We will use the web to identify potential Leaders.
We will explore the various ways we can drive more traffic (potential organic leaders) to the website.
Training material should become readily available through the website. Through the web individuals will be able to 1) subscribe to our e-news 2) register their church 3) discover what's happening 4) engage in ongoing training events.
We want to use the web to enlist potential leaders in an ongoing training process.
Through a simple online survey we will be able to discover an individual's interests. Do they want to become a 1) church planter 2) mentor 4) coordinator 5) casual observer? We would then match this person with a mentor or coach.
We want to use the web to train leaders.
Each lesson would include the following elements:
Video-Each lesson would include input from a denominational leader, academic professor, and general practitioner.
1. Biblical foundation
2. Teaching
3. Recommend references for further study
4. Personal Reflection
5. Practical application (assignment)
6. Follow-up contact with a mentor
We want to commission and encourage leaders. One of the greatest concerns I hear expressed among church planters and organic leaders is their struggle with loneliness. Our plan is to make sure every new organic leader is matched with a mentor who can encourage those under his/her care.
Our goal is to use the web as a tool to help organic leaders connect with one another. We want to celebrate together and pray for and encourage one another.