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CSA Contacts
 #13, 4101-19th St. NE 
Calgary, AB T2E 7C4
Tel: 1 (866) 860-6051
Tel: (403) 250-7979
Fax: (403) 250-5121
General Manager
Office Manager

Marketing Co-ordinator
Margo Cartwright
Industry & Member Services Representative

YCSA & CSA Programs Coordinator
Registry & Member Services

Reception & Member Services 
Simmental Country
General Manager
Bruce Holmquist
(403) 988-8676

Industry & Member Services Representative
(403) 559-6595   
Eastern Sales 
Jane Crawford
(519) 317-5263

SC/CSA Marketing
Margo Cartwright
(403) 250-5255
Board of Directors
Second Vice-President

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Canadian Simmental Association Enewsletter

December 2014
In This Issue

The CSA would like to take this opportunity to wish our members and Simmental community a very Merry Christmas.  May the peace and blessing of the season be yours and may the coming year be filled with health and happiness.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the CSA Board of Directors and Staff.

The Canadian Simmental Association Office will be closed December 24 to December 29; and at noon on December 31 to January 2, 2015.

It has been brought to our attention that CSA members have been receiving telemarketing calls from a company stating they are calling from Simmental Country offering to assist in their website marketing. Please note the CSA does not provide member or customer information to any organization, nor do we hire external marketing firms to solicit business on our behalf. 


The Canadian Simmental Association was pleased to induct Don & Bea Bates, Hanley, SK and John Draper, Brandon, MB into the CSA Hall of Fame. These inductions are in addition to Ferme Bischof who was presented with the honor at Expo Boeuf.

The CSA Hall of Fame Award is given to past or present CSA members who have contributed to the expansion and growth of the Simmental breed, and who are leaders not only within the Association but also within the entire beef industry and their community.  Inductees are nominated by their fellow breeders and recognized for their involvement in their provincial association and their contribution to the Canadian Simmental Association.  



REGISTRY DEADLINE REMINDER for Total Herd Enrollment (THE) Members:

The DEADLINE to enroll your 2015 THE (Total Herd Enrollment) at the best rate is Monday, December 15, 2014. The fee for enrollments received by this date is $22.00/head (+ tax). Online Simmental.com users benefit by saving $2/head for each cow enrolled through their online program. Enrollments received between December 16, 2014 and February 15, 2015 will be charged an additional $5.00/head (+ tax) enrollment fee. Cost to enroll after February 15, 2015 is $38.00/head (+ tax).

If you have any questions, please contact the CSA office toll free @ 1-866-860-6051 or 403-250-7979.

Required Genotype Testing 

Effective January 1, 2015 all Simmental sires (AI and natural services sires) will be required to be genotype tested using a minimum 50K SNP panel.  This higher density, more informative panel will cost $90.00/animal. All donor females continue to require a 50K test.

Genotype Testing 

In preparation for the upcoming bull sale season, members are reminded of the need to allow a 4 week turnaround time from the time they send the samples to the lab for genotyping. 


Mandatory Identification

Under the Animal Pedigree Act, and per CSA by-laws, it is mandatory that all Simmental animals be identified with an ear tattoo in order to be eligible for registration in the CSA Herd Book. It is the responsibility of all CSA members to ensure that all Simmentals sold as registered animals are legibly tattooed and that the tattoo corresponds with the animal's registration paper. Any member who contravenes a By-law of the Association relating to the individual identification of animals may be expelled or suspended and in accordance with section 61 of the Animal Pedigree Act may be denied the right to have registered or to transfer the ownership of the cattle.



In planning your marketing for Spring 2015, we encourage you to consider the February Simmental Country and Spring Simmental Country magazines. These provide excellent opportunities to promote your program and thank your buyers. Contact Kelly, Jane or Margo to book your space today.


When planning your 2015 advertising, we would like you to consider the Advertising Contracts available for Simmental Country.  These contracts offer free pages of advertising, business card advertising, sales reporting and subscriptions.  Contact Kelly or Jane to discuss the contract that is best for your marketing needs.

The Simmental Country is always looking for photos for the front cover of our magazine and to use in promotional purposes.  If you have photos you would like to share, please send them to Margo.

What's Happening 
For a listing of Simmental Events visit our Simmental Country website.

Deadline for January Commercial Country - December 1st.
Contact Kelly, Jane or Margo to reserve your spot today.



The YCSA is holding their 2nd Annual Semen Fundraiser.  Thanks to the generous donations from Simmental breeders there will be lots of semen auctioned off at various sales across the country. Funds raised will help support the YCSA Program. Thank you to all the bidders and buyers at the various events to date.   Click here to view the Semen donations on offer at events this month.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

From the YCSA Board of Directors and all their members, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and all the best in 2015. 


This survey was first conducted in Alberta in the late 1980s, with a second survey in 1998/99. It is now being expanded to western Canada through a combined effort involving representatives from the provincial producer associations, Provincial Agriculture specialists, the Beef Cattle Research Council, Canfax and the Western Beef Development Centre.


The survey asks questions about your operation and your management and marketing practices as they relate to your 2014 calf crop, starting with breeding in 2013 and ending with weaning of your 2014-born calves.


The results of this survey will be used in a number of ways:

  • Offer historical comparison with previous study findings to determine how the industry has changed given that the last time this survey was conducted was 16 years ago;
  • Guide extension and research efforts;
  • Validate anecdotal evidence on production matters;
  • Identify which management practices are linked to strong production performance;
  • Generate an updated set of production benchmarks for the cow-calf industry.

The survey is 58 questions in length and is estimated to take between 30 and 45 minutes to complete.  The deadline for participation is February 28, 2015.


Participants have the option to provide contact information to receive a complimentary report of their production benchmarks in comparison with regional, provincial and/or herdsize benchmarks, or to remain anonymous.  Aggregated anonymous survey results will be shared beginning in the spring of 2015.


The survey can be completed online hereA pdf may be downloaded from that link as well. Hard copies are also available from the ABP office or the provincial contacts listed on the survey.


Your participation in this survey is critical, as ABP need to ensure they have enough numbers to accurately gauge industry benchmarks and trends.

For more information contact Karen Schmid, Beef Production Specialist, Alberta Beef Producers.

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