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The Chimes Online
Federated Church of Ashland

118 Main Street

Ashland, MA  01721

Volume Two, 1st Edition
January 2013 
A Note of Praise!
Ash Wednesday is February 13th.
Our Ash Wednesday Service will be at 7pm 
Join Us for a 
Bible Study
We gather in the Church Parlor the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 6 PM.  We have been following the Upper Room Devotional which is available at each meeting and is also available in the Church Office.  No prior knowledge is required.  It is informal and casual. Join us for a wonderful time of spiritual fellowship.
  All Are Welcome!


Office Hours


The Church Office is staffed Monday-Friday mornings. 


Larry is in the office as usual, Monday-Thursday and is also available by phone as needed.  Thank you!

As noted with the last edition of the Chimes-Online, we are testing it  as a way to reach out to members and friends of the Federated Church of Ashland with current and updated news and information about what is happening in our church, some stories and reflections that might inspire you, and to take advantage of the speed and convenience of electronic media, such as email.

Your thoughts and suggestions are encouraged, and any feedback on how we might improve or even articles of interest, are welcome.

It is hoped that we can  all become more familiar with the exciting things happening in our church, maybe inspire your involvement, and provide a means by which you can share this email with your family and friends.  Simply "forward" it by clicking on the link below.
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From Larry's Desk.... 


 Back in November, leading up to the holidays, many members of our church began a journey together by their participation in a series of "cottage meetings".  Forty-two of our members came together over several weeks, to share a little about themselves and what it is that draws them to our church.  The journey they began is part of a critical initiative for the Federated Church of Ashland.  As the demographics of our church has changed over the past decade, new challenges have arisen which will impact all of our members and friends.  The first phase of "cottage meetings" was an opportunity to begin to reacquaint us with each other and the diversity of people God has called to be part of this church.


For some of us those changes will mean less formality, fewer distinctions over responsibilities and roles within the church, and leaving behind unproductive and conflict ridden customs and practices which may have sapped and drained some of their enthusiasm and joy. But for all of us, the changes will mean that we need to take a public inventory of our ministries and our resources, as well as a personal inventory of what we bring with us on this journey in terms of our energies, our sacrifices and our capabilities.  In other words we must come together to acknowledge what inspires us and makes us distinctive, as we listen for God's call, and assess our willingness and capacity to respond to that call. 


On Sunday February 10th, after Sunday worship you are invited to share in a brunch during which I will share some of the results of those initial "cottage meetings" and roll out a second phase of meetings.  During the second phase of meetings, members and friends will once again gather in people's homes to continue the discussion. This time with new faces, new voices and with an emphasis on God's call for us as a church.


I hope that we can increase the number of participants, and hopefully engage each person who calls this place their church.  Everyone is invited to join us whether you are a formal member or friend, active or inactive, as these meetings are not business meetings, but rather a gatherings of good people who love this church and want to join us on this journey of ours.  





 Cottage Meetings



family promise

Family Promise Metrowest


We will be hosting the families from the Family Promise Metrowest program for one week starting Sunday, February 3rd.   The volunteer sign-up board will be in the sanctuary for three weeks beginning Sunday, January 13th.   We always need help with set-up and take-down for the bedrooms, meals, food and sleeping over that week. If you have ever thought about helping out in that capacity, please let me know.


Since our last hosting date in November, LaDawn and her son Matthew, age 8, moved into their own apartment Dec. 22nd. Some of you may remember celebrating Matthew's birthday when they were with us in May. God has provided a home for LaDawn because of the generosity of 15 host congregations and 23 support congregations in the Metrowest area responding to his call to serve others.


You may contact me at [email protected] or phone

508-881-1318 with any questions you may have. God bless you all in helping make this program a success.


Lois Tougas,

Meals and Food Coordinator


Brown Bag Sunday
this past weekend.

Our church has whole heartily embraced the needs of families in our community who are in critical need of help with food and groceries, due to financial hardship and situations often beyond their control.


In looking back at the generosity of our congregation throughout 2012, it is a blessing for us all to see how much food and groceries were donated on Brown Bag Sundays. Based upon rough calculations, members of our church contributed bewteen 1200 and 1400 lbs. of food and groceries!   This past Sunday alone we collected 165 Lbs of food and groceries...THANKS


It has been suggested that this year we challenge ourselves to see if we can make that figure 2000 lbs., or in other words, a TON!   We will keep a running total as we begin 2013, and see if your generosity can be stretched a little bit further in reaching that goal.


