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The Chimes Online
Federated Church of Ashland

118 Main Street

Ashland, MA  01721

Volume Two, 7th EditionAugust 2013 
A Note of Praise!
Join Us for a 
Bible Study
We gather in the Church Parlor the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 6 PM.  We have been following the Upper Room Devotional which is available at each meeting and is also available in the Church Office.  No prior knowledge is required.  It is informal and casual. Join us for a wonderful time of spiritual fellowship.
  All Are Welcome!



Office Hours


The Church Office is staffed Tuesday-Thursday mornings from 9-Noon. 


Larry is in the office as usual, Monday-Thursday and is also available by phone as needed.  



As noted with the last edition of the Chimes-Online, we are testing it  as a way to reach out to members and friends of the Federated Church of Ashland with current and updated news and information about what is happening in our church, some stories and reflections that might inspire you, and to take advantage of the speed and convenience of electronic media, such as email.

Your thoughts and suggestions are encouraged, and any feedback on how we might improve or even articles of interest, are welcome.

It is hoped that we can  all become more familiar with the exciting things happening in our church, maybe inspire your involvement, and provide a means by which you can share this email with your family and friends.  Simply "forward" it by clicking on the link below.
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Larry 2013

from Larry's desk...



One of the most inspiring passages in the New Testament, is found in the Book of Acts:


"All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need. Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved." Acts 2:44-47


While scholars might debate whether the passage was an idealized account of the early Christian community, or whether it reflects an accurate description of the daily life of our forebears, it challenges us to take a look at ourselves, and our relationship to God, to one another and to our community at large.


Do we find that our hearts are filled with the spirit of generosity and good will toward others? Does our faith and our prayer life, if we have one, truly give praise to God? Are our lives and faith so inspiring that the Lord draws others to us as a church community, adding to our numbers?


Perhaps this Fall we can begin to take an honest look at ourselves and see if we carry within us hearts of goodwill and generosity, commit ourselves to prayer and praise of God, and see what the Lord might do in response.

Family Promise and the Federated Church

In a few short weeks we will once again be hosting Homeless Families..... as we have done before. 

It is both a wonderful mission of our church as well as a blessing for us all. 
As always the involvement, participation and generosity of all members of our church is essential for a successful week of hosting the families who will be relying upon us for a safe place to stay. 


The families will be arriving on Sunday, Sept 15th and be our quests until Sunday the 22nd.  Please consider volunteering to prepare a meal, be an evening or overnight host, or sign up to be part of our set-up or take-down teams.  

  As a church we thank those who step forward to help in the coordination of responsibilities, and we encourage everyone who considers this your church, to do your part in this important ministry to the homeless going forward.

Fair Church Fair News...
  The 2013 Annual fair is just 10 weeks away on Saturday November 1st!  Much work and planning needs to get done.  This is the one yearly event that everybody can be part of in some way.  Its a great way for us to prove that we ARE the "All Are Welcome Church" !


A planning meeting will be held in early September, (no date has been set) BUT - you can all put your thinking caps on and bring your ideas to the meeting.  We welcome all folks both new and returning volunteers.  We would like to utilize the whole building which allows for many more rooms to be filled with your ideas, so bring them on!


Some of the rooms that will be returning include the ever loved "New-to-You", LuncheonTheta Phi, Country Store, Thrift Shop, Books, Raffle Room (always looking for donations!), Fudge, Bakery, Hand Sewn Boutique (items by Melanie and Margot). We would like to see a "kids spot" return as well the Art from the many artist of our own congregation.  Our 2013 fair will follow our Pumpkin Patch Sales, which will be a huge attraction for the month on October and the week of the fair a Red Cross Blood drive, so we have all this extra ways of advertising!


Planned giving Leaving A Legacy


How many of us have lived our lives with an awareness of the pivotal role that our church has played in it? Whether through your attendance at Sunday worship, involvement with the many social and charitable events and activities offered by our church, bringing your children here for Sunday school, or youth group activities, your participation in the church choir, the deaconate, church council, as liturgist, the church fair or the whole host of ways that our church has enriched your life; you and your family were forever changed and supported by our church over the years.


   While so many of you have been generous in your support of our church over the years, have you given thought to the opportunity you have to support our church in the years ahead, even after your passing and you have joined the Lord in the next life?   As you make provisions for your final wishes, please consider leaving behind a legacy gift for our church, to assure the continuation of Christ's work here in Ashland.


  Making such a gift to our church as part of your final wishes, helps to endow our church with the kind of financial security which will not only provide the ongoing means by which the church continues its mission, but also leaves behind a lasting memorial of your life and your faith. 


  If you choose to include the Federated Church of Ashland in your estate plans, the standard legal wording for a specific dollar bequest is:


"I give and bequeath to the Federated Church of Ashland, Inc.,  located at 118 Main Street, Ashland, Massachusetts, the sum of ______________________($__________) for its use and purposes."


For questions or more information, please contact

Rev. Larry Iannetti, Pastor. 

Share Your Thoughts....


 How about sharing your thoughts...on our Church, on Faith, on Gratefulness, on Family, on Life or on the Cosmos.  Feel free to put into word your thoughts, jot them down and share them.   Email your thoughts to Larry for inclusion in a future Chimes.  (Please understand that the articles will be reviewed for their appropriateness.)



Our Members
August Birthdays


8/20   Doug Shelburne

8/24   Domenick DeBernardo

8/26   JJ Maswoswe

8/26   Sue Robertson 


 Happy Birthday to One and All !! 


If we missed your birthday it means we don't have it in our records, please call the church office and leave your information with Linda - thanks!

This newsletter is produced by:

Federated Church of Ashland

118 Main Street, (P.O. Box 26)

Ashland, Massachusetts  01721


During August the Church Office is staffed Tuesday-Thursday from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Linda Iarussi, Office Manager

Rev. Larry Iannetti, Pastor


Telephone: 508-881-1355     Office: Ext. 21     Pastor:  Ext. 25


Email: fcoa[email protected]    or     fcoa[email protected]


Calendar of Events


Adult Bible Study

Held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month @ 6:00 PM. Please join us anytime!


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