LABBB Collaborative 
June 2014

In This Issue
Message from the Executive Director

by Patric Barbieri

Dear LABBB Community: 

On Thursday, June 19, we celebrated the 2014 LABBB graduation and LABBB's 40 year Anniversary. The LABBB Graduation was held at the Museum of National Heritage in Lexington, and with 50 graduates, it was the largest graduating class in our 40 year history. The auditorium was filled to capacity, and the event was catered by one of our LABBB work sites, Currier and Chives. 

The graduation started with the Lexington Minuteman Fife and Drum Corp entering the auditorium. After the fife and drum took their place in front of the stage, as Pomp and Circumstance began to play, the long line of LABBB graduates slowly walked in, greeted with loud applause. After the graduates took their place, the Minuteman Fife and Drum marched out of the auditorium. 

The 2014 LABBB Graduation was a magical evening. Best Buddies President, Ben Driscoll, and Linda Durette, LABBB faculty, were the keynote speakers, and both gave a wonderful, heartfelt speech. LABBB student speakers, Kevin Nortrup, Noel Health, Julienne Fallerios and Nick DePace also spoke very eloquently and were very inspiring!

After the ceremony, Currier and Chives served dessert and coffee to everyone who attended the ceremony. 

Below is a short clip of the Graduation Slideshow
LABBB Collaborative 2014 High School Graduation
LABBB Collaborative 2014 High School Graduation


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My Story of the 2014 Best Buddies Challenge



by Kevin Nortrup, LABBB student, Lexington High School in Mrs. Cronin, Mrs. Dickson and Mr. Allen's class


On May 30 and 31, I did the Best Buddies Challenge with my dad. The Best Buddies Challenge is an annual event that helps people who have disabilities and shows that they can do so much for the world. The Best Buddies Challenge is hosted by the New England Patriots quarterback, Tom Brady, who has been doing this event for years, along with other Patriots players and celebrities.  This event also allows you to make new friends with people who have disabilities and show them that there are people around the world that care about you.


On May 30, which is day one of the Best Buddies Challenge, there is a big football game at Harvard stadium and you can watch or play the game. Tom Brady is the quarterback for both teams and he along with other Patriots play in the game. You can get your picture with the players and celebrities like Tom Brady, Teddy Bruschi, Miss Massachusetts, the mayor of Boston and others.


On May 31, the bike rides begin. You have a choice to do the 100 miles, 50 miles, or a 20 mile bike ride or you can do a 5K run. The whole race goes from Boston to Hyannis port, down on the Cape. My dad and I did the 20 mile bike ride from the bridge to Hyannisport.  When you get to the finish line there is a big lunch at Hyannisport where you get to have lobster and all kinds of great food. Later that night at the Kennedy Compound there is a big music festival where the famous Drop kick Murphy's will play.

When I did the 20 mile bike ride with my dad, and my friend Luke,  it was one of the best moments of my life, we all had lots of fun and it was a blast. When we got to the finish line we were given a big welcome by the fans and we were given Best Buddies gold medals as a way to show we completed the Best Buddies Challenge. We were tired but we had lots of fun and I would do it again and again because I love this fundraiser. You should try it, its fun, its great and you get to meet lots of new Best Buddies (not to mention Tom Brady), so get ready, get active and do the Best Buddies Challenge!



Taking The Classroom Outside 


 by Carol Pappin, Teacher, LABBB Francis Wyman Elementary School


Room 107, at the Francis Wyman in Burlington, studied plants this Spring, their parts and their needs.  As part of the classroom project, students attempted to grow pumpkin seeds that were harvested from a pumpkin grown the previous year.  Guess What?  It worked!  Now the students have planted the seedlings in our community garden and are charting their progress.


A big "Thanks" to Peter Coppolla for the guidance in proper planting procedures. 




LABBB Upcoming Events

  • July 9, Summer Fun Dance: Summer is here and it's time to let loose and have some fun! Let's party together with a night of music, dance, face painting and socializing. Students will leave LHS, go to Chateau in Waltham for dinner, then leave for the dance for 6:00pm. click here for info and sign up for Summer Dance.
  • July 11, PaulaPalooza: 10:00am, MacKenzie Clement Musical Performance in the Lexington High School Auditorium. Lunch, Music, Dancing in the cafeteria after performance.

  • Juiy 18, PaulaPalooza II: 10:00am, Maggie Sabella, Dance Performance in the Lexington High School Auditorium. Lunch, Music, Dancing in the cafeteria after performance.


APE and Recreation Updates


June was a busy month for LABBB Recreation. We had successful trips to the Pawsox game, Taza Chocolate Factory tour and Phantom of the Opera.


We had 44 students sign up for the Chocolate trip so we need to book two dates for this tour! 


GWARC has also contacted LABBB again and has invited us to join them for their summer Fun dance on July 9th

On the opening night, The Phantom Of the Opera was played to a sold out crowd. 

It was a very exciting and riveting show. 


Our first Recreation Trip for July is to the Lexington Carnival on July 2.

