Quick Links
CSA Contacts
 #13, 4101-19th St. NE 
Calgary, AB T2E 7C4
Tel: (403) 250-7979
Fax: (403) 250-5121
General Manager
Office Manager

Marketing Co-ordinator
Margo Cartwright
Breed Improvement
Sean McGrath

YCSA Co-ordinator

Registration /
Member Services
Simmental Country
General Manager
Bruce Holmquist
(403) 988-8676

Western Sales Representative
Darryl Snider
(403) 803-6532

Eastern Sales
Jane Crawford
(519) 317-5263

SC/CSA Marketing
Margo Cartwright
(403) 250-5255
Board of Directors
First Vice-President
Second Vice-President

Join Our Mailing List
Simmental Logo 
Canadian Simmental Association Enewsletter
September 2013
In This Issue
Simmental Innovations & Beef Innovations 2013 Presentations Now Online


You can now view the presentations from the Beef Innovations 2013 events that were held in Calgary or Guelph this summer by visiting the Simmental Innovations website.


Pedigree Searches:  Using Partial Names
The following is a little "tip" when you need to look-up the Canadian ID(s) for bulls that appear in semen catalogues.
The CSA does not recognize semen codes that AI centres currently use.  Therefore, on our website you can use our Pedigree Search and enter a partial name using what the IT community refers to as a "wildcard" - or in this case, the percent (%) symbol.    In the following example, simply place the % symbol at  the beginning of the known name and it will display animals that have RED LABEL anywhere within the name.


Then, you just click on View  on the far-right of the correct bull record once you see the bull in the list of returned records.  Note:  You can sort the list by clicking on the column headers to enable you to find the animal easier.   We are confident that this will assist you in the future when you require the Canadian Reg # for a bull. 



Total Herd Enrollment 2nd Installment Billing OCTOBER 1:

  • Members with credit cards on file with CSA - please note the 2nd half of your THE fees owing will be processed at the time of billing.
  • Members without credit cards on file, invoices will be mailed to you detailing the 2nd installment billing. The 2nd installment billing is payable upon receipt of your invoice.


Credit Card Users:
Please ensure your credit card information is current in the office. If your card expires or you change numbers, please contact the office so we can continue to process all your work with no delays.
Online.Simmental.com users are required to keep a credit card on file with the CSA, or maintain a credit balance of $500 on account.


CSA Releases North American Fall 2013 EPD

The CSA is pleased to announce the release of it's new North American EPDs. The EPD are calculated as part of a North American genetic evaluation conducted by the American Simmental Association. The multi-breed evaluation includes data from the Canadian and American Simmental and EPD from Canadian and US animals are now directly comparable. Regular users of Simmental genetics may notice some differences in the overall appearance of the numbers presented, however animals rank very similar to previous growth evaluations.
Deadline for November/December Simmental Country: October 1st, 2013.
Contact Darryl, Jane or Margo to reserve your spot today.
What's Happening
For a listing of Simmental Events visit our Simmental Country website.


YCSA Classics and Youth Events

It has been a fantastic summer across the country for YCSA events. A big thank you to all of our participants, volunteers, organizers, parents and supporters.  The final 2013 YCSA event will be the Ontario Trillium Classic, November 1, 2013 being held at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto, Ontario.  Contact Danielle Sullivan for further information (705) 872-2173. 



There are a number of scholarships available to YCSA members through the Canadian Simmental Association, Garth Sweet Simmental Foundation and the Provincial Simmental and YCSA Associations. Be sure to check out the YCSA website  and other Provincial Association websites for further details and deadlines for these scholarships.



Stay connected and up to date with YCSA events and results.  Look for us on Facebook under Young Canadian Simmental Association. Watch for your photo from the 2013 Provincial and National Classics.

The deadline for the Dr. Allan A. Dixon Memorial Scholarship and the Trevor Vance Memorial Scholarship is October 1, 2013. Please see website for details and application form.


For other scholarships offered to YCSA members, please see the CSA  Website for more details.




Please send any membership announcements to Margo Cartwright at [email protected].



"Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards."-- Vernon Sanders Law

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