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The Chimes Online
Federated Church of Ashland

118 Main Street

Ashland, MA  01721

Volume Two, 3nd Edition

April 2013 
A Note of Praise!
Join Us for a 
Bible Study
We gather in the Church Parlor the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 6 PM.  We have been following the Upper Room Devotional which is available at each meeting and is also available in the Church Office.  No prior knowledge is required.  It is informal and casual. Join us for a wonderful time of spiritual fellowship.
  All Are Welcome!


Office Hours


The Church Office is staffed Monday-Friday mornings. 


Larry is in the office as usual, Monday-Thursday and is also available by phone as needed.  



As noted with the last edition of the Chimes-Online, we are testing it  as a way to reach out to members and friends of the Federated Church of Ashland with current and updated news and information about what is happening in our church, some stories and reflections that might inspire you, and to take advantage of the speed and convenience of electronic media, such as email.

Your thoughts and suggestions are encouraged, and any feedback on how we might improve or even articles of interest, are welcome.

It is hoped that we can  all become more familiar with the exciting things happening in our church, maybe inspire your involvement, and provide a means by which you can share this email with your family and friends.  Simply "forward" it by clicking on the link below.
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Larry 2013  

From Larry's Desk...


We human beings are an interesting lot when it comes to our beliefs around the value of life.   On the one hand we collectively gasped in horror as a nation when we heard the news of the tragic events in Newtown CT, where dozens of innocent school children and their teachers were gunned down.  Yet on the other hand as part of a state wide ballot initiative back in the Fall, we considered legalizing physician assisted suicide. 


In the aftermath of Newtown, the debate around assault weapons and the "right to bear arms" has been in the forefront of our political discourse.  While at the same time a new national initiative to study the brain has begun, in partial hope of finding a "cure" for the alzheimer type dementias which have risen 67% and which claim the lives of so many of our seniors. 


While these examples do not necessarily counterbalannce each other, it is evident that we vascilate between wanting to save, preserve and extend human life, and at the same time we seem to desparately want to do it on our own terms.   Does arming ourselves against "the boogie man", reflect how much we value life, or does seeking ways to expedite death through physician assisted suicide because there has been a decrease in the quality of our life.  These are but two of the many moral questions around "life" with which we must struggle.


Is there an answer to our fickled approach to life? Does our faith and trust in an ever-present, self sacrificing God, who willingly laid down his own life without raising a fist hold a message for us?  A Son who submitted to a Father out of faith, regardless of the consequences, a Christ who died on Good Friday, but through Faith, was raised again, to rule over the living and the dead, the first born among many!  If you want to wrestle with life's big questions, do so through the eyes of faith.


Delight In The Giving:
Stewardship 2013


It is Stewardship Season again, the time when we as a church family review and renew our financial commitment to our church and the many ministries which have come to define us.  This month we will be hearing stories from two members who will share their personal stories of encouragement and support for our church, on Sunday April 7and April 21. 


Our theme this year is "God loves it when the giver delights in the giving." 2 Corinthians:9:7.


God loves it when we give with joy. When we make a commitment to give and follow through with our commitment, it can give us a feeling of joy and goodness. Please sincerely consider making a pledge this year. If you have been pledging and/or regularly supporting the church financially, we and the entire congregation are grateful. We are also asking everyone to consider increasing their support this year.  We will be presenting our pledges on Dedication Sunday, April 28


In Love and Peace,


The Stewardship Committee - Tina Kingsbury, Lois Tougas, Irene Brown and Alan Mancini  


Our Habitat For Humanity Project April 6th is a GO!


If you have been following the news on the Chimes you probably have heard that members and friends of our church are planning to work on a Habitat for Humanity home building project this Saturday, April 6th.   We have an able bodied team of 14 voluneers who will work on the building site, at a project in Worcester.  The volunteers will meet at the church Saturday morning, with an expected departure time of 7:30 am that morning.   Our team consists of men and women from 16 years of age up to a few in their early 70's...even Rev. Larry is joining in as he helped finance his college education working for a building contractor throughout his college years.


In addition to our onsite labors we are fortunate to have a team of folks who are preparing food, beverages and refreshments for the workers.  Others from the church have already made financial donations which have totaled over $775 as part of our church's contribution to work of Habitat for Humanity.


Keep all involved in your thoughts and prayers this weekend.


Volunteer A Time to Step Up: 2013 Church Fair 


Each year our Annual Church Fair relies upon the generous and coordinated efforts of one of more persons to serve as our Fair Leader/s. The upcoming church fair in November 2013 is no exception.  If you or someone you know is interested, please leave a message with Linda in the Church Office. Thank you! 


