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The Chimes Online
 Federated Church of Ashland

118 Main Street

Ashland, MA  01721

Volume Two, 10th EditionNovember 2013 
A Note of Praise!
Join Us for a 
Bible Study
We gather in the Church Parlor the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 6 PM.  We have been following the Upper Room Devotional which is available at each meeting and is also available in the Church Office.  No prior knowledge is required.  It is informal and casual. Join us for a wonderful time of spiritual fellowship.
  All Are Welcome!


Office Hours


The Church Office is staffed Monday-Friday mornings from 9-Noon. 


Larry is in the office as usual, Monday-Thursday and is also available by phone as needed.  



As noted with the last edition of the Chimes-Online, we are testing it  as a way to reach out to members and friends of the Federated Church of Ashland with current and updated news and information about what is happening in our church, some stories and reflections that might inspire you, and to take advantage of the speed and convenience of electronic media, such as email.

Your thoughts and suggestions are encouraged, and any feedback on how we might improve or even articles of interest, are welcome.

It is hoped that we can  all become more familiar with the exciting things happening in our church, maybe inspire your involvement, and provide a means by which you can share this email with your family and friends.  Simply "forward" it by clicking on the link below.
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From LLarry 2013arry's Desk...


As I sit at my desk two day's before Thanksgiving and five days before the beginning of Advent, I am struck by all that has taken place since the October issue of The Chimes Online. 


Members of our church took a leap of faith and put in the effort to experiment with the Pumpkin Patch event which saw our from lawn covered with 100's of pumpkins.  The end result was that the Ashland community took notice ! The community turned out and in support of your efforts over $7,800 was raised, the proceeds of which went to support Native America tribes in NM, as well as brought in over $2,300 for our church in support of our church's ministry efforts.


Our 60th Annual Church Fair took place on Nov. 2nd, a beautiful Fall day, which saw the church filled with a host of volunteers, members and friends who staffed our booths and helped us raise over $5,400, again in support of our Church's ministries. 


This past Sunday a team of youth and adult volunteers made their annual trip to the food panty known as "A Place to Turn" in Natick, to buy groceries from monies given by our Missions offerings, and filled boxes of food to be distributed to needy families this Thanksgiving.


While our church's financial bottom line relies upon such events to sustain our operations, the true blessing comes from all of those who put in the time, the effort, the self sacrifice in support of the special and unique role that the Federated Church of Ashland serves in this community. 


When you give thanks on Thanksgiving, remember the blessing and true gift we are to one another as a church, where the Gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed not only in Word, but in Deed as well! 


Happy Thanksgiving and Blessed Advent ahead,    Larry





 Family Promise Update


We were able to host two families this past week as part of our participation in the homeless shelter program run by Family Promise Metrowest. One family was a single mother with two yping children, which included an infant child. The second family was made up of a husband and wife with and their two daughters. Through Family Promise the daughters have been able to remain in their home town school system to help minimize the disruption of being homeless at this point in their lives.

With gratitude we thank the following for their help -

Bedroom set-ups - Kathy Craib, Vauntina Franklin,Kathy and Shelby Howard and Bill Tougas

Dinner preparers - Sha'arei Shalom, Sal and Roe Tocco and friends, Lisa Colby, Kathy

Craib, Peg Daly, Vauntina Franklin, Larry Iannetti, Pam Dunham, Pat Adams, Eve DeJesus and Bill and Lois Tougas.

Overnight Hosts - Bill and Lois Tougas, Karen Wenzell
, Emily Wenzell, Kim Conner, Kathy Craib, John Ellsworth, Raman Krishnan, Alan Mancini, Pete and Linda Russo, and Tina Kingsbury.

Hot breakfast Saturday morning - Steve Howard

Donations of various food products (milk, bread, etc.) and desserts - Many in the congregation.

And last of all - Those who went home Sunday with a bag of sheets to launder.

Our next hosting date is June 1, 2014

Lois Tougas




The Covenant Tree


 On November 10th, during Sunday Worship, we took a few moments to reflect upon the new era which will be dawning for our church over the next two years.  With changes in demographics and our long term financial outlook, it is an opportunity to listen more intently to God's call for church as we look ahead.  Many of those present agreed to enter into a Covenant with one another, committing themselves to daily prayer for our church, regular attendance at Sunday Worship, ongoing participation in our mission outreach work, and as they are able to increase their stewardship giving. 


The individual Covenants were written upon leaves, which are now attached to tree which hangs upon our sanctuary wall.  It is by our mutual commitment to one another and this church that we will seek God's call and direction.  If you would like to add your name, there are Covenant leaves in the narthex as well as copies of the Daily Prayer for our church.  


60th Annual Church Fair
Thank you!!! Thank you!!!
Thank you to the many volunteers who made the 2013 fair such a success!!
As of today the total proceeds are
$ 5,434 !!
This was made possible by the many folks who donated items, worked in the rooms, advertised, or shopped. Together we ALL made it happen and thank you!!!



Our Members

11/1     Tamara Maswoswe

11/8     Bryan Rivas

11/10    Angelina DeBernardo

11/15    Arlene Ripley

11/23    Pam Dunham



12/13    Dave Hansen

12/14    Brett Walker

12/17    Bill Miles

12/17    Ricky Fonseca

12/25   Robyn Lester 

12/30   David Bethel

12/31    Laura Conner


 Happy Birthday to One and All !! 


If we missed your birthday it means we don't have it in our records, please call the church office and leave your information with Linda - thanks!


This newsletter is produced by:

Federated Church of Ashland

118 Main Street

Ashland, Massachusetts  01721


The Church Office is staffed Monday-Friday between 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Linda Iarussi, Office Manager

Rev. Larry Iannetti, Pastor


Telephone:  508-881-1355     Office: Ext. 21     Pastor: Ext. 25


Email: fcoa[email protected]    or     fcoa[email protected]


Calendar of Events


Adult Bible Study

Held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month @ 6:00 PM in the Church Parlor. Please join us anytime!



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