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You can support Legal Aid while shopping online.

Use AmazonSmile this year to do your holiday shopping and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to the charity of your choice. (Hint: The Legal Aid Foundation is a great option!) The donation does not affect your purchase price.   



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Justice at Work
November 2014
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we want to express our gratitude for you. Your commitment to Legal Aid is making a difference in the lives of low-income families across Colorado. Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving!
Support Justice on Colorado Gives Day


Every day there are low-income Coloradans who need legal assistance to protect themselves and their families but cannot afford counsel. You can help by supporting the Legal Aid Foundation on Colorado Gives Day, when the value of your donation will be increased by the $1 million FirstBank Incentive Fund. Contributions may be scheduled in advance here. 

Can You Afford You?

Legal Aid Foundation Trustee Heidi Potter poses this question in the Boulder County Bar Association's December newsletter.


"For many of us, the answer to that question is either 'No, I couldn't afford to hire me' or 'Yes, but not for very long.' Now, imagine that you are living in poverty and are in desperate need of Medicaid certifications required for a life-saving kidney transplant. Or maybe you are elderly, retired and living on a fixed income when your social security card is stolen and you can't get your retirement benefits because someone is fraudulently using your identity to obtain what is rightfully yours. These individuals definitely can't afford your help, but they are in dire need of your help."


Read Heidi's entire article here.  

Changing Lives: Harold


Affordable housing is a scarce resource so Colorado Legal Services (CLS) works hard to keep low-income Coloradans in their homes by fighting unjust foreclosures and evictions. Harold, a disabled veteran, was threatened with foreclosure when he was unable to pay fines that were repeatedly assessed by his HOA. The HOA objected to a small bus parked in his driveway that had been equipped to accommodate his wheelchair. With a CLS lawyer as Harold's advocate at trial, the court ultimately ruled that the bus was not a commercial vehicle and dismissed the foreclosure action, allowing Harold and his wife to remain in their long-time home.

About the Legal Aid Foundation of Colorado   

The Legal Aid Foundation is the fundraising arm of Colorado Legal Services, which provides free legal assistance to low-income Coloradans in civil matters.


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