42 children were the recipients of CPFI's incredible efforts. Their boxes were sent to Mexico, and have hopefully brought joy to many children.  Thank you to everyone involved in this effort. If you would like more information, or would like to find out how to be more involved next year, please do not hesitate to contact us at hsc-cop-alumni@salud.unm.edu


50 Student Pharmacists Represent UNM COP at the Roadhouse

Our students continue to make an impact on local and state levels! During UNM Legislative Day on February 9, 2015, more then 50 student pharmacists spent the day at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe. 


Some students provided blood pressure, BMI, cholesterol, and blood glucose screenings to Representatives and attendees. Other students worked with pharmacists from NMSHP to prepare for, participate in, and follow up with eight different New Mexico Senators and Representatives in order to promote provider status for pharmacists.


Update: Dr. Rose Pavlakos, Class of 2014, Testifies at House of Representatives

On February 18, 2015 Dr. Rose Pavlakos ('14) and Ohio State PharmD student, Kelsey Kresser testified to the House of Representatives Health and Aging Committee on House Bill 4. On March 5, Ohio passed the bill unanimously, allowing pharmacists and pharmacy interns to dispense Nalaxone without a prescription. 

Congratulations to Dr. Pavlakos and Ms. Kresser on influencing such an important piece of legislation.

UNM College of Pharmacy
MSC09 5360
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001