While not always in the headlines, the need for food and basic groceries continues to increase. Many here in Ashland must rely upon your generosity to feed their families.   Unemployment and poverty leave many without basic necessities.  Thank you to so many our generous support in taking care of one another, as it is our call as Christians.  



 From the Deacons....


Well, we had a wonderful Advent Season and the Children's Christmas Pageant was one of the best that I can remember. When Nicole came out with a real baby Jesus, my heart almost leapt through my chest.  


Our Christmas Eve Service was very uplifting. Do you know we raised over $700 for the Retired Minister's Offering?


The Sunday after Christmas was the day of the big snowstorm. We were open that day, walks were cleared and the driveway was plowed, but attendance was very low. Doug was sick and Larry was on vacation, but Pam had a truly inspiring message she shared with us. So inspiring I felt the need to share with everyone. Please click on this link to read her message  Deacons Message - December 30, 2012 


Even though Christmas has just ended, we are already gearing up for Lent. We will be having our Wednesday night services, lead by the various ministries of the church, every week starting with Ash Wednesday, February 13th and culminating on Holy Week with the Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services. We will discuss this further in the next couple of weeks.


I would personally like to thank all who helped with the shelter meals and the Christmas parties at both the men's and women's houses. They were a huge success. The Theta Phi Delta's donated gift certificates to the thrift shop and we also had many hats, scarves and gloves, most of which came off of our mitten tree.


Remember to tell all your friends...All Are Welcome Here,


Mark Heaton

Chair of Deacons

Help the Federated Church Build A House !


You are invited to help us build a house.Yup, a house!



Our church will be participating
in a Habitat for Humanity Project on Saturday April 6th in Worcester, MA.   The house is part of a duplex which will provide low cost housing to an otherwise homeless family.   We are seeking help build, to help cleanup, prepare meals for the volunteers from our church,  and in preparation, to help us raise a minimum of $750 to offset some of the construction costs.


Construction volunteers must be at least 16 years of age.  In order to use power tools the volunteers must be 18 years of age or older. 


Those between 14 and 16 are welcome to help with landscaping, cleanup
and general tasks around the site.

 In advance of the project date our church will be seeking both your help and your contribution  in order to raise a minimum of $750.    You may contribute by baking items for up coming bake sales, buying baked good and of course by cash donations for special collections. 


Please see Larry, or email him at:  [email protected]. or call him at 508-881-1355,  if you, your family or friends can commit to participating in our effort to Help Us Build A House on Saturday April 6th! 


Click this link for more information about Habitat and about this project in particular:  Click Here for Habitat Project



Our Members
February Birthdays


2-13    Henry Carlson

2-18    Nancy Hansen

2-19    Elaine Bethel

2-19    Doris Buma

2-24    Muriel Mayotte  


 Happy Birthday to One and All !! 

Council Notes


The Council is finding that life has gotten a lot calmer since Larry has been here. We are working, but the stress level is down.


We are involved in planning a Mission's Project. We have folks returning to services and that is glorious news. There are also new families joining us. Thank you, Lord.


On Sunday, January 13th most of the congregation was awed by the wonderful voice of Colin, Our Minister of Music. His voice is a gift. We are blessed.


Our Missions Committee is an absolutely incredible group. Mark, you are amazing. You feed lots of people with the help from others in our superb congregation. Do you think we can collect a TON of food in 2013 on Brown Bag Sundays?


The C.E. Committee and kids were grand in the Christmas Pageant. Thanks to all of you.


The 2013 Fair will need new leadership; someone with energy and imagination. Lois will need help with providing meals and scheduling overnight volunteers for Family Promise (IHN).


Your help is needed, whether it's just a meal or serving on a committee. See what you can do.


Thanks to all of you who have given time, energy and encouragement to each other. It is an amazing thing to watch the new life and excitement felt in all that you do.


Margot Ellsworth, Chair of Council  

This newsletter is produced by:

The Federated Church of Ashland

118 Main Street, (P.O. Box 26)

Ashland, Massachusetts, 01721


Church Office is staffed Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Linda Iarussi, Office Manager

Rev. Larry Iannetti, Pastor


Telephone: 508-881-1355     Office Ext. 21     Pastor  Ext . 25


Email: fcoa[email protected]    or     fcoa[email protected]


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