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Colorado Gives Day  is Tuesday, December 4th
Mark your calendars to make a Legal Aid Foundation contribution on Colorado Gives Day, or schedule your donation in advance here.

Legal Aid for Veterans
Did you know that veterans, service members, and their families can receive live online help from CLS staff and volunteers? LiveChat for Veterans is available every Wednesday from 9-11 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. at:
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Justice at Work           
November 2012
Thanksgiving is all about gratitude so our thoughts around the holiday, this year and every year, naturally turn to you - our donors. Your ongoing commitment to legal aid levels the playing field, and helps low-income Coloradans in crisis resume normal, productive lives. Thank you for your continuing support. 
Maximize Your Investment in Legal Aid


The Legal Aid Foundation is participating again this year in the statewide Colorado Gives Day initiative. The value of online contributions made on Tuesday, December 4th will be increased by an Incentive Fund and the waiver of all credit card fees. Please consider maximizing your investment in legal aid by making your annual contribution on Colorado Gives Day. Contributions may be made or scheduled in advance here.

Give a Holiday Gift of Justice
Do you need a holiday gift idea for the colleague who has everything? Consider a gift in his or her honor to the Legal Aid Foundation. Make your gift here. Honorees will receive a holiday card notifying them of your gift. 
Changing Lives: Scott


After bravely serving our country in faraway places, some veterans unfortunately find themselves fighting new battles on the home front - some of them legal. Scott, a disabled Vietnam veteran, contacted Colorado Legal Services (CLS), when he was threatened with the loss of his Supplemental Security Income benefits because of an outstanding medical debt. The debt was incurred when he received non-service related care from the VA after suffering two strokes and a heart attack. With CLS' help, Scott was assured that his SSI benefits would not be affected, and a repayment plan was negotiated that fit his limited budget. CLS also assisted Scott in applying for long-term care assistance to get the additional care he needs.


Website: www.legalaidfoundation.org 

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