Our Members
April Birthdays


4/13    Phyl Shelburne

4/18    Donna Miles

4/21    Sid Buma

4/22    Jane Woodward

4/24    Anna Bohn

4/29    Lois Tougas


 Happy Birthday to One and All !! 

  Family Promise HomelessnessMetrowest


We will be hosting the families from the Family Promise Metrowest program for one week starting Sunday, May 5.   The volunteer sign-up board will be in the sanctuary for three weeks beginning April 21. We always need help with set-up and take-down for the bedrooms, meals, food and sleeping over that week. If you have ever thought about helping out in that capacity, please let me know.


You may contact me at [email protected] or phone

508-881-1318 with any questions you may have. God bless you all in helping make this program a success.


Lois Tougas

Meals and Food Coordinator




Volunteer Training - Family Promise Metrowest Program


Family Promise Metrowest has scheduled a training program at our church Thursday, April 18 at 7 PM. It is a requirement that all volunteers receive formal training before participating in the program. This training is not limited to our congregation that evening. Most likely there will be participants from area churches attending as well.  The training is held twice a month at different locations within the network. No registration is necessary. Just show up! Many individuals in our congregation have received the training and now volunteer on a regular basis.   The program lasts approximately an hour and you will see a movie where interviews are held with previous guests (not in Ashland) about their experiences within the program. If you have thought about working with this rewarding organization, please plan to attend the program on the 18th. If you have any questions, please call me at 508-881-1318 or send an email to [email protected]. 


Lois Tougas



Annual Branch Meetings

April 21, 2013


American Baptist, United Church of Christ, United Methodist and Affiliated Branches


Our church's name as a "Federated" church comes from three historic church denominations, along with others, apart from those original denominational churches, who came together to form the Federated Church of Ashland in the early decades of the 20th century. 


Each year, members who identify themselves with those original denominations, which we refer to as "branches", along with those "affiliated" members, meet annually to review their branch membership, address denominational business and any other issues of importance to their respective "branch".    This year the meetings of the four branches of our church will be held on Sunday, April 21 immediately following the worship service. These meetings are held to appoint Deacons (three are required from each branch), elect officers, vote on transfers of non-participating active members to the inactive non-voting list and any other items that may be brought before the group.


 Everyine is encouraged to attend their respective branch meeting.



Lois Tougas, Clerk

Planned giving  
Leaving A Legacy


How many of us have lived our lives with an awareness of the pivotal role that our church has played in it? Whether through your attendance at Sunday worship, involvement with the many social and charitable events and activities offered by our church, bringing your children here for Sunday school, or youth group activities, your participation in the church choir, the deaconate, church council, as liturgist, the church fair or the whole host of ways that our church has enriched your life; you and your family were forever changed and supported by our church over the years.


   While so many of you have been generous in your support of our church over the years, have you given thought to the opportunity you have to support our church in the years ahead, even after your passing and you have joined the Lord in the next life?   As
 you make provisions for your final wishes, please consider leaving behind a legacy gift for our church, to assure the continuation of Christ's work here in Ashland.
  Making such a gift to our church as part of your final wishes, helps to endow our church with the kind of financial security which will not only provide the ongoing means by which the church continues its mission, but also leaves behind a lasting memorial of your life and your faith. 

  If you choose to include the Federated Church of Ashland in your estate plans, the standard legal wording for a specific dollar bequest is:


"I give and bequeath to the Federated Church of Ashland, Inc.,  located at 118 Main Street, Ashland, Massachusetts, the sum of ______________________($__________) for its use and purposes."


For questions or more information, please contact
Rev. Larry Iannetti, Pastor.  

This newsletter is produced by:

The Federated Church of Ashland

118 Main Street, (P.O. Box 26)

Ashland, Massachusetts, 01721


Church Office is staffed Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Linda Iarussi, Office Manager

Rev. Larry Iannetti, Pastor


Telephone: 508-881-1355     Office Ext. 21     Pastor  Ext . 25


Email: fcoa[email protected]    or     fcoa[email protected]


Calendar of Events


Adult Bible Study

Held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month @ 6:00 PM. Please join us anytime!


Lenten Prayer & Praise Services @ 7:00 PM Wednesdays, Feb. 20 - March 20


Palm Sunday, March 24th  

Our service will begin at 9:00 AM in the parking lot across from the Ashland Library (Weather permitting).


"Easter Happening" activities for children and their families and a delicious Brunch!


Maundy Thursday Service, March 27th @ 7:00 PM


Good Friday Service, March 28th @ 7:00 PM


Easter Sunday Service, March 31st @ 9:30 AM


Habitat For Humanity Project, Saturday, April 6th    

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