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The Chimes Online
 Federated Church of Ashland

118 Main Street

Ashland, MA  01721

Volume Two, 9th EditionOctober 2013 
A Note of Praise!
Join Us for a 
Bible Study
We gather in the Church Parlor the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 6 PM.  We have been following the Upper Room Devotional which is available at each meeting and is also available in the Church Office.  No prior knowledge is required.  It is informal and casual. Join us for a wonderful time of spiritual fellowship.
  All Are Welcome!


Office Hours


The Church Office is staffed Monday-Friday mornings from 9-Noon. 


Larry is in the office as usual, Monday-Thursday and is also available by phone as needed.  



As noted with the last edition of the Chimes-Online, we are testing it  as a way to reach out to members and friends of the Federated Church of Ashland with current and updated news and information about what is happening in our church, some stories and reflections that might inspire you, and to take advantage of the speed and convenience of electronic media, such as email.

Your thoughts and suggestions are encouraged, and any feedback on how we might improve or even articles of interest, are welcome.

It is hoped that we can  all become more familiar with the exciting things happening in our church, maybe inspire your involvement, and provide a means by which you can share this email with your family and friends.  Simply "forward" it by clicking on the link below.
Join Our Mailing List

The Fair Is Coming..NEXT WEEK !

If you haven't noticed, next Saturday, November 2nd is our church's

60th Annual Church Fair.

It is the singular event on our church calendar that encompasses the time, the talents, the resources and the involvement of almost everyone who considers themselves a supporter of our church.

As in years past there will be lots of do, lots to see, lots of fun stuff and lots to spend money on in support of the important work of our church in the town of Ashland.

Just some of the many "booths" include:

The Country Store

The Boutique

The Handicrafts

The Bake Sale

Candy Store

Homemade Fudge Shoppe

"New to You" (Flea market)

Art Sales

The Take Your Chance Raffle

Traditional Food and Sandwich Caf�

Thrift Shop

"Kids Place"

Join us for a day of fun and camaraderie, Sat. Nov. 2nd from 10pm to 3pm.

 See You There !


Beds Family Promise Update


We completed a very successful week in September providing meals and lodging for two homeless families   The make up of the families consisted of a father, mother and five children and a father, mother and two children.


The Family Promise Metrowest September newsletter contained a very special Thank You from Anthony and DeLiecia (age 6), a family for whom housing was provided last summer. Here is an excerpt...


Dear Family Promise and Volunteers,


It is from my deepest gratitude that I and my daughter DeLeica write you today. On June 12th of this year, my daughter and I found ourselves homeless!


In life, we stroll by homeless people and so often seem to become immune to their status in our society, never thinking that one day that would be me. I never thought that I, a hard working middle aged man, would join their ranks with a six year old precious little girl.


After researching my options for help, it was immediately apparent that I was not looking for a hand out, but a hand up. I felt my pride sink into my stomach when I walked into the Department of Transitional Assistance to ask for help. Unknowing to me, I found out that my daughter and I did not fit the criteria for the help they provided. After knowing this news, I was pained greatly as I walked out with my daughter as I did not know where we would sleep that night.

(Read the entire letter by clicking here:  )


We also owe a big thank you to those willing to sleep over. We had support from Bill and Lois Tougas, Kathy Craib, Raman Krishnan, Kim Conner, Laura Conner, Tom Colby, Pete and Linda Russo, and the Wenzell family (Dave, Karen and Emily).


Last of all we need to thank Kathy Craib, Ruth Hanning and Vauntina Franklin for their help in turning classrooms into bedrooms and Sue Wallace for coming in one evening to open the Thrift Shop to the families for free gifts of clothing.


There are many others that donate food and take home laundry at the end of the week and I thank all of you. It takes many willing workers to make this program a success. God Bless you.


Lois Tougas,

Meals and Food Coordinator


OUR NEXT HOSTING WEEK: November 17-24th



      Federated Church

   Pumpkin Patch


You can not have missed the piles of pumpkins spread across the front lawn of the church over the past week and a half.

On Saturday Oct 12th we received almost 500 pumpkins in addition to many "mini" pumpkins and a wide variety of gourds.  Despite a last minute delay, an army of volunteers arrived at 5:30 pm to unload the truck and set up our Pumpkin Patch. 

Over the past 10-12 days a number of very dedicated volunteers have carried the day and staffed our sales tent, interacting with the many families who came by to buys some pumpkins. At this point we have sold more than 75 percent of our pumpkins which will mean a big return for the Native American tribes who supplied the pumpkins not to mention some significant financial returns for our church in addition to some great camaraderie among our members and an effective outreach to the community.


If you haven't pick up your holiday pumpkin yet, you better hurry.  We also still need some volunteer to cover sales slots over the next week or so.  Please sign up after worship or call the church office.  Our success depends totally on your participation !


Click Here for Link to Additional Photos of  our Pumpkin Patch:      Photos of Pumpkin Patch 2013




Planned giving  

Leaving A Legacy

 How many of us have lived our lives with an awareness of the pivotal role that our church has played in it?  Whether through your attendance at Sunday worship, involvement with the many social and charitable events and activities offered by our church, bringing your children here for Sunday school, or youth group activities, your participation in the church choir, the deaconate, church council, as liturgist, the church fair or the whole host of ways that our church has enriched your life; you and your family were forever changed and supported by our church over the years.

 While so many of you have been generous in your support of our church over the years, have you given thought to the opportunity you have to support our church in the years ahead, even after your passing and you have joined the Lord in the next life?   As you make provisions for your final wishes, please consider leaving behind a legacy gift for our church, to assure the continuation of Christ's work here in Ashland. 

Making such a gift to our church as part of your final wishes, helps to endow our church with the kind of financial security which will not only provide the ongoing means by which the church continues its mission, but also leaves behind a lasting memorial of your life and your faith.

If you choose to include the Federated Church of Ashland in your estate plans, the standard legal wording for a specific dollar bequest is:

 "I give and bequeath to the Federated Church of Ashland, Inc., located at 118 Main Street, Ashland, Massachusetts, the sum of ______________________($__________)  for its use and purposes."

 For questions or more information, please contact Rev. Larry Iannetti, pastor. 



Our Members
October Birthdays


10/2    Christian Rieck

10/2    Ruth Norton

10/4    Cynthia Winterhalter

10/29  Arden Yorke


 Happy Birthday to One and All !! 


If we missed your birthday it means we don't have it in our records, please call the church office and leave your information with Linda - thanks!

This newsletter is produced by:

Federated Church of Ashland

118 Main Street, (P.O. Box 26)

Ashland, Massachusetts  01721


Church Office is staffed Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Linda Iarussi, Office Manager

Rev. Larry Iannetti, Pastor


Telephone: 508-881-1355     Office: Ext. 21     Pastor:  Ext. 25


Email: fcoa[email protected]    or     fcoa[email protected]


Calendar of Events


Adult Bible Study

Held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month @ 6:00 PM in the Church Parlor. Please join us anytime!



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