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Did you know...

A recent Social Return on Investment Analysis found that for every $1 you give to Colorado Legal Services, $6.35 of value is created in the state.


This value is based on the services delivered by Colorado Legal Services and the significant future benefits and savings achieved as a result of those services. 

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Justice at Work
November 2013
As Thanksgiving approaches, we want to express our gratitude for you. Your commitment to Legal Aid is making a difference in the lives of low-income people across Colorado. Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving!
Support Justice on Colorado Gives Day


You can maximize your support for equal justice by making a Colorado Gives Day contribution to the Legal Aid Foundation. The value of online contributions made on Tuesday, December 10th will be increased by an Incentive Fund and the waiver of all credit card fees. Contributions may be scheduled in advance here. 

Disaster Legal Relief


Since the floods ravaged our state in September, the Legal Aid Foundation and Colorado Legal Services have been working together with the Colorado Bar Association and other entities to coordinate disaster legal services. The Colorado Joint Disaster Legal Services Task Force is working to ensure that those affected by the storms receive the legal assistance they need to begin to rebuild their lives. Low-income Coloradans have been hardest hit by the disaster, but thanks to Colorado Legal Services and donors like you, many will receive the help they need to get back on their feet.

Access to Justice Hearings


The Colorado Access to Justice Commission recently completed a series of hearings around the state concerning the need for civil legal services among low-income Coloradans and the inadequacy of the resources to meet that need. One bright spot of good news that was highlighted at the hearings was the excellent support Legal Aid receives from lawyers and law firms. Thanks to you, that support has continued to grow, despite the recession and its long aftermath. A full written report on the hearings is expected early next year. 

Give the Gift of Justice

Having trouble thinking of a holiday or thank you gift for the lawyer who has everything? Consider a gift in his or her honor to the Legal Aid Foundation. Make your gift here. Honorees will receive a holiday card notifying them of your gift.

About the Legal Aid Foundation of Colorado   

The Legal Aid Foundation is the fundraising arm of Colorado Legal Services, which provides free civil legal assistance to low-income Coloradans who are facing serious civil legal problems.


© 2013 Legal Aid Foundation of Colorado. All Rights Reserved