Quick Links
CSA Contacts
 #13, 4101-19th St. NE 
Calgary, AB T2E 7C4
Tel: 1 (866) 860-6051
Tel: (403) 250-7979
Fax: (403) 250-5121
General Manager
Office Manager

Industry & Member Services Representative
Meghan Black
YCSA & CSA Programs Coordinator
Registry & Member Services

Reception & Member Services 
Simmental Country
General Manager
Bruce Holmquist
(403) 988-8676

Industry & Member Services Representative
(506) 324-4825   
Eastern Sales 
Jane Crawford
(519) 317-5263
Board of Directors
David Milliner
First Vice-President
Lee McMillen
Second Vice-President
Canadian Simmental Association Enewsletter

November 2015
In This Issue

Office Holiday Schedule
The CSA office will be closed for the following 2015 holidays.
Remembrance Day - Wednesday, November 11th
Christmas - Thursday-Friday, December 24-25th
New Year's Day  Friday, January 1, 2016    


Viewing SNP Results Using the Internet
Did you know that you are able to view any DNA (&/or SNP) results for both registered & unregistered animals using the internet?
Depending on the animal in question, you may enquire about the status of the test results by using either the Online Simmental System or the Pedigree Search function on the CSA website.
Online Simmental users can obtain this information by logging into the web application and navigating under either of the three areas listed below.
My Herd
                My Registered Males
                My Registered Females
                My Un-Registered Calves
Example: My Registered Males - from the Online Simmental System

Example: Pedigree Search - from the CSA Website
Note: In order to use this method, the animal must be Registered 

Imported Semen
When purchasing or selling Imported Semen in Canada, please ensure all paperwork has been submitted to the CSA office in advance so there are no delays to register progeny.

Percentage Required for Purebred Status
Producers purchasing bulls from the United States or semen from American bulls should be aware of differences that exist between Canada and the United States in the percentage of Simmental required to qualify for purebred status. The Canadian Simmental Association requires a male to be 15/16 Simmental to reach purebred status while the American Simmental Association accepts males who are 7/8 Simmental or less by Canadian standards as purebred. As is regulated by the Federal government through the Animal Pedigree Act, it is the responsibility of the purchaser to ensure that these bulls meet the requirement of being 15/16 Simmental if they wish to register that animal in the Canadian Simmental herd book as a purebred.

2015 Fall Genetic Evaluation
The 2015 Fall run of the CSA Genetic Evaluation has been updated and the new EPDs are now online.

Member Submission Deadline Dates for Fall Evaluation
In order for data to be included in CSA Genetic Evaluations, it must be received by the CSA office by November 1st for the Spring Evaluation and by May 15th for the Fall Evaluation.


January 2016 Commercial Country Issue Deadline - December 1st!!!
Contact Meghan or Jane to reserve your spot today!!
Simmental Country Online
To view Simmental Country and Commercial Country issues online visit the Simmental Country website.
Membership Announcements
Please send any membership announcements to Meghan Black at [email protected].
What's Happening
If you'd like to have your sale or event listed in 'What's Happening' in Simmental Country and on the website please send to Meghan.
For a listing of Simmental events visit the Simmental Country website.

The II - Fleckvieh Simmental Congress of the Americas will take place April 28th - May 8th 2016 in Villahermosa Tabasco, Mexico. Follow their page on Facebook for information as it is updated - https://www.facebook.com/Simmental-Fleckvieh-1746085115614327/ 



The Canadian Simmental Association wants your feedback.

Those that fully complete surveys will have their names entered into a draw to win a $500 credit to purchase a bull from an active CSA member in 2016.

Completed surveys can be sent to Meghan Black at [email protected], faxed to 403-250-5121 or mailed to the Canadian Simmental Association at #13, 4101 - 19th Street N.E. Calgary, AB T2E 7C4.


Surveys are to be submitted no later than November 30th.


The CSA Survey can be found here.

2015 Classics
With the National and Provincial classics completed for the 2015 year, the YCSA would like to extend a sincere thank you to all supporters of the program. It is an exciting time to be a youth in the industry and the turnout from the events over this year is a testament to that. It is now time to begin planning for 2016!
Be sure to check out the YCSA website and other Provincial Association websites for further details and deadlines for provincial scholarships!
Like us on Facebook under "Young Canadian Simmental Association and you can stay connected to the YCSA and follow us through the events and be up to date on opportunities that are available!
The Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2015 scholarships. There were 22 very qualified applications this year. Through the fundraising efforts of the past few years the scholarships have been increased to a total of $9,000. The following youth are this year's recipients. Congratulations and we wish them well in their educational studies.
  • Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation - $3,000 - Sophie Wotten, Ontario
  • Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation - $2,000 - Cole McMahon, Alberta
  • Dr. Dixon - $1,500 - Ryley Noble, Saskatchewan
  • Dr. Dixon - $1,500 - Taylor Campbell, Ontario
  • Trevor Vance - $1,000 - Mariah Wotten, Ontario

We will showcase each of these recipients on our website at www.simmentalfoundation.com and in an upcoming Simmental Country issue.