The Chimes Online
Federated Church of Ashland

118 Main Street

Ashland, MA 01721

Volume 6 Second EditionJuly 2014
What Do You Think?
Summer Office Hours
9:00AM to 12 Noon
Pastor Larry
Mon -Thurs
9:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Our Bible Study continues throughout the Summer.  We meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month in the church parlor at 6:00 pm
Come and Join us!


Larry 2013 

 From Larry's Desk...


Summer is here, as we can all tell as the temperatures have climbed into the upper 80's and touched upon 90 F today.  While we have had a Spring with some amazingly temperate weather, it seems that we cannot escape the heat of a New England Summer.  I know that the couple of tomato plants that I have growing in large pots outside my door love the heat!  If any of you are planning local vacation trips to some destination in and around New England, there will most likely be a pool or a lake or an ocean shore nearby where you or the kids or grand kids can cool off.

For some taking a break from Sunday worship, fearing that the church may be too hot, (perhaps a foretaste of hell?..ha ha ha..only kidding) might also be part of your summer routine.    We promise to try to keep fans in place, and the shutters closed during the week to keep heat of the sun out and the church as comfortable as possible. 

I would encourage you to make the effort to join us during the summer for Sunday worship if you are around.  Your presence is a sign of prayer and support for others who come to church on Sunday mornings.  While it is human nature to think of our own comfort or to give ourselves permission to stay at home during the summer, I want you to know that for many in our church, your presence and your prayers may make the difference in the lives of others of which you may not be aware.

If you are away on vacation, say a prayer for our church, as we will lift you up in prayer when we gather each Sunday morning this summer.


Larry Iannetti


The Pumpkins are coming!
Save the Date.  Oct 4th   


Family Promise NEWS


June 2014 Host week


I am sorry to be so late in submitting this to the Chimes. We hosted our first Family Promise week of the year the week of June 1 thru 7.

This was a bit of a new experience because Bill and Lois, who have basically run this program themselves for many years, were working to turn it over to a group of new coordinators. I'm glad to report that we all survived.


   We were very fortunate this time to have all two parent families who were all very nice, very appreciative and very willing to do the work that they are required to do each night. I think this was the youngest group that we have had but they all seemed to get along very well and the children played well together.

We also had some new people volunteer to help this week and some seasoned volunteers were willing to help in new ways.

   I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped in any way to make this hosting week a great success. I think that the work that is done by this ministry is summed up in a beautiful e-mail received from one of the Dad's on their final night with us.


" To all the volunteers,
We wish to extend our sincere thanks to all the volunteers who have passionately cooked, provided, supported, slept here with us. Indeed we have felt welcome and treasured.....
Every evening we would look forward to great smiles, people and food..... You have truly reflected a true picture of Christ. Thank you so much for your relevance to the community and most of all to us!!!!
You are such a strong pillar supporting us to a better family life!!!!
It's our prayer that God will reward you by granting you all the desires of your hearts!!!!!
Thanks again and God bless you!!!!
In Christ's Love,
Yusuf, Jane and Joviah"


   Please remember that we will be hosting again the week of August 24. As we all know this is a time that church attendance is very low. Please mark this week on your calendar and consider helping in any way you can. It is a very rewarding thing to do.


Linda Russo






Mon to Fri July 14-18th


Join us once again for another exciting, stupendous, fun, amazing, awesome time for Crafts, Games, Stories, Music, Snack, and all kinds of Activities while we all learn about God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit.


Our VBS program runs from 9:00 am to 12 Noon each day.  We will gather downstairs in the church Mon to Fri, July 14 to 18.  Our Coordinator is Kim Connor along with a team of volunteers.  


The cost is only $25 per child or $50 per family for children ages 4-12. 

Please call the church office at 508-881-1355 or stop by the office to pick up a sign up form and related medical release forms.

You mail email the office at [email protected] as well.

"Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belongs, they are weak but He is strong...Yes, Jesus loves me....." 

Click the Links



The Pumpkins Are Coming: 

Save the date!   Oct 4th  

 Thrift Shop News !
This summer the Thrift Shop is hoping to partner with the Ashland Farmer's Market which takes place each Saturday until September.  Hoping to take advantage of the additional crowds and foot traffic in down town Ashland.  the Thrift Shop will be open on Saturdays from 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM.  (It will be closed on Wednesdays during this period)   
The Thrift Shop will also serve as a temporary storage place for produce left over from the Farmer's Market (which does not require refrigeration) and will be picked up Monday mornings from distribution by the Ashland Food Pantry.
It is an example of the many ways in which members of our church help to serve the needs of those in our community .
A Special Congratulations to Yucchi Cote ( our Christian Ed. Coordinator ) and her husband on the arrival this week of their first child. 
Margaret "Daisy" Alaina Cote.   
Baby and mom are doing well.

This newsletter is produced by:

The Federated Church of Ashland

118 Main Street, (P.O. Box 26)

Ashland, Massachusetts, 01721


Church office is staffed M-F 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Linda Iarusso, Office Admin.

Rev. Larry Iannetti, Pastor


Telephone 508-881-1355     Office Ext. 21     Pastor  Ext . 25



[email protected]   or [email protected]



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