CSA Contacts
#13, 4101-19th St. NE
Calgary, AB T2E 7C4
Tel: 1 (866) 860-6051
Tel: (403) 250-7979
Fax: (403) 250-5121
General Manager
Office Manager
Industry & Member Services Representative & YCSA
Registry & Member Services
Reception & Member Services
Simmental Country
(403) 988-8676
Industry & Member Services Representative
(403) 559-6595
Eastern Sales
(519) 317-5263
(403) 250-5255 |
Board of Directors
Second Vice-President
Directors |
Canadian Simmental Association Enewsletter |
Genomics - 5 Things Every Simmental Breeder Should Consider:
With all the talk about genomic technology and genotyping many breeders are asking what's in it for me or what should I be doing to benefit from the advancements CSA has made through its Simmental Innovations projects.
The following are the top 5 things every breeder should consider in order to benefit from genomic technology:
1. Take a DNA sample on all animals.
- If nothing else pull hairs on every animal the next time you process cattle, ensure each sample is stored in an individual envelope and clearly identified then stored in a safe place should you need to genotype animals in the future.
- The Genotyping Incentive program that the CSA is offering until October 15th provides a considerable cost saving for breeders so it is to your advantage to do as much testing as possible while this is program is still available.
2. Conduct high density (HD) genotype tests on all influential animals in your breeding program (i.e. key sires and dams that have had a major influence on the genetics you are utilizing today). Keep in mind that all AI sires and donor dams require HD tests be conducted via CSA policy.
3. Conduct low density (LD) genotype tests on all other animals or at minimum up and coming young animals you will be utilizing in the future. Ideally, LD tests would be conducted on the entire herd however if you don't wish to make this investment all at once breeders can start by doing young influential animals each year with the intent to build up the number of genotypic data available on your breeding program. Keep in mind LD genotype tests are required on all walking herd-sires for parentage verification.
4. Continue to collect and report all performance data. Although genotyping is the new technology capturing all the attention it is of very little value without phenotypic data continuing to be submitted through the CSA's Total Herd Enrollment (THE) program.
5. Become informed! Learn about genomic technology and how it is being utilized within the beef cattle industry and what Canadian Simmental is doing so you can better capitalize on opportunities in order to develop better genetics for your commercial bull buyers. All of Agriculture including the beef cattle industry is adopting these technologies and you cannot afford to be left behind. Visit www.simmentalinnovations.com for more information and resources.
Genotyping Incentive Program
For a limited time the CSA is offering a reduced price on genotyping tests for CSA members enrolled in the Total Herd Enrollment (THE) program:
- $25 per sample for GGP-LD Profile - Savings of $20
- $45 per sample for GGP-HD Profile - Savings of $45
DNA kits must be ordered by October 15, 2014 with DNA samples submitted no later than November 30, 2014. Funds will be allocated on a first-come, first serve basis. This incentive may expire early if funding is fully utilized.
A second way to save! Any genotyped animal that has an ultrasound record submitted by April 30, 2015 will qualify for an additional $5 credit to the members account! To qualify data must be collected under the same criteria as the previous Ultrasound Rebate Program.
Transferring Ownership for Registered Animals
When completing transfer information on the back of the registration papers, please remember to provide the following Buyer information:
- Buyer's CSA member # when at all possible
- Buyer's first & last name (and Farm Name if applicable)
- Buyer's complete mailing address, including postal code
- Sale Date of animal
- If females have been "bred", please provide the Name & Registration number of the Service Sire &/or AI Sire
- Remember to sign where applicable (e.g. for both the transfer & the breeding information). *** Note: Partnership owned animals require the signatures of all partners.
Credit Card Authorization:
Please visit the CSA website (to download) or contact the CSA office for a credit card authorization form if your credit card information has changed (e.g. card number, expiry date, etc.). Once completed and signed , you will be required to fax, mail or email the form to our office. This will allow your registration and transfer papers to be processed and mailed without delay.
The CSA would like to say Thank You to Fraser Redpath and Deanne Young for their commitment and dedication to the CSA and the Simmental Breed as their terms on the CSA Board of Directors come to an end.
We would like to welcome and introduce new members of the CSA Board of Directors, Lee McMillen from Carievale, SK and Blair McRae from Brandon, MB. Congratulations to Kelly Ashworth who was re-elected for a second term on the CSA Board.
Simmental breeders from across Canada gathered at Elkhorn Resort in Manitoba July 25 to 27, 2014 for a weekend of engaging meetings, youth events, networking and great Simmental cattle.
Thank you to the Manitoba Simmental Association, it's members, volunteers and sponsors for making this such a successful event.
Summer Issue now ONLINE
The Queens of the Pasture Summer 2014 issue of the Simmental Country is now online at
Queens of the Pasture Photo Contest Winner
Congratulations to Tom Turnbull, Sunnyside Simmentals, winner of the 2014 Queens of the Pasture Photo Contest. Check out the latest issue to see his photo on the front cover.
Deadline for October Simmental Country - September 1st.
Our group of young, enthusiastic cattle producers have been kept busy lately attending various events across the Country.
The first youth event of the summer was held in Brome, Quebec. This is an inter breed show that included YCSA participants. Competitions included: team grooming, team judging, herdsman quiz, sire summary quiz, cook off, a farm tour at Maple Hill Herefords as well as showmanship and conformation. Thank you to our show sponsors.
The Alberta Wild Rose Classic took place in Lacombe, AB where 38 youth participated exhibiting 55 head of cattle. The events included team grooming, team judging, marketing, sire summary and herdsman quizzes, showmanship and conformation. A highlight of this event was a tour of the Lacombe research station. We would like to thank our sponsors for our show and are eagerly planning our show for 2015.
From Alberta we headed to Manitoba for the YCSA National Classic which was held in beautiful Elkhorn National Park. Events included the YCSA National Annual General Meeting, team grooming, individual judging and team marketing. Participants also completed the sire summary, herdsman quizzes, showmanship and conformation. We would like to thank our major sponsor New Holland, some of our members were sporting New Holland tattoo's for the event.
The road was travelled back East towards Saskatchewan for the Tiger Lily Classic. Prince Albert Exhibition was the location of the show and also the home province of our past National YCS President, Tiffany Peters. The show encompassed many participants from various breeds. Participants competed in individual judging, sire summary and herdsman quizzes and showmanship and conformation classes. Thank you to our sponsors for our event.
Looking ahead, plans are well under way for the YCSA Classics in the Maritimes on August 21 & 22 and Ontario on November 8th. We look forward to the opportunity to visit with you.
2014 Provincial Classics see our website for dates and details.
The Canadian Simmental Association's (CSA) newly restructured and named Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation (FCSF) held their annual charity auction on July 26, 2014 with the amount of $89,570 being raised. Thank you to everyone who donated, attended, bid and purchased. We could not achieve any of this without the generosity of all our auction donators and buyers.
For the full Media Release click here.
For the full sales report from the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation Auction click here.
The Genomics of Profitability: Implications for Quality, Feed, Forage & Sustainability.
Join Livestock Gentec for their 5th annual conference proudly held in partnershp with the Canadian Beef Breeds Council on August 12 - 14th in Edmonton, AB
Click here for more details or contact Livestock Gentec at (780) 248-1740 or visit www.livestockgentec.com .