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The Chimes Online
Federated Church of Ashland

118 Main Street

Ashland, MA  01721

Volume Two, 2nd Edition
February 2013 
A Note of Praise!
Join Us for a 
Bible Study
We gather in the Church Parlor the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 6 PM.  We have been following the Upper Room Devotional which is available at each meeting and is also available in the Church Office.  No prior knowledge is required.  It is informal and casual. Join us for a wonderful time of spiritual fellowship.
  All Are Welcome!


Office Hours


The Church Office is staffed Monday-Friday mornings. 


Larry is in the office as usual, Monday-Thursday and is also available by phone as needed.  



As noted with the last edition of the Chimes-Online, we are testing it  as a way to reach out to members and friends of the Federated Church of Ashland with current and updated news and information about what is happening in our church, some stories and reflections that might inspire you, and to take advantage of the speed and convenience of electronic media, such as email.

Your thoughts and suggestions are encouraged, and any feedback on how we might improve or even articles of interest, are welcome.

It is hoped that we can  all become more familiar with the exciting things happening in our church, maybe inspire your involvement, and provide a means by which you can share this email with your family and friends.  Simply "forward" it by clicking on the link below.
Lenten Schedule
Each Wednesday
 Lenten Service in the Chapel, 7PM
March 10th, 5PM
Pot Luck Supper
Palm Sunday
March 24th 9AM gather in Montenagro Park for Procession with Donkeys leading up to
9:30 AM Palm Sunday Service
Maunday Thurs.
 March 28, 7PM to Commemorate the Last Supper and our Lord's Passion
Good Friday Service
7PM, a Multi-Media Service of Prayer and Remembrance
Easter Sunday
March 31, 9:30 AM Celebration with Worship and Song
of our Lord's Resurrection
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From Larry's Desk...


This has been quite the month when it comes to winter weather! After three weeks of weekend snowfall, which began with a blizzard the weekend of February 10th, it seems that many people have spent the month in hibernation. Sunday Worship was cancelled that first weekend and with snowfall the next two, our Sunday congregation has been reduced to the bravest of souls and or the hardiest of New Englanders. None the less, our church entered the Season of Lent, along with Christian churches around the world.


   With an Ash Wednesday Service on February 13th, we entered into a time traditionally set aside to deepen our faith, do some self examination around our failings, and to spend some additional time in prayer, and reflection. Perhaps you have considered joining us on Wednesday Evenings in the Chapel for a half hour Lenten Service, during this season. Perhaps you have chosen to give up something as a symbolic gesture of penitence or some self denial in order to intentionally focus your attention on God, or on others you might devote some time to "serve".


   Lent will continue for 40 days, as we recall our Lord's journey into the wilderness as a time to initiate his public ministry with a clearer focus on the mission on which God the Father had sent him. Unless we think that the life of a Christian is merely to be a spectator to the life and work of Christ Jesus, we too must come to recognize that we have been called by our Heavenly Father to our own life's work and mission. Our mission is strengthened and supported by our participation of the Spiritual life of our church, through our Sunday Worship, our time of fellowship, and our efforts to share in our community's time of prayer and service.


    Consider joining with us during any or all of the special opportunities offered during Lent and those soon to come during Holy Week: Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and of course culminating on Easter Sunday. 


As Jesus said,
"I stand at the door and knock, if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and eat with you and you with me." Revelations 3:20 
Cottage Meetings What happened to the report on the Cottage Meetings?
You might be asking that very question.  Well with the bad weather,  we had to cancel our meeting to in which we were reporting the results of Phase I and kicking off Phase II. With the winter weather and Lenten events ahead it seems best if we postpone that meeting to after Easter.  Watch for more details in the next edition of the Chimes.
Weather Emergency Information
If we need to cancel worship services due to inclement weather, please tune into Channel 7, WHDH, or check your email.   
Pot Luck Supper  

Bring a Friend and Share A Meal With Us


Besides Sunday Worship, there is no better opportunity for us to come together as a church family, than when we share a meal together.   The Hospitality Ministry is providing a wonderful opportunity to all of us to come together.     

