Quick Links
CSA Contacts

 #13, 4101-19th St. NE 
Calgary, AB T2E 7C4
Tel: 1 (866) 860-6051
Tel: (403) 250-7979
Fax: (403) 250-5121
General Manager
Office Manager

Programs Coordinator

Meghan Black
Simmental Country Sales Representative

YCSA Coordinator
Registry & Member Services

Reception & Member Services 
Simmental Country
General Manager

Bruce Holmquist
(403) 988-8676

Programs Coordinator
(506) 324-4825   

Simmental Country Sales Representative
(780) 818-3452
Eastern Sales 

Jane Crawford
(519) 317-5263

Board of Directors

Garth Rancier

First Vice-President

Blair McRae

Second Vice-President
Canadian Simmental Association Enewsletter
August 2016
In This Issue


Applications for Registration of Animals Born in Canada
In accordance to the CSA Bylaws, animals born in Canada cannot be registered in a foreign country prior to being registered in Canada.
AI Sires
AI sires must be parentage verified in order to register their progeny. If you are entering a bull into an AI facility, drawing semen on-farm, or even considering drawing semen on a bull in the future, be sure your bull is or can be parentage verified by pulling hair on him and his dam so you will be able to readily parent verify him.

Viewing SNP Results Using the Internet
The CSA staff have been receiving a number of inquiries regarding the status of DNA results for both registered & unregistered animals.
We would like to remind our members that they can inquire about the status of DNA tests that are being conducted for their animals by using either the Online System or the Pedigree Search function on the CSA website.
Depending on the animal that you are wanting to inquire about, Online users can obtain this information by logging into their system and navigating under either of the three areas listed below.
My Herd
                My Registered Males
                My Registered Females
                My Un-Registered Calves
Example: "My Registered Males" - from the Online System

Example: "Pedigree Search" - from the CSA Website
Note: In order to use this inquiry method, the animal must be registered in the CSA Herd Book.

Credit Card Authorization
Please visit the CSA website (to download) or contact the CSA office for a credit card authorization form if your credit card information has changed (e.g. card number, expiry date, etc.).  Once completed and signed , you will be required to fax, mail or email the form to our office.  This will allow your registration and transfer papers to be processed and mailed without delay. 


Member Submission Deadline Dates for Genetic Evaluation
In order for data to be included in CSA Genetic Evaluations, it must be received by the CSA office by November 1st for the Spring Evaluation and by May 15th for the Fall Evaluation.

The CSA would like to say Thank You to Lacey Fisher, David Milliner and Maureen Mappin-Smith for their commitment and dedication to the CSA and the Simmental Breed during their terms as CSA directors.   
We would like to welcome and introduce new members of the CSA Board of Directors, Roger Deeg, Strathmore, AB, Marlin LeBlanc, Estevan, SK and Larry Barkley, Ingleside, ON. They join President Lee McMillen, Carievale, SK , 1st Vice President Garth Rancier, Killam, AB, 2nd Vice President Blair McRae, Brandon, MB, Kelly Ashworth, Oungre, SK, Dan Skeels, Rimbey, AB, and Francis Gagnon, Chenville, QC.

October 2016 Commercial Country Issue Deadline - September 1st!!!
Contact Ryan or Jane to reserve your spot today!!
Simmental Country Online
To view Simmental Country and Commercial Country issues online visit the Simmental Country website. 
Membership Announcements
Please send any membership announcements to mblack@simmental.com.
What's Happening
If you'd like to have your sale or event listed in 'What's Happening' in Simmental Country and on the website please send to Meghan.
For a listing of Simmental events visit the Simmental Country website.
Contact Bruce Holmquist if you are interested in attending the Simmental Simbrah Congress of the Americas in Guadalajara Mexico October 10-15th.
Funding to assist with some of your travel costs may be available.
2016 YCSA National Classic
The 2016 YCSA National Classic was held in conjunction with the 2016 Canadian Simmental Association Convention and took place July 21-24, 2016 in Lloydminster, SK. Be sure to check out the fall issue of the Simmental Country for show results and pictures!
Scheduled 2016 Provincial Classics
Alberta Wild Rose Classic: August 4-7, 2016 Lacombe, AB
Maritime YCSA Classic: Sept 23-25, 2016 Windsor, NS

Like us on Facebook under "Young Canadian Simmental Association and you can stay connected to the YCSA and follow us through the events and be up to date on opportunities that are available!

The recently held 2016 Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation (FCSF) auction was once again a huge success raising $100,000 to support the Foundation's programming. Taking place during the recent Canadian Simmental Association National Convention in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan; this annual auction plays a large role in funding the Foundation's efforts of supporting the Canadian Beef Industry for future generations through education, youth development, and beef industry research.
Generous donators contributed 84 lots of Simmental genetics, artwork, sporting events and advertising packages, as well as other merchandise. A bred heifer donated by the McMillen family, of MRL Ranching located at Carievale, Saskatchewan raised $30,980 and will be going to a new home at S.I.B.L. Simmentals, Barclay Smith, of Barrhead, Alberta. Support for the auction was received from all across Canada, United States of America, Mexico and Australia, with individuals being able to participate in the auction through an Internet broadcast provided by DLMS. Ken Lewis, President of the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation said, "On behalf of the FCSF we would like to send out a sincere thank you to all of the donators, buyers and everyone involved in this annual event. The support we've seen year after year is tremendous and is very much appreciated".
At the 2016 National YCSA show held during the Convention, the Foundation presented $15,000 from the 2016 auction proceeds to the Young Canadian Simmental Association (YCSA) for ongoing youth activities. "On behalf of the YCSA we are thankful for the continued support the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation has given the YCSA Program. We greatly appreciate the scholarships administered by the Foundation as well as the support given directly to the YCSA. We are excited to be part of the future of the Simmental breed and the Canadian beef industry as a whole, and look forward to the impact our members will have in both." says Dylan Foley, YCSA President.
The 2016 Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation Auction was a tremendous event and could not have been the success it was without the support of the donators, bidders, purchasers and the working committee.  Thank you to Kirsten Fornwald, Tracy Kimmel, Erin Libke, Paige Holmquist, Sophie Wotten, Vanessa Noble, Mark Shologan, Glenn Wotten, Ken Lewis, Marlin LeBlanc and Brian Bouchard. 2017 will be an exciting time in Fredericton, NB.

Office Holiday Schedule
The CSA office will be closed for the following 2016 holidays.
Labour Day - Monday, September 5th
Thanksgiving - Monday, October 10th
Remembrance Day - Friday, November 11th
Christmas (in lieu) - Monday, December 26th
New Year's Day (in lieu) -  Monday, January 2, 2017    

Canadian Simmental Association | 13, 4101-19th St. NE | Calgary | T2E 7C4 | Canada