Please look for the Fall LABBB Recreation Booklet coming to your homes in August.

Boston Harbor Cruise



By Jeff Caritey, Teacher, LABBB Arlington High School


Students at Arlington High School enjoyed a historic Boston Harbor sightseeing cruise. On Thursday, June 19th, the three classrooms at AHS had the perfect sunny day to explore the Boston Harbor. The 90 minute cruise is a fully narrated tour of all the historic and contemporary milestones of Boston's Inner and Outer Harbor, including famous battlegrounds, National Park areas, Boston's working industrial port, Logan airport, and the National Guard ships, to name just a few. Following the cruise, the students had lunch at the Christopher Columbus Park. It was fun educational day enjoyed by all!   





LABBB Butler Elementary School Graduates

On June 16, the 4th grade LABBB students received diplomas from the school's Principal, Mike McAllister. Way to go girls, good luck in middle school!



By Keith Muise, Teacher, LABBB Butler Elementary School (rm 207)



Burlington High LABBB Students on the Go


By Sue Ceurvels, LABBB MS, OTR/L


May 9, 2014

Students from Mr. Asklund's class visited a group home in Cambridge. The group home is run by a company called Specialized Housing. Several former LABBB students live there and were excited to show the students and staff their house and rooms. Each person has his or her own room and lots of shared living space. It was very interesting for our students to think about life after 22. We had many interesting discussions after our visit.


June 6, 2014

The students from Ms. Hirth and Mr. Asklund's classrooms spent a day in the great outdoors at Great Brook State Park as part of an effort to expose them to outdoor activities that can be done in the summer. The students had a list of items that they needed to find while hiking in the park. They brought iPads with them to take pictures of these treasures. At the end of the day, the students returned to school and gave presentations to the whole group about their day at the park. We all went home tired and happy!


June, 2014

The students from Mrs. Sabella's class have been developing a yoga practice for the past three years. They have learned many poses and have enjoyed the opportunity to spend time learning to move their bodies in a different and relaxed way. Here are some pictures of our students participating in partner work which is a favorite part of the class.


Physical Education with Ms. Bannon at Memorial Elementary School



By Nicole Abrams, Teacher, LABBB Memorial Elementary School


"I made someone's day without being asked, without expecting something in return...My reward is the self satisfaction I get inside.  I feel good because I helped someone in need.  A smile or thank you is all I need to make my day SPECIAL.  I will look back and treasure these times the most.  Believe You Can"

                -Lynda Bannon

Memorial School Physical Education Teacher


Lynda Bannon, a physical education teacher at the Memorial School in Burlington, is a tremendous supporter of the LABBB community.  She has been teaching PE for the past 27 years and has always had a love for playing sports.  Just as she was inspired by people in her life, she aims to inspire the lives of the children she works with.  Lynda goes above and beyond to provide our students with opportunities to participate in adaptive physical education class, support our students who participate in the general education PE classes and make great efforts to create awareness and understanding of people with differences in our school. 


Once a week, the LABBB students look forward to attending PE class with "Ms. Bannon".  The students are always smiling with excitement as they walk down the hallway towards the gym.  They know just what to expect as she starts the class with the same warm up exercises every week.  After warm up, Lynda uses her expertise to engage the students in activities such as kickball, T-ball, and parachute games.  Students have the opportunity to practice generalization of skills including following directions, social skills, and gross motor skills while being introduced to new games and leisure activities.  Several of the LABBB students also attend grade level PE class.  Lynda always makes the inclusion of our students a positive experience by ensuring their participation and encouraging social interactions. 


This past year, Lynda created a presentation on people with differences.  She held a few small assemblies for 4th and 5th graders who were very interested in the videos and articles she showed them.  After attending the presentations, many of the children at the Memorial School reached out to our students on the playground, in the cafeteria and in the hallways.  It has created such a wonderful social environment for our students in the Memorial community. 


We are so grateful to Lynda for being such an inspiration to others,  and for her continued support. We want to end another wonderful school year by saying "Thank you, Ms. Bannon", you have made an impact on our lives and continue to put smiles on our faces!  

Weather and Temperature at Chenery!
by Linda Bartlett and Caroline Brown, Teachers, LABBB Chenery Middle School, Belmont

The students from Ms. Brown's classroom at Chenery recently completed a Science project assignment as part of the Science curriculum they have been working on when they swap classes twice a week for "Science with Ms. Bartlett". I was beyond proud of the finished products they brought in, and how hard the students worked on researching their choice of weather and the temperatures associated with it.


Students found pictures, researched facts, and put together posters on their chosen type of weather. Families were wonderfully supportive and helpful in making this a fun meaningful learning activity. The smiles, classroom cheers, and self-confidence levels that were displayed during the presentations practically brought me to tears. I was SO PROUD of these kids and how enthusiastic they were to present what they made and learned while completing this project! Super job Ms. Brown's classroom!! We are SO proud of you!! 




Labbb Collaborative Central Offices | (339) 222-5615|
LABBB Contacts
281 Winter Street
Waltham, MA 02451

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