     Pot Luck Supper on Sunday, March 10th 

 It will be an evening event, beginning at 5:00 PM in Fellowship Hall, and a casual opportunity for us all to come together enjoy some good food... (provided by the many great cooks/chefs in our church) ... and to spend some time together as a faith community.  It is rare that we get to spend time together without a lot of busy activity or responsibility and just be with the wonderful people who make up our church's congregation.


Consider signing up this Sunday after Worship by using one of the insert forms in our Sunday bulletin, or by calling the office and let Linda know what you plan to bring. 


The clocks will have been changed the night before, so at 5:00 PM it will still be light outside!  Remember we are the "All Are Welcome Here Church" and of course children are always welcome!

The Hospitality Committee is asking the congregation to bring one of the following...  
   An Appetizer, a Salad or a Main Dish or Dessert
If you would like to attend and cannot bring a dish, please plan to join us anyway, but please call the church office so we have a headcount.  Thank you!
Please Note: All Items need to be ready-to-serve. We will not be using the ovens to heat anything up. 

Our Habitat For Humanity Project April 6th


If you have been following the news on the Chimes you probably have heard that members and friends of our church are planning to work on a Habitat for Humanity home building project in just a few weeks, on April 6th.   With only a few weeks to go, we now need to formally ask people to sign up as volunteers for the project, so we will know what our labor force will look like. We are asking able bodied people, age 16 years of age or older to commit to being part of the church's team of volunteers who will work on the building site, at a project in Worcester, on Saturday, April 6th from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Volunteers will need to meet at the church, with an expected departure time of 7:30 am that morning.  


We need two types of volunteers; those who will work on site who are able bodied, and secondly those who will be part of our support team, providing lunches and refreshments for those working on site.


If you are planning on being part of this important project to help provide housing to two homeless families, please call the church office or see Larry after Sunday worship ASAP so we can finalize our team. Also, please note that our church is committed to providing a minimum of $750 towards the cost of materials for the project, so please feel free to make a financial contribution and put it in the collection plate over the next couple weeks. Make any checks out to the church, but specify Habitat for Humanity on the notation line or on the outside of the envelope. 


See Larry if you have any questions...


Planned giving  
Leaving A Legacy


How many of us have lived our lives with an awareness of the pivotal role that our church has played in it? Whether through your attendance at Sunday worship, involvement with the many social and charitable events and activities offered by our church, bringing your children here for Sunday school, or youth group activities, your participation in the church choir, the deaconate, church council, as liturgist, the church fair or the whole host of ways that our church has enriched your life; you and your family were forever changed and supported by our church over the years.


   While so many of you have been generous in your support of our church over the years, have you given thought to the opportunity you have to support our church in the years ahead, even after your passing and you have joined the Lord in the next life?   As
 you make provisions for your final wishes, please consider leaving behind a legacy gift for our church, to assure the continuation of Christ's work here in Ashland.
  Making such a gift to our church as part of your final wishes, helps to endow our church with the kind of financial security which will not only provide the ongoing means by which the church continues its mission, but also leaves behind a lasting memorial of your life and your faith. 

  If you choose to include the Federated Church of Ashland in your estate plans, the standard legal wording for a specific dollar bequest is:


"I give and bequeath to the Federated Church of Ashland, located at 118 Main Street, Ashland, Massachusetts, the sum of ______________________($__________) for its use and purposes."


For questions or more information, please contact
Rev. Larry Iannetti, Pastor.  

Volunteer A Time to Step Up: 2013 Church Fair 


Each year our Annual Church Fair relies upon the generous and coordinated efforts of one of more persons to serve as our Fair Leader/s. The upcoming church fair in November 2013 is no exception.  If you or someone you know is interested, please leave a message with Linda in the Church Office. Thank you! 


Our Members
March Birthdays


3-2     Patrick Daly

3-2     Keith Scotland

3-7     Jeffrey Rivas

3-10    Tina Kingsbury

3-15    Leslie Kendall

3-20   Meredith Daly

3-30   Nicole Wenzell

3-31    Benjamin Walker  


 Happy Birthday to One and All !! 


  Family Promise HomelessnessMetrowest


A Special Thanks to Our Volunteers!


