Every Child Safe, Healthy and Connected
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Building the Heart of Successful Schools Conference
December 11-12, 2014
Chula Vista Resort, Wisconsin Dells

The theme this year will be on school climate.  Keynote presenters will be Rick Phillips from Community Matters and Darrell "Coach D" Andrews.
The Burden of Suicide in Wisconsin
A joint report from WI DHS, the Injury Research Center at the Medical College of WI and Mental Health America of WI.  See full report

Promoting Excellence for All

Read the Report Promoting Excellence for All and the website with resources to help close the achievement gap.
WI Safe and Healthy Schools Center Staff

DIRECTOR: Tracy Herlitzke
Phone: 608-786-4838
[email protected]

NORTH (CESAs #5, #9, #12)
Coordinator: Lynn Verage
Phone: 715-453-2141
[email protected]

WEST (CESAs #4, #10, #11)
Coordinator: Carol Zabel
Phone: 715-720-2145
[email protected]

CENTRAL (CESAs #2, #3, #6)
Coordinator: Jackie Schoening
Phone: 920-236-0515
[email protected]

EAST (CESAs #1, #7, #8)
Coordinator: Christine Kleiman
Phone: 920-617-5645
[email protected]
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October 2014

Safe and Healthy Updates
Youth Cigarette Use Down, Other Tobacco Product Use Up
Submitted by Christine Kleiman, Eastern Regional Coordinator


We don't see our youth smoking cigarettes much these days. In 2012, youth tobacco use was at an all-time low of 17% because of new laws and the cost of cigarettes. Yet, there is a second wave of creative product put out by the tobacco industry to "trick" or mislead our youth into continued tobacco use.


These Other Tobacco Products (OTP) are cheap to purchase and come in a wide variety of fun flavors. To learn more about these tobacco trends and products you can view our new OTP video on the Wisconsin Safe and Healthy Schools Website at:  http://www.wishschools.org/resources/tobaccoupdates.cfm

Marijuana is Addictive: Report Reveals Two Decades of Research

Adapted from CADCA.org

Public perception of marijuana use has greatly changed over the past few years, with many perceiving the drug as harmless. But a new 20-year study says quite the opposite.


Professor Wayne Hall of the University of Queensland, Australia released "What Twenty Years of Research on Cannabis Use Has Taught Us," in the journal, Addiction, highlighting the effect that marijuana use has on mental and physical health of adolescents and young adults. 


Adolescents who regularly use marijuana are likely to: 

  • Double their risk of having psychotic symptoms and disorders, especially if there is a family history of these disorders and if they start using marijuana in their mid-teens.
  • Not graduate or finish school, but it is unknown whether or not the link is causal.
  • Use other illicit drugs, but it is unknown whether or not the link is causal.
  • Double the risk of being diagnosed with schizophrenia or reporting psychotic symptoms in adulthood.

SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana) takes a public health approach to marijuana and offers many resources and legislative updates.  Find fact sheets, talking points, and more on:  http://learnaboutsam.org/

Parents Teaching Teens "Responsible Drinking" is a Myth

Parents who provide their teens with alcohol and a place to consume it may think they are teaching their children "responsible drinking." A new review of studies concludes this view is misguided. Researchers found parental provision of alcohol is associated with increased teen alcohol use.


In some cases, parental provision of alcohol is also linked with increased heavy episodic drinking and higher rates of alcohol-related problems, the researchers report in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. Read more

2014-2015 WISH Professional Development Opportunities

Please visit our website calendar often for updates and to register for events: www.wishschools.org.

School SBIRT Training*
  • October 22 & November 12 at CESA #2, Whitewater
  • October 27 & December 2 at CESA #4, West Salem
  • REVISED DATES: November 17 & January 13 at CESA #7, Green Bay
  • January 6 & February 9, 2015, at CESA #1, Pewaukee
Emerging Drug Trends
  • November 13,  CESA #3, Fennimore
  • November 14, CESA #5, Portage
  • January 30, CESA #6, Oshkosh
  • April 24, CESA #10, Chippewa Falls

PREPaRE Workshop 1

  • December 10 at Chula Vista Resort, Wisconsin Dells (Pre-conference BHSS)
  • January 30 at Mequon-Columbia St. Mary's Hospital

PREPaRE Workshop 2*

  • January 13 & 14, Rice Lake-Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College
  • January 21 & 22, CESA #7, Green Bay
  • March 11 &12, CESA #8, Gillett  
 Helping Students through Trauma & Loss
  • February 26 at CESA #10, Chippewa Falls
  • February 27 at CESA #9, Tomahawk 
  • March 24, CESA #8, Gillett
  • June 17 & 18, 2015, CESA #6, Oshkosh*
  • January-February, Cyberbullying- Words Wounds*, Online Book Study
  • Coming Spring 2015, Online AODA Course*

*Graduate Credit Available for fee through Viterbo University

All events are contingent on a minimum of participants.

Wisconsin Childhood Communicable Disease Chart Available from DHS

Wisconsin Safe & Healthy Schools Center | 608-786-4838 | [email protected] | http://www.wishschools.org
923 East Garland Street
West Salem, WI 54669

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