Our Church hosted four families (5 adults and 7 children) the week of February 3rd - 10th who otherwise would have been homeless.


     If you remember, that week included a blizzard and all roads were closed for about 24 hours. Once I realized the families would most likely be spending Saturday night at the church, it became necessary to have two adults at the church continuously for almost 48 hours.


     Lisa Colby cooked the entire supper for Friday and delivered it to the church on Thursday evening for reheating on Friday. Bill and I and the Wenzells were at the church on Friday afternoon before the van arrived and the families were instructed to bring whatever personal belongs they would need in preparation for staying through Sunday morning.   Bill and I served supper Friday night and then went home for a good night's sleep.   Plans were made for us to return Saturday once our driveway was cleared. Karen came prepared with breakfast material (pancake mix, bacon and sausage) for a hot breakfast Saturday morning after sleeping over Friday night. Then Bill and I sent the Wenzells home and stayed from noontime on Saturday preparing lunch and supper and caring for the families and sleeping over.  


     Mark Heaton was diligent in making sure the driveway and walkways were clear so that the volunteers could come and go. The van came Sunday morning to deliver the families back to the day center in Natick. They were anxious to return in order to shower and do laundry in preparation for moving on to the Unitarian Universalist Church in Wellesley Hills Sunday afternoon.


With great gratitude we thank the following for their help...


Dinner Preparers - Sha'arei Shalom, Sal and Roe Tocco, Lois Tougas, Kathy Craib, Melanie Conner, Pam Dunham, Larry Iannetti, Lisa Colby, and Sue Lankton Rivas.


Desserts - Sha'arei Shalom, Linda Iarussi, Johana DeBernardo, Leah Lester, and Margot Ellsworth.


Overnight Hosting - Bill and Lois Tougas, Kathy Craib, Raman Krishnan, Tina Kingsbury, Sue Wallace, Kim Conner, Pete Russo, Vickie Mancini, Kendra Sampson from Framingham State University and Dave, Karen, and Emily Wenzell.


Set up and breakdown for converting classrooms to bedrooms - Kathy Craib, Vauntina Franklin and the senior high youth group.


Sue Wallace for opening the Thrift Shop for the families Wednesday evening.


Thanks to all who donated food, and took home laundry when the week was over. It takes many volunteers to make this program a promise


Our next hosting date is the week of May 8, 2013.


Lois Tougas, Meals Coordinator   

Easter Eggs                          
Hey Kids!!!!

We are gearing up for another fun year at Easter Happenings! Join us on Palm Sunday, which is Sunday, March 24th for a fun procession down Main Street where we follow along singing songs behind live donkeys! The kids will then join us for the service and later be dismissed upstairs for a morning full of fun filled activities! Some past activities have been sugar cookie decorating, craft making, egg dyeing, and the annual outdoor Easter Egg Hunt (weather permitting). Invite your friends, neighbors, and family members and come join us!


Plans are in the making for our yearly Children's Sunday in June, which will be held this year on Sunday, June 23rd. We are also developing our 3rd Vacation Bible School for a week in July. Please check back for more information.


Until then.....


Blessings, Devon

This newsletter is produced by:

The Federated Church of Ashland

118 Main Street, (P.O. Box 26)

Ashland, Massachusetts, 01721


Church Office is staffed Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Linda Iarussi, Office Manager

Rev. Larry Iannetti, Pastor


Telephone: 508-881-1355     Office Ext. 21     Pastor  Ext . 25


Email: fcoa[email protected]    or     fcoa[email protected]


Calendar of Events


Adult Bible Study

Held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month @ 6:00 PM. Please join us anytime!


Lenten Prayer & Praise Services @ 7:00 PM Wednesdays, Feb. 20 - March 20


Potluck Supper - Sunday, March 10th @ 5:00 PM


Palm Sunday, March 24th  

Our service will begin at 9:00 AM in the parking lot across from the Ashland Library (Weather permitting).


"Easter Happening" activities for children and their families and a delicious Brunch!


Maundy Thursday Service, March 27th @ 7:00 PM


Good Friday Service, March 28th @ 7:00 PM


Easter Sunday Service, March 31st @ 9:30 AM


Habitat For Humanity Project, Saturday, April 6th    

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